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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Finished Chapter 2. Sleep Staff Castle to Agusty - 5/66 turns Cuan had the shield ring, so he took negligible damage from all off Zyne's mooks, then almost got killed because I forgot Zyne himself had a horseslayer. Fury was recruited without Penalty, thanks to Midir, who sat next to Aideen for almost the entire chapter. Fury grabbed Cuan's Hero Lance because he was fine with Silver + Pursuit, and cleared the arena. Cuan ended up killing Shagall too. MIDIR IS FOND OF AIDEEN. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES ITEMS Sigurd 26.00 58 24 0 26 23 18 19 8 Silv. Sword, Javelin, Skill, Barrier, Speed, Return Cuan 22.81 53 24 0 16 18 8 23 4 Silv. Lance, Javelin, Pursuit Midir 06.63 33 14 0 9 16 4 10 0 Steel Bow Beowulf 15.21 42 18 0 15 11 4 14 0 Steel Sword, Hero Sword, Armourcutter Sylvia 01.80 28 3 0 4 12 6 1 5 Slim Sword Fury 11.18 34 11 1 12 19 8 9 9 Hero Lance, Light Sword, Slim Lance Chapter 3 - 18/84 Turns Agusty to Madino - 4/70 Turns Sigurd and Cuan ran north, and killed everything in their way. Sigurd killed the boss with a silver sword blick.
  2. Chapter 5 - 6/31 Turns Oh god, curate Roshea. Marth ran to the boss, then killed him. Got held up on the bridge for a turn because Bord couldn't ORKO an archer. Merric as a cav recruited Wendall. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Jesus 14.87 28 13 0 11 16 15 9 0 B Sword Barst Slug 06.85 25 11 0 7 4 6 14 0 E Lance Bord Merc 06.82 20 9 0 13 12 4 7 0 E Sword Julian Thief 05.98 19 5 0 7 13 9 4 0 E Sword Sedgar Horseman ??/01.19 20 6 1 6 7 2 6 2 D Bow E Sword Roshea Curate 04.00 21 1 1 4 5 4 4 6 E Staff Wendall Sage ??/01.52 22 3 4 2 12 1 5 5 B Tome D Staff
  3. Oops, I've been sitting around thinking it was someone else's turn. Navarre. Also, Cain is still in the unit list in the OP.
  4. I restarted, but got the some turncounts. I couldn't find my old save file :/ Chapter 13x - 8/24 Turns Eliwood tried to solo the south, but he kept getting hit, so he got minimal exp. Hector went for the village, Marcus for the boss. No undraftees were attacked in the completion of this chapter.
  5. Chapter 2 - 28/66 Turns Evans to the first castle - 10/48 Turns Siggy's sword is near 50 kills, which is good, because dickface with the shield ring would be tough without it. The first castle to dickface - 7/55 Turns Turns out Cuan makes short work of him with a Hero Lance. Siggy recruited Beowulf, and got the elite ring before seizing. Dickface to Sleep Staff - 6/61 Turns Deirdre warped people back, the entiry Agusty and Sleep staff's dude suicided on Sigurd, who critblicked the boss, then seized.
  6. Bingo. Although Claude might use it better.
  7. Even though I've started, I'll do the same. Sigurd - Jesus on wheels Deirdre - Hopefully she will do something more than silence Sandima... but my hopes are not high. Claude - I actually just noticed he was free! Tiltyu - WRATH/PURSUIT/ELITE BITCHES Draftees: Cuan - Will be awesome till he leaves. Will get pursuit halfway through chapter 2, till the end of chapter 3. Sylvia - I think this was kinda risky, hopefully it works out. Fury - Have the Hero Lance from chapter 3 onwards, and fly to boot. Beowulf - HERO SWORD GO Midir You have pursuit? And a Hero Bow? Maybe you're not so bad.
  8. Prologue 13/13 Turns Chalphy to Jungby - 6/6 Turns Not going to abuse 2 points of strength on Siggy for a 5 turn clear. Jungby to Evans - 7/13 Turns Stupid Hand axe fighters and bowfighters got in the way too much, and Cuan was to hurt to help out. Midir got the speed ring village. Stats after Chapter 1 Arena: Sigurd saving a full clear for later, stopped at the axe armour, Cuan cleared it, Midir couldn't beat the speedring mage. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES ITEMS Sigurd 13.24 44 17 0 16 14 9 11 3 Silv. Sword, Javelin Cuan 09.50 39 19 0 12 14 6 13 4 Steel Lance, Javelin Midir 06.63 33 10 0 7 12 3 8 0 Iron Bow, Speed Ring Also, Cuan is getting Ardan's pursuit ring, because every other member of my team (sans Tiltyu) has Pursuit. Chapter 1 - 25/38 Evans to Genoa - 5/18 Turns Sigurd rush blargh. Cuan kills Kinbois. Midir sits on a forest and prays. Cuan kills most of the rest of Kinbois group. Aideen and Dew run like hell. Genoa to Marpha - 6/24 Turns Might have lost a turn recruiting Aira, but I think the Hero Sword was worth it. Marpha to Verdane - 14/38 Turns Some of the bandits had 0 hit on Sigurd and decided not to attack him in the chokepoint, then Sigurd couldn't ORKO the boss, and Cuan/Midir/Deirdre were out of reach. Deirdre dodged 4 hunters at 3 HP! Thank you Prayer! Stats after arena.
  9. I wondered that too actually. They have pretty much the same avaliablilty (Aira isn't doing anything in chapter 1) and Holyn has a level lead :/
  10. There are names from the older ones thrown in there all over the place, there's the Chapter 1 boss of FE1/3/11 Gazzack in the first arena (IIRC) and there's even a dude called Mario somewhere.
  11. Generally, Hawkeye is better, but once Dart gains some speed (he has a very high growth, but bad Con and base speed) he's a wrecking ball. He has an expensive promotion item though.
  12. I don't know what I'm doing either. And I'll keep Jeorge. Most of the rest of the cast looks pretty scrubby anyhow.
  13. Ogma will hit super hard, be as slow as balls, and have massive HP, while Draug will have mediocre strength and HP, but will double reliably. I hate Warrior Ogma.
  14. Hp - 5 Str - 4 Skl - 3 Spd - 4 Lck - 0 Def - 4 Res - 3 Con - 4
  15. It's hard, but possible to recruit Matthis without losing turn (unequipped Marth GO) but Bord... uh, yeah.
  16. She does rock with the Hero Lance though. IIRC Noish and Alec can use it upon promotion, but that won't happen until chapter 5 probably, and they don't fly. And Sigurd can use the Hero Lance too.
  17. The only knock on Prissy's combat is she starts with only Fire, whereas Serra has access to Shine, which gives more weapon experience which might allow her to have access to the bad high level light tomes. Not that it takes long for Prissy to get to Thunder anyhow.
  18. I can drafting for myself now, thanks Darros. And I can see Lex, but why Fury? Being a flier in this game isn't as good as other games. She only really helps in killing those annoying meteor chodes in chapter 5.
  19. Don't give him any stat boosters. His bases will hold up until around chapter 16. Even then, he can ridersbane stuff.
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