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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. two LA vets try a new meta! It's been forever since i've done this so bear with me. FE13 Max stats. Espinosa's team Unit HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res acc avo crt Assassin!Sayri 80 41 29 49 47 44 31 31 95 92 24 Sorcerer!Henry 80 31 45 40 40 43 42 43 79 82 20 Assassin!Gaius 80 41 29 50 48 43 30 30 96 93 25 Assassin!Espinosa 80 39 29 50 50 44 31 30 97 97 25 Manakete!Tiki 80 40+11 34+6 35+5 36+4 47 41+13 42+9 83 83 20 VS Elieson's Team! Unit HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res acc avo crit Sorceror!Libra 80 30 45 39 40 44 41 45 80 82 19 Assassin!Lon'qu 80 40 30 51 49 45 29 28 99 96 25 General!Kellam 80 51 30 42 33 43 53 35 84 71 21 Berserker!Vaike 80 53 28 36 45 44 34 28 76 89 18 Sorceror!Robin 80 29 44 37 44 47 40 44 79 89 18 Note that i'm not including skills that augment stats like Lancefaire or Def+2 in character stats. Skills have been hidden in all the other metas, i'll keep them hidden here unless you guys think otherwise. I also think you guys overlooked something hilariously broken but i'll keep quiet until the end of the match. (92) Elieson is first to act!
  2. Definately. voted Eirika mode even though it'll be easier, getting units earlier in these runs is always more fun, it's not as interesting seeing a super overlevelled Joshua and Forde just kill everything. At least you get Saleh and Tana a bit earlier on Eirika route.
  3. i could host if you give me until thursday, on holidays cleared my cache and the portraits are fine now, just some rogue COOKIES I guess.
  4. just posting to say that most of the portraits in the other post are broken. I don't have a lot to contribute to the FE13 meta, I don't think it'll be very interesting
  5. I think that's more because of reclassing. Nosferatu Linde is pretty good in FE12 and Nosferatu Robin is technically still a magic user in FE13, along with other good classes like Dark Knight and Dark Flier.
  6. If he's paired (or has no items) he starts with an iron lance. He keeps all his items if he's unpaired. He'll have the iron lance regardless, so whatever item is in the last item slot will go to his storage.
  7. As far as LTC goes, magic has always been the easiest way to clear enemies anyway. I don't think it'll be a huge deal. I quite like the change though, although it means magic is likely going to be super strong again. Also a buff to thwomps because they didn't double anyway
  8. Leave Cuan with nothing. Altenna doesn't need any inheritance/money. Fin can take the Silver Lance since he's promoted, might as well get items as early as possible. If Fin ends up falling in love with Lachesis, you still get the Silver Lances earlier if you don't pass it down anyway. You could toss a silver sword on Ethlin too, and maybe a defence/speed ring. Leaf likes either one of them. Unpaired Fin can take a bunch of lances (spare steels, javelins, irons, silvers) to sell and just get earlier in the generation. Like said earlier, it's better to pass down the Hero Lance to Fee via Fury. You could just load her storage with all the lances too instead of Fin, since Fin doesn't really need money.
  9. Duessel. He's good for the phantom ship, and then he's just a 6 move unit that's mediocre offensively.
  10. I blame SHIN I've played up to the NEXT TRADE i've just been too lazy/busy to update.
  11. bartre gets doubled by stuff now (he still has 3 speed I think) and Dorcass just kind of sucks. If I need a mount for something (probably next chapter because Legault is stupid) they'll get deployed, but otherwise they're just filler. Don't have high hopes for them promoting.
  12. DEATH TO LEX I think it's good that you at least get the warp staff. It'd get kind of boring if we killed all your resources.
  13. Class Name: Master Knight Appeared in: FE4 Usable Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances, Bows, Fire Magic, Wind Magic, Thunder Magic, Staves, Light Magic (technically) Personal Weapons: None Class Skills: Pursuit Base stats: broken Characters able to be class changed into this class: Leaf, Lachesis Nothing will ever compare.
  14. sorry about the delay, here's chapter 18x in three turns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDPzOLkqvEo&feature=youtu.be Legault actually looks pretty decent. not as decent as this, however.
  15. man, I never even thought about you losing the items they had in their inventory, good catch. where's the next poll
  16. he'd only lose like 8 units that way it's not enough suffering, especially if Fin/Cuan/Ethlin tank one
  17. death to ethlin, death to return, death to light sword
  18. just blick him with sigurd this should be hilarious though, although if you let the audience sacrifice dudes it's going to turn into effectively a Sigurd solo ft. Ardan and Azel until Azel promotes.
  19. Aideen x Fin - I honestly don't care so I just picked Fin, Midir/Jamka are better but I like Lester capramming luck super fast. Ayra x Noish - Overkill is the best kind of kill Lachesis x Fin - Fiiiiiiin Sylvia x foreveralone - fat shota sigurd too strong. I like Sylvia x Lex though. Fury x Levin - Canon too good. Tiltyu x Ardan - it's like Lex without elite but with more Ardan, and who doesn't want more Ardan Briggid x Beowulf - I dunno, gives Faval huge HP, Strength, and Charge.
  20. all I know is training the karp wasn't worth it. [spoiler=SILPH CO + CYCLING ROAD] wow, something actually good i'm running out of bad fast food chicken places WORTH IT Fly really is pretty good ingame. WHAT the trainers are hax NO NOT WEEZING how to cope with RAGE poison types are actually so good against my team, it's kind of annoying i never remembered random trainers having good pokemon i think it should be "McChicken?" oh my god, almost oneshotted so.... good... I FOUND YOU KOJIMA it all comes full circle. i like how falling asleep made him stop blocking the door. IT BEGINS OUTPLAYED, EXPLODING WEEZING seriously fuck off, this was after Fearow dodged one selfdestruct with Fly WELCOME BACK sometimes I really want to. the scientists are honestly the best rockets. WOW YOU GET TO STUDY POKEMON IF YOU HELP TEAM ROCKET BUT NOT IF YOU WORK AS A SCIENCE MAN? oh shit, I forgot about this uhhh shiiit shiiiit so INTIMIDATING man, Gary's team is so much better than all the other Rival's teams. seriously, this room full of Silph employees that are like HELP ME has a phone SO MUSCLE man Gyarados's level up moves are SHIT the BIG MAN HIMSELF his team is still all weak to fighting though. i also got the LOLRUS, its from Silph Co, so I could still get a hitmonchump from the dojo. where I almost died hitmonlee's the real mvp SO HE'S MINE NOW also I have to stop and wait for SHIN to finish Silph co, the TRADE is coming up.
  21. Happy Birthday, you should changed your OVERVIEW because you're not 22 anymore. Have a great day.

