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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I wanna try an FE6 averages game, I have the best worst team idea ever I want to try. No SM's averages would be preferred. If possible i'd like to try averages + boosters too, only including boosters you get ingame ignoring the secret shop. I'm working on putting together a list of them now.
  2. usually berserked units just attack the unit they can do the most damage too regardless of hitrate, so the host could figure that out pretty easily and just roll for that.
  3. TURN 1 VS Patty @Hero Sword attacks Delmud @Killer Bow! 17x2 damage, 78% hit, 27% Luna, 20% Crit (56) (35, 43, 29) Faval takes 17 damage! (63/80) Patty attacks again! (23) Patty's LUNA activates! She can't miss now! Will she crit? (31) Nope. Faval takes 38 damage! (25/80) Baldrick's turn. JEDI BALDRICK JULIA 50/50 HANNIBAL 66/66 DELMUD 61/61 TINNY 62/62 SETY 54/54 FAVAL 25/80 PATTY 71/71 PATTY 74/74 TINNY 59/59 SETY 64/64
  4. In the first few patches he actually got nerfed pretty hard, his gordos became a LOT worse and his down throw was changed for the worse too. I think one of his aerials got hit too, but it's been a while. He hasn't been touched since despite being absolutely awful
  5. remedied also I forgot to mention, I think this was with a Celice and Swordkids ban.
  6. TEAM JEDI TEAM BALDRICK UNIT HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS JULIA 50 03 30 19 28 14 06 27 DELMUD 61 23 02 29 25 25 21 06 SETY 54 06 29 22 29 26 14 27 PATTY 77 21 09 22 25 25 18 06 TINNY 59 07 23 24 27 28 11 15 HANNIBAL 66 24 01 17 12 08 25 07 TINNY 62 12 19 24 27 28 19 14 FAVAL 80 26 04 27 26 30 21 06 PATTY 77 21 09 22 25 25 18 06 SETY 64 15 19 18 27 13 18 15 (26) Jedi goes first.
  7. not at all when i'm trying to figure out lucina's skills
  8. I'm not seeing a way Morgan didn't have 100% hit if she didn't have quick burn earlier. And her hitrate didn't increase so...
  9. lets holsety Lucina with Laurent. I'm very confused by Lucina's hitrates avoid rate
  10. they have awful caps and only female mages can use nosferatu if it's averages they have even worse defence too.
  11. without forging they survive it pretty comfortably but like, a forged poleaxe almost oneshots them even unforged almost twoshots, and if the paladin doesn't have a speed investment and berserker does, it almost ORKO's. A +2 forge 2HKO's. I'd think most classes are totally useless. Heroes are just worse swordmasters or berserkers, falcoknights are useless, Dracoknights get doubled by berserkers so are useless, generals are useless, warriors get doubled by berserkers but might have a niche with 30 strength and bows, all magic classes are useless. It's pretty much just Paladins, Swordmasters, Berserkers, Horsemen, and Snipers.
  12. i think fe12 meta would be boring, master sword swordmasters master race they double everything with the +2 speed shard except for 28+ speed classes (berserkers, horsemen, other SM's, and Snipers) and if they don't have a shard they double berserkers too. Master Swords are ridiculous too. Paladins are pretty good too because they have a 30 defence cap and aren't doubled by Berserkers, but they get owned by effective weapons
  13. dedede's perfect to stay somewhat relevant edit: I hate PK FIYAHHH and Mario.
  14. oh, I suppose I could do that. I just wanted a break, I hosted a crapton of games in a short time. Anyone want to try FE13 gen 1 averages? I think it'll be less ridiculous than Maxes due to lower skill proc rates.
  15. they only have crit if the enemy team also doesn't have solidarity and/or demoiselle (for dudes) You can also just target Robin to get rid of Solidarity and erase the crit early. and yeah Jedi, but it counts as one of your 5 weapons/items
  16. resolve can be nullfied vengeance can't 80-100% of the time
  17. yeah, you can have it have like 140 hit if you really want it to. and you can do stuff to get rid of the crits, and you have to run solidarity (which also gives critical evade if you're into that) to even have a shot at it. You can't do anything to counteract Lethality. You can survive crits with Pavise/Miracle w/e and the like.
  18. aversa's still with a +15 hit forge Nosferatu is only 5 hit more accurate and and still 3 MT weaker. Or you could have +15 hit and 5MT weaker. Although it might still be worth running Nosferatu because of Vengeance being stupidly broken.
  19. nomad troopers are hax too because Migure gives +5 speed and double everyone that isn't a Migure user.
  20. five sorcerors isn't very good because of lack of variety, and they're better when they don't have to attack i can totally still lose with some unlucky procs here too, depending on Lucina's skills
  21. woops i missed it, used to seeing it next to the hit gg horace although I am confident it did say 0% crit initially but you rolled for it anyway
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