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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Read! Marcus (Only when forced, up to and including chapter 15). Even though he's forced only until 14.
  2. Ok, I get it now, makes sense. Pent is hax.
  3. What are you saying when you say this? I don't get. And the Warp Staff is in Cog of Destiny.
  4. Chapter 31x 6/168 Turns The rules say all gaidens except 23 an 28x are required so... Here I am. I bought stuff and Nino went to the arena. Chapter 32 5/173 Turns Another fun warping with Pent chapter, Eliwood rescued Hector, and was warped. Pent rescued by Farina. Eliwood moves forward, drops Hector, they counter kill a bunch of stuff. Turn 3, Pent is dropped on the other side of the mountain, where the eclipse druid is normally. Turn 4, Eliwood is warped over, hits Limstella 4x with a brave lance. Turn 5, Eliwood finished, Hector is warped over, and seized. The others did random stuff, Nino soloed the bottom of the map, Sain and Dorcas the top. Vaida did some stuff as well, killed some wyverns. Didn't reach Renault in time, so no Fortify :( Chapter 32x 2/175 Do able in 1 turn if I had warped Vaida into Kishuna's cell, but I wanted to Hammerne warp before light. Warped Farina into Kishuna's cell with a killer lance, crit him on turn 1, beat up a bunch of guards, finished Kishuna on 2 after repairing warp. Light Pt. 1 3/178 Turns Not revealing how I did this till everyone finishes. Light Pt. 2 1/179 Turns Luna Crit, followed by Durandel and Armads. Good night. Final stats: Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 20/8 17 44 24 20 18 9 23 12 S Axe D Sword B Eliwood Eliwood 20/20 - 52 27 15 24 23 15 10 A Sword S Lance B Hector Dorcas 20/12 01 57 22 19 8 15 11 11 S Axe E Bow Sain 20/20 00 52 25 17 21 16 11 10 S Lance C Sword B Axe Ninian GTFO'd Farina 20/16 80 55 23 18 27 28 15 23 S Lance E Sword Pent ??/20 - 39 20 23 19 19 15 20 S Anima A Staff A Louise Nino 11/11 69 31 16 18 22 20 10 18 A Anima E Staff Vaida ??/16 61 48 23 22 17 12 25 6 S Lance A Sword Thoughts on characters now... Hector Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ovr Hector 20/8 17 -1 +2 +3 +1 -1 +1 +1 +6 Blessed early on, capped level early, then didn;t do a whole lot. Huge member of team early on. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ovr Eliwood 20/20 - = +3 -9 +1 -1 -3 -6 -14 WTF Eliwood, -14? Anyway, Eliwood, was absolutly awesome, getting blessed in Strength and speed. His ability to rescue Hector was great too. Dorcas 20/12 01 +3 -2 -1 -3 +1 -2 +4 = Jesus christ, you sucked. Early on, the only time I needed you, you were strength screwed. And when Dorcas is speed screwed.... You're doin' it wrong. The biggest disappointment. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ovr Sain 20/20 00 +1 = -1 +2 +1 -4 +2 +1 An absolute monster midgame. Was overshadowed by Farina and even Vaida eventually. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ovr Farina 20/16 80 -1 = -4 +3 +7 -3 +2 +4 Wasn't awesome by any stretch, but didn't do anything overwhelmingly significant that Vaida couldn't have done, other than exist for a few more chapters. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ovr Pent ??/20 - -1 -2 = -3 = = = -6 What a badass. His warping skills saved me many, many turns. MVP. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ovr Nino 11/11 69 +1 +1 +2 +2 +4 +1 +1 +12 Cool. She was good while she lasted. I'm suprised she even promoted. Vaida ??/16 61 +1 = +2 +2 -1 +3 -1 +6 Lategame flying utility is always nice. So is being indesctructible.
