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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. It's been a while since i've played awakening, but I think Griffon Riders are weak to beastkillers and the like? It would negate that, but not arrows and wyrmslayers. Also something to keep in mind, Tiki/Panne/Nowi in other classes are still weak to dragonslaying and beastslaying effective weapons.
  2. I think Gangrel is better only because he doubles sorcerers as a berserker. and yeah derrrrp on the robin skills. I forgot it was a sorcerer analysis because I didn't read the top half. I think Yen'fay could stand to drop too, he doesn't have Vengeance or Luna. I dunno if his extra speed is worth it. Lon'qu is essentially the same unit with slightly worse stats and he's like 10 slots lower. I'd say Tharja is better than Aversa too, I think Pavise is a better skill on Sorcerers than Galeforce. It's hard to tell with the limited games we've had so far though. Maybe some chump will come and be awesome and show us what's up.
  3. Yeah, no S rank bonus. I'll send my team off a bit later.
  4. We did averages + boosters, no swordmasters. I don't think there were any other restrictions.
  5. I think we agreed on x3 early on, since otherwise Hector and UberSpear Oswin were pretty ridiculous.
  6. missed this post, are you ok with hosting? I noticed Elie's doc's won't work for you in the other topic, but if you're ok with hosting anyway that'd be awesome!
  7. just saying, wrath + Ruin + Vengeance is totally legit. Plus a potential Solidarity and Anathema, you have a unit with around 70 crit on most of the cast, (and lets just say Henry is the unit in question with 45 magic) with a +3 MT +25 hit ruin forge, lets say he's missing 50 HP. He oneshots literally every unit with a vengeance crit. It's gimmicky yes, but its still a possible option. For reference, a Celica's Gale double Vengeance (roughly the same odds) at the same HP only kills if said unit has 38 Res or lower (so like, Assassins an Berserkers) and Ruin kills everything. Even without Wrath, it still has 50 crit (providing you had anathema and solidarity support, which you should if you consider running it), and if you get a Vengeance crit at 46HP or more, it kills anything with 44 Res or lower, which is pretty awesome really. I think it's pretty useful if the game comes down to a sorcerer vs a sorcerer (which I don't think would be that uncommon) and run it with Tomebreaker to ensure you hit (ruin would have 90 hit anyway, which is pretty good). Also a minor note about Chrom, he doesn't get Pavise, he gets Aegis. Unfourtunatly he can't become a thwomp. Robin M also has Axefaire and Wrath, Robin F can't get them. Also agree with Walhart dropping like a brick. I think he's almost better as a surprise factor unit, that can just come in and crush some teams if magic is eliminated early, but he takes 4 damage from a bowfaire!Yen'fay with a brave bow, and as someone with no luna/vengeance access, he's completely SOL. He's even kinda resistant to Luna and Vengeance with Pavise too.
  8. Lyn isn't doubled, she has 26 AS to Dart's 28. Assuming Basilio is Basilikos and not a Brave Axe.
  9. TURN 13 VS Delmud @Hero Sword attacks Patty @Hero Sword! 22x2 damage, 69% hit, 0% crit (29) Patty takes 22 damage! (55/77) (23) Patty takes 22 damage! (33/77) Patty counters! 17x2 damage, 75% hit (43) Delmud takes 17 damage! (2/61) (18) Delmud falls! Baldrick's action is . in one moment. TURN 14 VS Patty @Hero Sword attacks Sety @Lightning! 24x2 damage, 80% hit, 22% Luna, 20% crit (67) (91) Patty misses! Patty attacks again! (86) (96) Patty misses again! Sety counters! 37 damage, 55% hit, 44% continue (65) Sety misses! (9) But proc's CONTINUE! (87) And misses! Patty doubles! (67) (44, 1) Patty ONESHOTS Sety and Baldrick wins 2-0.
  10. i think resire still doesn't have enough hit. I had my post typed out and everything then i accidently left the page and I've gotta go to a golf tournament now so i'll update this in the evening hopefully.
  11. counter is a nono i think. You get too many freekills. Like, theoretically, you could run Henry, have him attack something (as a squishy class.and then return all the damage to get the kill, then heal with llifetaker.
  12. i'm not saying Aggressor should be unbanned. I'm saying Vengeance often trumps it in damage output (it's barely a proc skill). Sure, you know where the vengeance users are, but you'll have to attack them eventually.