    1. Jedi


      OH RIGHT. Thanks hahaha

  22. Yeah, I agree with the Alec/Noish deal, they kinda suck, last few drafs I've done have been Sigurdless. And the option is there if people want to promote Aideen and have her clear the arena in chapter 1. It's an option, not a requirement.
  23. I've been poking away at an FE9 draft, and the thought came to me today that a draft of FE4 that limited how far certain characters could go in the arena might be a way to better balance it, since they'd lose some exp and a LOT of gold (this really hurts Sigurd) and makes money management much more valuable, and is similar to the fe9 bexp limit. I've put together a halfass chart that's open for discussion for those interested. UNIT C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 SIGURD -- 03 03 07 07 NOISH 03 05 07 07 07 ALEC 03 05 07 07 07 ARDAN 07 07 07 07 07 CUAN 03 05 07 -- -- ETHLIN 07 07 07 -- -- FIN 03 05 07 -- -- LEX 03 03 04 06 07 AZEL 07 07 07 07 07 MIDIR 03 05 07 07 07 AIDEEN 07 07 07 07 07 DEW 07 07 07 07 07 AYRA 07 07 07 07 07 DEIRDRE 07 07 07 07 07 JAMKA 07 07 07 07 07 HOLYN -- 07 07 07 07 LACHESIS -- 07 07 07 07 LEVIN -- 07 07 07 07 SYLVIA -- 07 07 07 07 FURY -- 05 07 07 07 BEOWULF -- 05 07 07 07 BRIGGID -- -- 07 07 07 CLAUDE -- -- 07 07 07 TILTYU -- -- 07 07 07 ------------------------ UNIT C7 C8 C9 C10 CE CELICE 03 03 03 005 07 LANA 07 07 07 007 07 LAKCHE 07 07 07 007 07 SKASAHAR 07 07 07 007 07 OIFAYE 03 05 07 007 07 DELMUD 03 05 07 007 07 LESTER 05 07 07 007 07 JULIA 07 07 07 007 07 FEE 04 06 07 007 07 ARTHUR 05 07 07 007 07 JOHAN 07 07 07 007 07 JOHALVA 07 07 07 007 07 SHANAN 07 07 07 007 07 PATTY 07 07 07 007 07 LEAF 03 05 05 007 07 NANNA 05 07 07 007 07 FIN 07 07 07 007 07 ALESS 03 05 05 007 07 LEEN 07 07 07 007 07 TINNY 07 07 07 007 07 FAVAL -- 07 07 007 07 SETY -- 07 07 007 07 HANNIBAL -- -- 07 007 07 CORPLE -- -- 07 007 07 ALTENNA -- -- 07 007 07 Normal drafting rules would still apply. Thoughts? Edit: oh my god my phone broke the table EDIT EDIT: Fixed
  24. nah, i caught some BROS, i'll post my current team I guess. if I had to use my BENCH i'd be in trouble
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