  5. Chapter 27 7/125 I hate Jerme's Map. However, I was incredibly impressed by prowess here. Pent used the unlock staff, and I had an excess of door keys, so I used most of them here. Sain pwned Jerme on Turn 5/6. Dorcas and Eliwood solo'd the north, while Hector, Farina, Pent and Ninian solo'd the bottom. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 20 00 35 20 16 12 7 19 3 A Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 20/7 25 41 20 11 20 17 10 8 A Sword C Lance C Hector Dorcas 20/4 63 50 20 14 7 14 11 9 S Axe E Bow Sain 20/14 30 48 25 15 20 15 10 9 A Lance C Sword D Axe Ninian 4 23 17 0 1 14 11 5 6 Farina 20 00 32 14 16 17 16 12 16 A Lance Pent ??/10 55 35 18 22 17 15 12 17 S Anima A Staff A Louise Chapter 28 16/141 Required 16 turns, Nino managed to level up twice by trapping thieves. Farina promoted, and is pretty damn good. Off to Cog of Destiny... Got Boots, gave them to Hector. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 20 00 35 20 16 12 7 19 3 A Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 20/8 44 42 20 11 20 18 11 9 A Sword C Lance C Hector Dorcas 20/6 27 51 21 15 8 14 11 10 S Axe E Bow Sain 20/15 90 48 25 15 21 15 10 9 A Lance C Sword B Axe Ninian 5 43 18 0 1 15 12 5 7 Farina 20/3 91 39 17 16 19 18 14 18 A Lance E Sword Pent ??/12 06 36 19 22 17 16 13 17 S Anima A Staff A Louise Nino 7 00 20 8 8 13 11 5 7 C Anima Chapter 29 6/147 Turns Dorcas learned brave axe! It's super effective! Bought some tomes for Nino and Pent. Eliwood and Pent took the middle, Dorcas and Nino the right, Sain the middle left, and Farina the left. Hector and Vaida took care of the reinforcements, with the aid of Ninian. Nino was suprisingly good, and will promote in time for Sands of Time. Sain doubled Linus with a Silver Lance. Now, Berserker... Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 20/1 00 38 20 18 15 7 20 8 A Axe D Sword C Eliwood Eliwood 20/15 18 48 25 14 21 20 14 9 A Sword B Lance C Hector Dorcas 20/7 54 52 21 16 8 14 11 10 S Axe E Bow Sain 20/20 00 52 25 17 21 16 11 10 S Lance C Sword B Axe Ninian 5 43 18 0 1 15 12 5 7 Farina 20/9 43 42 19 17 21 23 14 21 S Lance E Sword Pent ??/16 42 37 20 22 18 19 14 18 S Anima A Staff A Louise Nino 11/00 00 23 10 11 15 14 10 12 B Anima E Staff Vaida ??/11 36 44 21 20 14 11 22 6 A Lance A Sword Chapter 30 3/150 Turns This was cool. Max moved Hector to the left, then used the rescue staff with Pent on Eliwood, who rescued Hector, and moved left. Eliwood hit some stuff, then was warped over near the throne by Pent again, and Eliwood dropped Hector, and they killed mages on the enemy phase. Eliwood finished Kaim with a killing edge, requiring only 1 crit. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 20/1 66 38 20 18 15 7 20 8 A Axe D Sword C Eliwood Eliwood 20/16 36 49 26 14 22 21 15 9 A Sword A Lance C Hector Dorcas 20/7 54 52 21 16 8 14 11 10 S Axe E Bow Sain 20/20 00 52 25 17 21 16 11 10 S Lance C Sword B Axe Ninian GTFO'd Farina 20/9 43 42 19 17 21 23 14 21 S Lance E Sword Pent ??/17 11 37 20 22 18 19 15 18 S Anima A Staff A Louise Nino 11/00 00 23 10 11 15 14 10 12 B Anima E Staff Vaida ??/11 36 44 21 20 14 11 22 6 A Lance A Sword Chapter 31 12/162 Turns Lol, Denning. Anyway, Nino got a ton of levels here. Grabbed the body ring (Need to check the dragon's speed before I give it to Nino, want Eliwood to double.) Got the chests too. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 20/4 01 41 22 18 16 8 21 9 A Axe D Sword B Eliwood Eliwood 20/19 22 51 27 15 23 23 15 10 A Sword A Lance B Hector Dorcas 20/8 67 53 21 16 8 14 11 11 S Axe E Bow Sain 20/20 00 52 25 17 21 16 11 10 S Lance C Sword B Axe Ninian GTFO'd Farina 20/12 44 44 21 18 24 25 14 22 S Lance E Sword Pent ??/18 15 37 20 23 19 19 15 19 S Anima A Staff A Louise Nino 11/05 81 27 12 14 18 17 10 15 A Anima E Staff Vaida ??/13 07 46 23 20 14 12 22 6 A Lance A Sword