  13. I agree with banning vengeance. It's at least a free +20 damage on either person's turn. Agressor is only +10 damage on your turn, and it's banned.
  14. TURN 12 VS Patty @Hero Sword attacks Julia @Wind! 27x2 damage, 88% hit (69) Julia takes 27 damage! (25) Julia dies. What a unit. JEDI BALDRICK JULIA 00/50 HANNIBAL 00/66 DELMUD 19/61 TINNY 00/62 SETY 54/54 FAVAL 00/80 PATTY 00/77 PATTY 77/77 TINNY 00/59 SETY 64/64
  15. TURN 11? VS Delmud @Hero Sword attacks Tinny @Wind! 21x2 damage, 80% hit (74) Tinny takes 21 damage! (41/62) (85) Delmud misses! Tinny counters! 21 damage, 69% hit, 45% continue (28) Delmud takes 21 damage! (40/61) (21) Tinny's CONTINUE activates! (59) Delmud takes 21 damage! (19/61) Delmud attacks again! (40) Tinny takes 21 damage! (20/62) (24) Tinny falls! Baldrick's turn. JEDI BALDRICK JULIA 50/50 HANNIBAL 00/66 DELMUD 19/61 TINNY 00/62 SETY 54/54 FAVAL 00/80 PATTY 00/77 PATTY 77/77 TINNY 00/59 SETY 64/64
  16. Also I found some gifs of the critical hit quotes thanks to the power of GOOGLE that might be fun to add in while hosting. There all linked in this reddit post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/3dfgzm/critical_hit_gifs/
  17. Can we talk about banning or at least limiting Vengeance? Or just have some people throw some opinions out on it? I don't think the Aversa's Forge nerf is nescessary either. Still looking for an FE6 host for a game with Anon too.
  18. I used Warrior Morgan in a gen2 team against doofina, he killed like half his team. In gen 1 I don't think they're very good.
  19. Most of the weapons actually have pretty similar hit because of the A Rank bonuses. Axes only have about 10 less hit (unless they have WTD) than swords. But yeah, Axebreaker just totally ruins Berserkers. At least Warriors have bows.
  20. TURN 10 VS Conan @Brave Axe attacks Miriel @Aversa's Night! 32x2 damage, 97% hit, 0% crit (28) Conan's VENGEANCE activates! (85, 85) Miriel takes 54 damage! (26/80) (20) Conan's VENGEANCE activates! CHECKMATE! Miriel explodes! Vengeance Zero wins 2-0!
  21. TURN 9 VS Priam @Balmung attacks Conan @Brave Axe! Conan's VANTAGE activates! 36x2 damage, 59% hit, 0% crit (87) (43, 71) Priam takes 36 damage! (44/80) (25) Conan's VENGEANCE activates! YOU'RE FINISHED! (85, 19) Priam is indeed finished. ANON ZERO GANGREL 00/80 STAHL 80/80 TIKI 00/80 MIRIEL 00/80 MIRIEL 80/80 CHROM 00/80 PRIAM 00/80 CONAN 35/80 COOKIE 00/80 AVERSA 00/80 Zero's turn/
  22. TURN 8 VS Conan @Brave Axe attacks Tiki @Gradivus! 30x2 damage, 92% hit, 0% crit (40) Conan's VENGEANCE activates! (73, 36) Tiki takes 52 damage! (28/80) (99) (65, 30) Tiki falls! Vengeance OP. Anon's turn ANON ZERO GANGREL 00/80 STAHL 80/80 TIKI 00/80 MIRIEL 00/80 MIRIEL 80/80 CHROM 00/80 PRIAM 80/80 CONAN 35/80 COOKIE 00/80 AVERSA 00/80
  23. TURN 7 Miriel's BOND activates! Cookie heals 10HP (28/80) VS Cookie @Brave Bow attacks Conan @Helswath! 15x2 damage, 85% hit, 0% crit (29) Cookie's LUNA activates! (93, 14) Conan takes 35 damage! (45/80) (99) (22, 44) Conan takes 15 damage (30/80) Conan counters! 46 damage, 66% hit, 0% crit (29) Conan's VENGEANCE activates! HERE'S HOW IT'S DONE! (96, 31) Cookie crumbles. Zero's turn. ANON ZERO GANGREL 00/80 STAHL 80/80 TIKI 80/80 MIRIEL 00/80 MIRIEL 80/80 CHROM 00/80 PRIAM 80/80 CONAN 35/80 COOKIE 00/80 AVERSA 00/80
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