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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. i like how you gave Ronan a holy water stoopid mareeta penalty
  2. FE5 Draft - I want an excuse to play Thracia again 1. Baldrick: Karin, Fergus, Lifis, Carrion, Sleuf, Glade, Linoan, Robert, Mareeta, Ronan, Galzus, Shanam 2. Jedi*: Fin, Asvel, Nanna, Pahn, Fred, Olwen, Hicks, Shiva, Selphina, Ralph, Delmud, Conomore 3. General Horace: Lara, Dagda, Othin, Makua, Eda, Sara, Tina, Alba, Homeros, Tanya, Misha, Miranda - 159 turns 4. Nintales: Safy, Brighton, Salem, Dean, Havan, Marty, Kein, Eyrios, Amalda, Dalshin, Xavier, Trewd I already updated the google doc myself, but after playing through the game again Fred should be free in chapter 11x and Mareeta should be free in chapter 12 since they're both pretty impossible to keep out of combat without Safy/Karin, so I think they should be added to the standard ruleset. I think there are other balance issues with Thracia drafting, but I don't really know a good solution for it, Karin is really OP and Lara is probably just as good.
  3. You can use the rescue staff on Leaf as long as the unit using the rescue staff hasn't been warped or rewarped earlier in the chapter.
  4. the h5 arena is a load of bullshit, barst won't win a round against a mage because he'll be outsped and/or potentially oneshotted unless you rig a crit, but I guess its easier than rigging the Jeigan crits earlier on so that might be your best bet. Might as well send in Hardin if you're gonna do that though.
  5. People give Sigurd the Hero Sword to build kills on it, but toss it on anyone and have them clear out the Orgahill Pirates and you have 15+ kills immediately, and Sigurd's all the way in Silvail so unless you wait for him to come back, someone else should probably handle the pirates. It's really unlikely for the Hero Sword to get 50 kills before late in chapter 5 anyway in gen 1, unless you grind kills on it.
  6. CHAPTER 1 - 5/5 TURNS The same as before, but Eyvale got a move star and weakened some stuff for Leaf to finish so he got a bit more exp. CHAPTER 2 - 4/9 TURNS Same as before but Dagda got a move star so he recruited Ronan for his bow. CHAPTER 2X Trained Leaf, Othin and Tanya. CHAPTER 3 - 7/16 TURNS Gonna do something different in manster this time, screw Brighton, gonna take Lifis for double thief action to clear chapter 4 faster, and I have Machua to kill stuff anyway. Got the Shield Ring/Corpse again. I hope Machua gets movement in Manster again :( Lifis has the Hezul/Lockpick. Othin got a HP+2 level with Hezul in 2x, lol. CHAPTER 4 - 14/30 TURNS Lifis helping open stuff helped a lot, but then not having Brighton's muscle in Dalshin's room hurt a lot and I got hung up there. Lifis stole the thunder tomes from the mages to neutralize them at least. CHAPTER 4X LARA GOT MOVEMENT HYPE Got the treasure and killed everyone and Sety kill secured the Physic bishop before i could steal his stuff :( CHAPTER 5 17/47 TURNS Lost a turn on last time, Machua having movement is better than Lara having movement at this point I guess. Leaf's Light Sword is only like half broken since he used Brighton's steel sword and the brave sword a lot more. CHAPTER 6 - 9/56 TURNS Karin flew Leaf over to help her get the Odo scroll and Elite ring, while everyone else chugged along on the other half. Machua lagged behind a bit, but she got to beat up a bunch of armours with the rapier from the village, so worth it? CHAPTER 7 - 7/63 TURNS Machua killed all the sworddudes and noone had high enough con to capture any of them :(((( CHAPTER PURPLE DRAGON MOUNTAIN - 7/70 TURNS I dequipped Marty so he wouldn't cockblock Othin this time around. Also an archer last time proc'd like 2 strength and didn't do damage to Othin and didn't move and blocked him too but I was too lazy to restart. I'LL REMEMBER TO BRING A KNIGHT CRESTS TO 8X THIS TIME TO PROMOTE OTHIN AND MACHUA CHAPTER 8X FUCK Gomes he proc'd a move star and killed Machua one run, i hate this game. But I finished it the second time, Leaf ate the leg ring, Othin and Machua promoted. I also unintentionally drafted the totally OP Tanya/Othin/Dagda supports, so good and the Machua Sety support even better CHAPTER 9 - 5/75 TURNS Leaf just ran across after saying bye to Marty, Fergus, and Bryton. Karin carried Carrion over for the Elite Sword, and Alva used the Elite Manual brought to him by Leaf. CHAPTER 10 - 9/84 TURNS Othin captured the Fire Sword dude on turn 1, and then took the bridge key down to get the Magic up staff, Lara headed for the Rescue staff, and stole the thief's Rapier and S Drink along the way. Olwen caused issues, but she heals herself instead of taking