  6. Chapter 19x 6/78 Turns Use a pure water on Sain, who charged ahead and killed stuff. Apparently too far ahead, as he got zapped by Bolting, first time i've ever seen Aion attack. Eliwood killed some mages and got the Goddess Icon, so I could sell it. Sain got bosskill, either him or Dorcas had to hit at 47%. Chapter 20 6/84 Turns Uh, Eliwood doubled and killed Cameron, while Dorcas (who failed to double a knight at the chapter start with a steel axe) grabbed the halberd and wrecked havoc. Eliwood eventually used a door key (every friggen enemy on the map drops one) so Hector could walk through and pwn Darin. Sain killed the sniper for some sick exp, and Matt grabbed the brave bow, that will be sold for Farina funds. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 20 00 35 20 16 12 7 19 3 A Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 16 61 27 13 10 14 12 7 2 A Sword C Hector Dorcas 14 59 40 12 11 6 10 6 3 A Axe Sain 18 10 34 17 8 13 10 8 3 B Lance D Sword Chapter 21 3/87 Turns Why hello Ninian. She put Sain close to the boss, whom he aggro'd on turn 2 with a Javelin, and finished on turn 3. Dorcas went shopping, killed a peg, and got the restore staff. Eliwood ran around with Hector, but they really did shit all. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 20 00 35 20 16 12 7 19 3 A Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 16 82 27 13 10 14 12 7 2 A Sword C Hector Dorcas 14 88 40 12 11 6 10 6 3 A Axe Sain 20 00 36 18 8 15 11 8 4 B Lance D Sword Ninian 1 31 Base Chapter 22 4/91 Turns Sain ran for Eubans, while building his axe rank, till he hit the axereavers. Dorcas took out some fighters, Eliwood did zilch. Hector tried to recruit Heath, but killed him by accident. Recruited Rath for his bow. Uh, yeah. Got the brave axe, but not the gold. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 20 00 35 20 16 12 7 19 3 A Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 16 82 27 13 10 14 12 7 2 A Sword C Hector Dorcas 15 64 41 13 11 6 11 7 3 A Axe Sain 20/3 38 39 20 10 17 12 10 6 A Lance D Sword E Axe Ninian 1 71 Base Chapter 23 6/97 Turns Pent killed everything. Except for the archers and mages at the start, which were taken out by an unrecruited Hawkeye, Eliwood, and Hector, Dorcas and Sain went north, with Dorcas getting most of the kills. I have no idea how he is still useful with 6 speed. Matt got the Ocean Seal, and Ninian sat around and danced for Matt. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 20 00 35 20 16 12 7 19 3 A Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 18 03 29 15 10 15 12 7 3 A Sword C Hector Dorcas 17 44 43 15 11 6 12 8 3 A Axe Sain 20/4 11 39 20 11 17 13 10 6 A Lance D Sword E Axe Ninian 2 21 15 0 1 13 10 5 5 Chapter 24 2/99 Turns Sain went up, hit Lloyd with his Spear. Eliwood finished with a silver sword. woot. Not looking forward to Crazed Beast. Hopefully Dorcas can act as ballistae fodder. Not posting stats because almost nothing changed. Chapter 25 7/106 Turns Dorcas beat shit up with his halberd, including Pascal, after Sain hit him a few times. Eliwood soloed the bottom, Hector rescued Ninian and hired Farina, who got a couple kills this chapter. She'll get the drops, Sain killed the bishop on turn 6, and seized on turn 7. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 20 00 35 20 16 12 7 19 3 A Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 20 00 31 16 10 15 13 8 4 A Sword C Hector Dorcas 20 00 44 16 11 6 13 8 3 A Axe Sain 20/8 64 42 22 11 18 14 10 6 A Lance D Sword E Axe Ninian 2 80 15 0 1 13 10 5 5 Farina 13 37 25 10 14 14 11 10 13 A Lance Chapter 26 12/118 Turns Required. Promoted Dorcas and Eliwood. Dorcas finally gained speed for the first time in his existance. Eliwoot is pretty awesome. But know who's better? Pent. Farina, Afa's Drops are supposed to make your growths better? Don't look at Dorcas for how many stat ups you are supposed to get, k? Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 20 00 35 20 16 12 7 19 3 A Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 20/3 72 37 19 10 18 14 9 8 A Sword D Lance C Hector Dorcas 20/3 27 49 19 14 7 14 11 8 A Axe Sain 20/10 80 44 23 12 19 14 10 7 A Lance C Sword D Axe Ninian 3 63 16 0 1 14 11 5 6 Farina 17 37 29 12 16 14 14 11 14 A Lance Pent ??/8 23 34 18 22 17 14 12 16 A Anima A Staff A Louise
  7. Chapter 17 11/57 Got all the treasure except the silver sword. Decided I wanted the Knight Crest for Sain more. Hector rushed north with Sain, and they cleaned up all the enemies. The only enemies that could actually hurt Hector were the mage, Raven, and the boss, so he was fairly destructive. Sain was a different story, not having enough speed to double with a Javelin. Oh well. Eliwood and Dorcas took out most of the stuff near the start, then hit a couple reinforcements until they risked dying, at which time Marcus and Oswin plunked themselves in the way so they could live. Red Gem get. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 17 22 32 17 14 11 7 16 3 A Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 10 38 22 9 9 11 8 7 2 B Sword C Hector Dorcas 10 40 37 9 9 6 7 5 3 B Axe Sain 9 59 26 12 7 10 7 7 0 C Lance D Sword Chapter 17x 4/61 Turns Hector got Canas, then was rescued by Sain. Eliwood stood around, while Dorcas went up to kill the fail pirates. Sain dropped Hector on a forest, he killed everything except the killer axe and killer bow dudes, and Damian's group. Canas sacrificed himself against Damian and the archer, while Hector ran to Fargus, talking to him on the 4th turn. Fun Fact: My Hector has more skill than Fargus. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 19 56 34 19 16 11 7 18 3 A Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 10 53 22 9 9 11 8 7 2 B Sword C Hector Dorcas 11 16 38 10 9 6 8 5 3 B Axe Sain 10 04 27 13 7 10 7 7 1 C Lance D Sword Chapter 18 4/65 Turns Sain needed one more point of strength to kill Zoldam. Trololol. However, this netted me the red gem, so I'm not complaining. Other than Hector, my team is offensively handicapped. Get more speed Sain! (Not going to bother asking Dorcas.) Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 20 00 35 20 16 12 7 19 3 A Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 11 71 22 10 9 12 9 7 2 B Sword C Hector Dorcas 11 50 38 10 9 6 8 5 3 B Axe Sain 11 99 28 13 7 10 8 7 2 C Lance D Sword Chapter 19 7/72 Turns I sent Eliwood to solo the north side, but he got his ass kicked and had to high tail it out of there. Fiora saved his ass, but died in the process. Not your map, honey. In the meantime, Hector, Dorcass, and Sain headed towards Uhai, and Hector got the bosskill, because Sain simply couldn't. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 20 00 35 20 16 12 7 19 3 A Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 13 49 24 12 9 14 10 7 2 A Sword C Hector Dorcas 12 31 39 11 9 6 8 5 3 B Axe Sain 13 64 29 14 7 11 9 8 2 C Lance D Sword
  8. Alright, just double checking. I thought the same, but never hurts to check. More updates coming tonight probably.
  9. I would say yes. They are not doing any action that is prohibited. All they are doing is moving. I have a question about Port of Badon, are you allowed to use an undrafted unit (Florina) to fly in front of Fargus without actually using the talk command? This also ends the chapter, but is not against any of the rules, I don't think.
