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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. TURN 3 VS Patty @Hero Sword attacks Delmud Faval @Killer Bow! 17x2 damage, 78% hit, 27% Luna, 20% Critical (45) (99) Patty misses! (56) (83) Patty misses! gg fe4. Baldrick's turn. JEDI BALDRICK JULIA 50/50 HANNIBAL 66/66 DELMUD 61/61 TINNY 62/62 SETY 54/54 FAVAL 30/80 PATTY 77/77 PATTY 77/77 TINNY 59/59 SETY 64/64
  2. What you say makes sense! I'll make them both have 77 HP. TURN 2 Faval heals (5) HP from his Life Ring! (30/80) VS Faval @Killer Bow attacks Patty @Hero Sword! 22 damage, 65% hit, 67% crit (95) He misses horribly! He attacks again! (74) And misses again! What a chump. JEDI BALDRICK JULIA 50/50 HANNIBAL 66/66 DELMUD 61/61 TINNY 62/62 SETY 54/54 FAVAL 30/80 PATTY 77/77 PATTY 77/77 TINNY 59/59 SETY 64/64 Jedi's turn.
  3. yeah you'd just sit tight unless you wanted CERTAIN DEATH anyway but I always find it funny when a thwomp activates galeforce
  4. FE6. I'm playing around with it now to see if I can find any other bugs.
  5. I definately think Vengeance is a better skill. There's a chance that Galeforce will do absolutely nothing, and sometimes it's not even a good idea to take your second attack. I don't think it needs to be banned. Jedi's Cordelia just got put in a really advantageous situation, which probably could have been avoided. Most of the Galeforce units kinda suck anyway (Sumia, Lissa, and Maribelle are all pretty bad, I guess Sumia is useable though, she does get pavise/luna at least) and Olivia/Say'ri aren't anything special either. Robin and Cordelia are pretty good though.
  6. There's a Delphi Shield in FE6 I could check ingame later on tonight WRT Bond. I've never used it, so I wouldn't know.
  7. In a way it does. In this scenerio though, he could theoretically have killed Aversa (and maybe Flavia hitrates/Pavise etc not withstanding) and had a full health Cordelia. EDIT: Actually with two vengeance procs and two pavise procs Flavia would still survive, pavise so hax.
  8. Uhh, I dunno about bond stacking, i'm guessing it probably does ingame, but bond is limited to one per team in Link Arena.
  9. elie's made excel sheets for fe6 that does all the work for you (I think, I haven't actually downloaded it to test it yet), so hosting wouldn't be too hard. and yeah, just toss me a PM with your teams when you guys are ready.
  10. i didn't host anything for almost a week, I just wanted a break for a couple of days. I'm only hosting an fe4 game right now which is entirely brainless to host so i'm good for this one.
  11. there's way too many skills to keep track of in fe13, it's hard to host like TWENTY FIVE SKILLS per team Lucina's damage taken and HP are a little off still though.
  12. yo, laurent does 23 damage and has 7 crit (didn't crit anyway) so lucina takes 11 damage, then 17 damage instead of 9 and 27 (don't know how that even happened) leaving her at 48 HP
  13. yeah, a roll of 1 on a 0-99 would technically be a 2% crit. EDIT: Ninjas.
  14. It was introduced in FE6, actually. It's just a myth that FE6 uses 1 RN because of the slightly lower hitrates.
  15. Better safe then sorry! I'm still deciding if I want to run a massive gimmick or try to make a non gimmick team.
  16. Anyone want to be a bro and host? I'll host a game of yours in exchange
  17. Gonzales's are different, Geese's are the same. Just go http://serenesforest.net/binding-blade/characters/average-stats/gonzales-dir/there and pick whichever route you use if you use Gonzales. He's a lot better on A Route. Also Tate's and Klein's stats are ever so slightly different too. Tate gets an extra point of luck on A route, and actually Klein ends up being the same.
  18. Oh yeah, good point. If you pick A Route, you have access to Echidna. If you pick B Route, you get access to Bartre. (the dancers don't matter) And on Ilia route, you get Juno, and Sacae you get Dayan.
  19. Haha, awesome. The list is a bit different though, since there are two route splits. Here it is. You get these regardless 1 Angelic Robe 1 Goddess Icon 1 Secret Book 1 Body Ring 1 Talisman 1 Speedwings 1 Dragonshield and then make a choice for extra boosters... (choose one of A/B Route and one of Sacae/Ilia route) A Route or B Route 1 Dragonshield 1 Speedwing 1 Angelic Robe 1 Dragonshield 1 Speedwings 1 Energy Ring Ilia or Sacae 1 Goddess Icon 1 Energy Ring 1 Speedwings 1 Dragonshield 1 Angelic Robe 1 Goddess Icon 1 Energy Ring 1 Secret Book So depending on your team, you may want one set of boosters over the other. Although Ilia vs Sacae is kind of... a Dragonshield vs Angelic Robe + Secret book.
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