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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Imo leave it as is, limit it, or ban it. Don't change it.
  2. I agree. I've reconsidered my stance on Vengeance though, I think it's ok. I don't think sorcerers are nearly as strong as I thought they were. Still very good though.
  3. I'm down for whatever really, I find not Awakening and Fe9 to be fun. Poll it?
  4. I think that Fe9 is the best meta , and cut supports adds a bunch more options. Some stuff like Nasir and Maka/Brom might need to be looked at though.
  5. I'm still of the opinion that a meta with boosters is more interesting since a lot of units become totally useless or interchangeable with maxes. Awakening isn't as bad with skills though.
  6. I'm interested in a tournament too, as long as it's not a silly meta like Fe4. I won't be able to host anything from August 2nd to 10th though, I'm IN AMERICA.
  7. Man you're worse at updating than me, I only leave a year between chapters! That being said I'll watch the Chapter 18 part when I get home. The other two chapters are self explanatory.
  8. I have.... 2013 I think. It's pretty new.
  9. i always liked running around the chao garden with eggman. His running animation was hilarious. I also find the lipsynching errors and corny voice acting to be hilarious. It's pretty fun. And gg Anon. The power of Bors's chin was too much, despite him never entering battle.
  10. My robin is named Cyas :(. Priam, Balmung Chrom
  11. I should be fighting Carmine. I guess he hasn't sent a team in yet. I've got blackzero's and ZM's FE7 averages teams, but i'm too tired to put them up tonight. I probably won't get them up tomorrow because there's construction around my house so I have to leave a bit earlier in the mornings for work. EDIT: You could play doof and I could host? EDIT2: I guess you've seen his team though, huh.
  12. to be fair, who wouldn't be better as a falcoknight (other than a wyvern lord)
  13. Hey, that totally missed! Not that it matters. Allen finish the deed with Durandal.
  14. Carmine Sword already agreed to play me a few pages back. You can have your revenge later
  15. I'm pretty sure he doesn't move. Hawkeye doesn't have an animation, but I think if I set it to default animations, he'll just have the generic sage pallete since he has his custom animation. Would explain why Guy didn't have an animation as well.
  16. FINALLY I had a failed run before this where I literally had 696 exp. It was rage inducing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gn6J8oyM_8&feature=youtu.be Chapter 22 completed in two turns. I needed a lower levelled unit to be dropped by Oswin in the middle of the map, since if he ate up all that exp I obviously wouldn't make it to Genesis. Eliwood was perfect for the job, but he had to recruit Hawkeye, Hector is too slow, and Legault has no 1 range, and everyone else is either too strong, or a chump. Oswin's turn 1 crit on the boss isn't nescessary since Priscilla oneshots the boss anyway. Only got Filla's Might. I don't think any of the other items will be particularly useful, won't need the ocean seal since there aren't any more unpromoted units (other than lolnino) and I don't really need the money. Oh yeah, I got Hawkeye. He's a female sage with massive HP, craptastic speed, and decent stats everywhere else. More importantly, he joins with Bolting, which might do something useful later! Pent is probably not a sage, he's not randomized for the desert map.
  17. I'm down for hosting 4/5/13 if anyone wants to play those.
  18. I think the only time you'd actually want to use a beastkiller or something is if it does enough damage to kill to avoid some nasty vengeance stuff.
  19. SHINDERELLA ACTIVATING 28 FOR THE WIN gg doof, I think sorcerers are a good class, but only sorcerers probably isn't very strong.
  20. You've made a fatal flaw! Roy is so WIMPY that he is now going to get doubled by Ward! Murgleis go!
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