advantage of plot invincibility so that wasn't too bad. Dagda captured the bolting guy too late to steal bolting, but I don't think any of my units will have the requisite rank anyway, so got Physic. Alba took a bunch of scroll and the wrath manual and went up to the arena for a bunch of turns and turned into a good unit. CHAPTER 11 - 7/91 TURNS Had a bunch of door keys, so just charged through and opened doors when possible. Except Tanya, she got locked out. Finally got some lances for Alba. Lara got the Torch staff. Leaf broke his light sword making Kempf leave. CHAPTER 11X - Captured some wind tomes, Fred set the kids free, and promoted Tanya and Alba. CHAPTER 12 - 9+4/104 TURNS I guess I take an inevitable Mareeta penalty. Oh well. Got the Ambush Manual, and Othin beat up dudes in the arena for a while. Leaf captured Salem himself. CHAPTER 12X what a stupid chapter Lara promoted at least. CHAPTER 13 - 5/109 TURNS Deployed losers and Alba/Lara. She danced Leaf and Alba to victory. Glade stole his men's weapons and sacrificed them. CHAPTER 14 - 10/119 TURNS Got resire I guess. Eda proc'd move, Dain scroll too strong. CHAPTER 14X - FUCK THE PEGASI Eda proc'd move again and promoted. Just realized im kinda short on knight crests. Shouldn't have promoted Tanya I guess. CHAPTER 15 - 2/121 TURNS Eda ferried Leaf over the cliff. Tina proc'd move and hit D staves and is immediately fatigued from missing thief. Good thing I have lots of S drinks. CHAPTER 16A - 5/126 TURNS Eda ferried Leaf to the boss and dumped him with the King sword. The ballisa targetted Leaf instead of Eda, they had like 14 hit on her or something. She killed the boss and Leaf seized next turn. Tina hit B staves, Lara stole Eyrios's Sol manual because I accidently recruited Olwen, so I missed out on his nice stuff. oops. CHAPTER 17A - 4/130 TURNS Eda carried Leaf to victory, dismounting to avoid ballista fire. After Karin talked to Misha, Tina rescued her out and put her to sleep, allowing Othin to catch her. Tina warped Dagda up to the warp and rescue villages, and she warped Homeros (who promoted) to Sara. CHAPTER 18 - 2/132 TURNS Sara rescued Leaf across to the right side after being danced by Lara, and Leaf opened the door. Sara rescued Lara on turn 2, then with a move star rescued Leaf who was danced by Lara to seize. Homeros used a Holy Water and was warped in on turn 1 by Tina, and he killed everything in the throne room (he also has ambush/sol) and then killed the boss on turn 2 after Tina stole his Master Lance so Homeros wouldn't die horribly. I even got the member card! CHAPTER 19 - 1/133 TURNS Rip undrafted chumps CHAPTER 20 - 14/147 TURNS zzzz Trained Leaf a bit, got some underwhelming levels. CHAPTER 21 - 3/150 TURNS Warped Homeros to the boss, he killed everything there. Eda took Leaf down south, and Tina stole the south most ballista so Eda wouldn't get owned by it. Eda dropped Leaf on turn 3, and Tina warped Lara to dance him to victory. Homeros proc'd move I think too. also CHAPTER 21X - GOT LOTS OF WARP STAVES, PROMOTED TINA CHAPTER 22 - 2/152 TURNS Warped Homeros across to deal with Reinhart and Coen, (and to make Cyas leave) and Tina stole the Iron ballista again so Eda wouldn't get blicked. Eda dumped Leaf on turn 2 and Lara got warped across to dance Leaf to seize the next turn. Dagda got warped to the rescue village. Homeros for top tier. CHAPTER 23 - 2/153 TURNS Eda was rescued by Sara on turn 1, and she passed Cyas a full rescue staff, and he moved to the left, and Lara danced him ahead, where he rescued Leaf who received the Blaggi sword. Homeros was also warped down to help clear things out. On turn 2, Cyas rescued Sety, and Leaf talked to him, and was danced by Lara. Sety moved to Homeros, who had the last rescue staff, and rescued Leaf to victory. CHAPTER 24 - 2/155 TURNS Tina rescued Lara ahead and she danced Leaf ahead after Tanya opened the door and gave Sety a rewarp and rescue staff. Sety rewarped himself next to Galzus and killed everyone in the throne room, allowing Leaf to come up and smack Leidrick with the Blaggi Sword, Sety rescued Lara who was resored by Tina, and she danced Leaf to seize. Sara rewarped herself to the secret shop and used a life ring so she's no longer oneshotted. ENDGAME - 4/159 TURNS Everyone was pretty busy, and my team really isn't that strong inside other than Homeros, Leaf and Sety, so this took a bit longer. I wanted to capture Veld with Dagda, but I didn't have any thief staff uses left. Oh well. MASTER SWORD Misha killed something, it was awesome. Lara is really really good, but I think Karin might be better overall. If you don't get either Lara or Karin in FE5 drafts, I think you're just boned.
