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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I don't think we should hide it. We never hid it in FE9, why hide it here?
  2. TURN 2 VS Neimi @Nidhogg attacks Vanessa @Vidofnir! 17 damage, 58% hit, 0% crit (92, 2) Vanessa takes 17 damage! (22/39) Nicolas's turn. BLACKZERO NICOLAS EPHRAIM 00/55 MOULDER 49/49 GERIK 60/60 VANESSA 22/39 JOSHUA 56/56 LUTE 37/37 NEIMI 40/40 ROSS 54/54 GILLIAM 60/60 GARCIA 59/59
  3. I dunno if I'm just basing it on the notion of Walhart just crushing assassins in general (although just because he beats them pretty easily doesn't mean he's the better unit) is making me say he's better, but I honestly think he is. He doesn't even really mind being doubled by said assassins (what with high defence and pavise) and can easily take them out with pretty good hitrates if he's running swordbreaker (which is common, i'd think). Maybe it's just personal preference though, I'd rather have Walhart on the team than any assassin sans Flavia, Priam, and maybe Sully/Stahl (Robin doesn't count). Astra is just terrible against high defence units, making Yen'fay and especially Say'ri worse off. Chrom is pretty rad too. I initially came in to move Cordelia up, but well, she's already pretty much at the top. I'd honestly say she's better than Priam though. His skills are fantastic, but his speed just isn't high enough I don't think.
  4. TURN 1 VS Vanessa @Vidofnir attacks Ephraim @Siegmund! 19 damage, 81% hit, 0% crit, 20% Pierce (2, 89) (10) PIERCE activates! Ephraim takes 40 damage! (15/55) Ephraim counters! 24 damage, 48% hit, 0% crit (55, 79) Ephraim misses! Vanessa attacks again! 19 damage, 81% hit, 0% crit, 20% Pierce (35, 0) (16) Vanessa pointlessly PIERCES Ephraim again and he falls. Blackzero's turn. BLACKZERO NICOLAS EPHRAIM 00/55 MOULDER 49/49 GERIK 60/60 VANESSA 39/39 JOSHUA 56/56 LUTE 37/37 NEIMI 40/40 ROSS 54/54 GILLIAM 60/60 GARCIA 59/59
  5. I think Conqueror Walhart is pretty good. He has Balmung access to avoid getting doubled (which helps quite a bit I think) and well that's really it. 40 skill is kinda lowish, but he doesn't have vengeance anyway and there's very little difference in a 40 proc rate vs a 45 than an 80 vs a 90. I'd say he's better than that clump of assassins above him. Chrom I think is better than reflected too, but I might have just had a few unfourtunate experiences against him, i'm not sure.
  6. Yeah. See no reason to keep it hidden. I dunno why we stopped in the first place tbh.
  7. Averages, no boosters! TEAM BLACKZERO VS TEAM NICOLAS STATS TEAM BLACKZERO Unit HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con acc avo crt Ephraim 55 27 26 24 26 21 16 10 65 74 13 H!Gerik 60 25 27 24 17 22 13 15 62 65 13 S!Joshua 56 22 29 30 17 14 10 9 66 77 29 R!Neimi 40 23 26 30 23 12 18 7 63 83 13 G!Gilliam 60 27 20 17 14 30 13 16 47 48 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------ TEAM NICOLAS Unit HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con acc avo crt S!Moulder 49 19 24 23 8 14 17 11 52 55 12 WK!Vanessa 39 20 27 29 23 15 17 9 65 81 13 S!Lute 37 30 18 24 25 12 23 4 48 73 9 B!Ross 54 30 19 19 27 18 11 13 51 65 24 W!Garcia 59 30 23 14 17 17 9 16 54 45 11 (96) Nicolas moves first! Classes are indicated in the statbox. If you have any questions (hopefully you don't) ask!
  8. I think I can handle hosting one more game! It's FE9 right?
  9. I meant in his excel sheet, not the actual game. Poor wording on my part.
  10. uhh, gently poke the thwomp with Yewfelle since it appears I have to act.
  11. a fair point. i guess it's worth discussing? I'm fine with the option being there, but maybe that makes it a bit too good?
  12. You don't have to ingame, so I don't see why you would need to here.
  13. I think some Nasir masterrace teams might have been duplicated, but they were well... the best. I think Baldrick's teams stayed pretty static throughout too, and he won! also a question WRT Galeforce.
  14. In the last tournament, you were allowed to make new teams between matches.
  15. Oh right, sumia so THWOMP I know like none of her class tree despite using her probably more than anyone other than Robin and Frederick. Stoopid useless ingame reclasses.
  16. Can I take my second action to switch weapons? I'm not going to do it this turn, but for future games it would be something to consider. Cordelia will admire her bloody lance and sit tight, awaiting the enemy's turn.
  17. Yeah, the thing is, I don't think the sage will want to attack the thwomp with Celica's. If they get Luna'd once with a brave they're dead. A thwomp can survive one Luna'd Celica's and has tools like Res+10 and Aegis to make things hurt less. The only Sages with Pavise are lolKellam and Robin. Unless you build the ANTITHWOMP SAGE with Lancebreaker/Axebreaker and then you can probably go to town. EDIT: I guess not many Thwomps actually have Aegis either. Just Fred and Robin. Res+10 still exists though, they can survive double Luna'd Celica's with that.
  18. Ok, lets gamble on Gregor having a BALMUNG equipped. Cordelia Brave Lance him! Even though hilariously enough Cordelia can ORKO the thwomp with the brave bow despite doing 0 damage. Vengeance OP. He probably has Aegis though.
  19. Man, I wanted one of those Luna's to proc. Uhh, move in a second.
  20. honestly thwomps ruin sages too. Sages just do a lot of damage to everybody. If the sage doesn't kill the thwomp, well they might tank one.
  21. Oh yeah, I can confirm that Swordslayers aren't effective against Assassins. Tried against Jaffar in the FE7 (actual) link arena. EDIT: Also i've been playing around with the FE13 one testing things for a team if the upcoming tournament is fe13 and Luna's Proc rate is listed as Skl/2% instead of just Skl%. I think all the other % procs are correct though.
  22. Yeah, its 2x. It's for a similar reason the S ranks in FE8 are 2x, they're so strong they'd do way too much damage otherwise.
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