  10. Term Papers aren't fun, not having a lot of time. Don't expect any updates anytime soon.
  11. Ugh, Sain's inability to dodge anything is causing me to RAEGQUIT for the night. I'll try again tomorrow.
  12. Chapter 16 9/46 Turns Sain can't dodge a ballistae shot to save his life. Literally. Eliwood and Dorcas took out the mercs, while Hector rushed towards the boss. Sain took out some mercs and myrmidons. I miss Marcus. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 14 06 30 15 11 10 6 15 2 A Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 7 79 20 7 7 10 8 6 1 B Sword C Hector Dorcas 8 82 35 8 9 6 5 5 2 B Axe Sain 6 23 24 10 7 9 6 7 0 D Lance D Sword
  13. The rest of the picks aren't going to be recruited anyway. Good luck everyone, looks like drafting is done.
  14. Chapter 13x 8/25 Turns Got the village, Marcus lugged Merlinus around, Rebecca was sacrificed because Dorcas couldn't dodge anything even while on a forest. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 8 84 26 11 7 8 4 11 1 B Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 2 92 19 5 5 7 7 5 1 C Sword C Hector Marcus 1 63 Base - Dorcass 5 34 32 7 8 6 4 4 1 C Axe - WTF Dorcas and Eliwood Chapter 14 4/29 Turns Hector initially killed the soldiers at the start, then headed south. Dorcas headed south. Eliwood killed the solider near the top, then headed south. Marcus killed everything else. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 9 51 27 12 7 8 4 12 1 B Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 3 47 20 6 5 8 7 5 1 C Sword C Hector Marcus 3 11 32 15 17 11 9 11 9 Dorcass 6 47 33 8 8 6 4 5 2 C Axe - Chapter 15 8/37 Turns Unarmed Oswin blocked the top corner, while Matt looted the chests. I fielded Bartre so Marcus could rescue him, and lug him around, so Eliwood could pick up some easy exp. Eliwood one rounded Sealen with his rapier. Marcus eventually took over for Oswin when he was hurting. Unit Lvl EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 10 42 28 12 7 8 4 12 1 B Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 6 67 20 7 7 9 8 6 1 C Sword C Hector Marcus Duty Fufilled. Dorcass 7 79 34 8 9 6 4 5 2 C Axe -
  15. Thanks, I'll edit the post now. I had like 30 seconds, and just looked at the OP, which wasn't updated.
  16. Paperblade, are you allowed to use Matt to attack walls? (Ch. 11)
  17. I have time now, and might not have time later, so I am starting this. Chapter 11 6/6 Turns Hector's level up blew chunks. Hector smashed the wall down in two turns, while Matt opened doors for him. No Red Gem. Unit Level Exp HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep Support Hector 2 87 20 8 4 5 3 8 0 13 C Axe - Chapter 12 5/11 Turns Hector's level ups kicked ass. Sent Eliwood to get the Secret Book, which he sold and bought a couple vulernaries. Dorcas killed two Bandits, Marcus rushed up to wreck havoc, but Hector got the bosskill. This is completeable in 4 turns. Unit Level Exp HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep Support Hector 5 83 23 10 6 7 3 10 0 13 C Axe - Eliwood 1 00 Base Dorcas 3 82 Base Marcus 1 23 Base Chapter 13 6/17 Turns With some nifty rescue dropping from Marcus, Hector is able to cross the river a little easier. Eliwood went down, while Dorcas smashed the tree, then helped Eliwood. Marcus hit up the village, and bought two hand axes. Hector Wolf Beil'd the boss. Unit Level Exp HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep Support Hector 5 83 25 11 7 8 3 11 1 13 C Axe - Eliwood 1 99 Base - Dorcas 4 27 31 7 8 6 3 3 0 14 C Axe - Marcus 1 31 Base -
  18. Don't lie to yourself, were you going to recruit Karla in the first place?
  19. lolwut And I would consider Eliwood a solid 4th round pick anyway, this is NM, not HM.
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