  7. don't give anything to abel he doesn't do anything for the rest of the game really All the boosters can go to Marth I think. where's my Cecille option for book 2 trained units, she's way better than Luke and Rody in FE3.
  8. if you give noish the hero sword he actually owns so much, like better offence than Sigurd. It's a really really good fit on him. Paladins also get a pretty nice magic gain on promotion, so with the light sword + magic ring Alec's offence is actually pretty good. I actually think they're both really underrated units. They use most resources better than most other units, but for whatever reason people don't give them a whole lot.
  9. using Lara to open doors is technically a penalty just so you know, Nintales. I don't care either way, but it really devalues drafting a thief if anyone can use them to open doors for free (and the game gives you lots of enemies with door keys to capture anyway) I always just took 16 turns on Fred's Gaiden, but he should probably be free since he's impossible to keep out of combat. I have to restart this sometime since my computer died. Probably won't be for a while though.
  10. yeah, I lost literally everything. That won't be very hard to make up though I don't think.
  11. ive had a few hard drive failures in the past, but this time it completely died. I bought a much higher quality desktop this time around, so I shouldn't have issues for a long time now.
  12. my computer rip'd so I've lost the rom obviously, which is unfourtunate. However, I'm just gonna redo everything up to the point i'm at (with the same reclasses) on a new randomizer and hope things turn out more or less the same. It'll probably take me a few days for me to sort everything out (along with more important stuff) so this will be on the backburner for a week or so.
  13. im pretty sure they start to retreat on turn 6 but yeah they're annoying.
  14. CHAPTER 8X - got the leg ring gave it to Leaf CHAPTER 9 - 5/79 TURNS Leaf proc'd a move star here which helped. Deployed Karin to carry Carrion over to get the Elite Sword. Got Alba, and gave him the Elite Manual. Ditched some undrafted dudes.
  15. i have no problems with it personally since they're technically undrafted units
  16. Freebies are for chapter 4-7, and they must be the same 2 units throughout. So if you picked Machua and Lara, you only get them as free units for all of the Manster escape. CHAPTER PURPLE DRAGON MOUNTAIN - 8/74 TURNS Dagda probably costed me a turn, but the boots are in Chapter 8x anyway so WORTH IT. Othin captured the boss.
  17. CHAPTER 2X - FREE/9 Did the chapter I guess. Got Leaf as many levels as possible. CHAPTER 3 - 7/16 TURNS Undrafteds ferried the shield ring npc and corple to Othin and Tanya so they could get said villages. Brought the Hezul scroll, Light sword, and Lockpick to Manster. CHAPTER 4 - 17/33 TURNS NOT WORTH IT Brighton and Karin are my freebies. Probably could have gotten by without Brighton but oh well. Got some bad RNG on the soldiers stealing the NPC's so had to wait around for a few extra turns waiting for them not to get stolen so I could get 4x. CHAPTER 4X - FREE/33 TURNS Got the Sety scroll and chests. Machua proc'd move and Lara got Build. Gave Lara the life ring. CHAPTER 5 - 16/49 TURNS Leaf more or less broke his light sword charging through all the archers and mages. had to wait a turn for Karin to get out, so Nanna got out too. Lucky her. CHAPTER 6 - 10/59 TURNS Got all the villages except Hicks and the pure water, I really need to reunite with the rest of my party, I'm running low on weapons. CHAHPTER 7 - 7/66 TURNS Machua killed all of Shiva's dude and Shiva himself and my mounted dudes ran south carrying my unmounted dudes. Karin got the two houses at the start and then took Leaf to Victory.
  18. I've always just literally copied and pasted images from websites directly into the text box without any tags see:
  19. not for me! CHAPTER 1 - 5/5 TURNS Dagda got the life ring, Eyvale killed the boss, and Othin got Pugi. Leaf got some exp along the way. CHAPTER 2 - 4/9 TURNS Dagda ferried Leaf ahead and Eyvale killed the boss. Tanya got the vulnerary, and Othin got the speed ring.
  20. I enjoyed Leaf and the Orgahill Pirates ones a lot. I'd listen to more!
  21. how much exp does she get by going west anyway? She could potentially kill two thieves+ while recruiting Navarre.
  22. 8x isn't required because it's entirely possible your team may not be able to capture the boss. If you go, it's like any other gaiden, free for 20 turns.
  23. im sure if you put someone's name through google translate enough it'll work out
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