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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. TURN 6 VS Chrom @Brave Bow attacks Cookie @Ragnell! 22x2 damage, 84% hit, 0% crit (93) (43) Chrom's LUNA activates! (56, 13) Cookie takes 40 damage! Chrom attacks again! (96) (55) (12, 39) Cookie takes 22 damage! (18/80) Cookie counters! 28 damage, 81% hit, 0% crit (71) (69, 29) Chrom falls. Anon's turn. ANON ZERO GANGREL 00/80 STAHL 80/80 TIKI 80/80 MIRIEL 00/80 MIRIEL 80/80 CHROM 00/80 PRIAM 80/80 CONAN 80/80 COOKIE 18/80 AVERSA 00/80
  2. TURN 9? VS Tinny @Tornado attacks Hannibal @Hero Lance! 36 damage, 100% hit, 45% continue, 44% critical (75) Regular damage! (98) No big shield for you! Hannibal takes 36 damage! (30/66) (97) No continue either! Hannibal counters! 28x2 damage, 26% hit, 0% crit (84) Miss! (12) Hannibal channels his inner THWOMP and hits Tinny for 28 damage! (31/59) Tinny doubles! (48) Almost a crit! It's enough to kill Hannibal! (22) What a Thomwp. GREAT SHIELD HAX. (9) Tinny's CONTINUE activates! (84) Still not crit, but she doesn't need it.. (51) Hannibal's great beard has mercy, and falls. Baldrick sent his action in preempitvely too, and now... TURN 10 VS Patty @Hero Sword attacks Tinny @Tornado! 22x2 damage, 56% hit, 22% Luna, 20% crit (3) Patty's LUNA activates! She can't miss now! (9) It's a critical hit! Tinny explodes. Jedi's turn. JEDI BALDRICK JULIA 50/50 HANNIBAL 00/66 DELMUD 61/61 TINNY 62/62 SETY 54/54 FAVAL 00/80 PATTY 00/77 PATTY 77/77 TINNY 00/59 SETY 64/64
  3. You can't break Alvis with sibling crits, so you can't break Nihil at all. TURN 8 Faval heals (10) HP with the Life ring! (14/80) VS Faval @Killer Bow attacks Sety @Lightning! 26 damage, 80% hit, 67% crit (90) Faval misses! Sety counters! 42 damage, 48% hit, 44% Continue (18) Faval finally perishes. Jedi's turn. JEDI BALDRICK JULIA 50/50 HANNIBAL 66/66 DELMUD 61/61 TINNY 62/62 SETY 54/54 FAVAL 00/80 PATTY 00/77 PATTY 77/77 TINNY 59/59 SETY 64/64 With that, i'm sleeping. I'll post future rounds in the morning.
  4. TURN 6 Faval heals (6) HP with his life ring (23t/80) VS Faval @Killer Bow attacks Delmud @Hero Sword 19 damage, 75% hit, 0% crit (79) Faval misses! (95) Twice! #1rn JEDI BALDRICK JULIA 50/50 HANNIBAL 66/66 DELMUD 61/61 TINNY 62/62 SETY 54/54 FAVAL 23/80 PATTY 00/77 PATTY 77/77 TINNY 59/59 SETY 64/64
  5. TURN 5 VS Delmud @Hero Sword attacks Faval @Killer Bow! 19x2 damage, 72% hit, 20% crit (81) Delmud misses! (44, 74) Faval takes 19 damage! (17/80) Baldrick's turn. JEDI BALDRICK JULIA 50/50 HANNIBAL 66/66 DELMUD 61/61 TINNY 62/62 SETY 54/54 FAVAL 17/80 PATTY 00/77 PATTY 77/77 TINNY 59/59 SETY 64/64
  6. TURN 5 VS Priam @Balmung attacks Chrom @Brave Bow! 28 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (9) Priam's SOL activates! Chrom takes 28 damage (52/80) Priam heals 0 HP! Priam doubles! (11) Priam's SOL activates! Chrom takes 28 damage! (24/80) Priam heals 0 HP! ANON ZERO GANGREL 00/80 STAHL 80/80 TIKI 80/80 MIRIEL 00/80 MIRIEL 80/80 CHROM 24/80 PRIAM 80/80 CONAN 80/80 COOKIE 80/80 AVERSA 00/80
  7. oh dear, what happened here? People aren't allowed to have fun on the internet! I also forgot something that happened on turn 3, Tiki activates BOND! Gangrel heals 10HP (43/80) TURN 4 VS Chrom @Brave Bow attacks Gangrel @Brave Axe! 25x2 damage, 72% hit, 0% crit (10) Chrom activates AETHER! NOW I'M ANGRY! (81, 93) Chrom misses! (86, 98) wtf???? Chrom misses again! Chrom attacks again! (15) Chrom activates AETHER! ANYTHING CAN CHANGE! (58, 82) Gangrel takes 25 damage! (18/80) (47, 15) Gangrel finally falls. ANON ZERO GANGREL 00/80 STAHL 80/80 TIKI 80/80 MIRIEL 00/80 MIRIEL 80/80 CHROM 80/80 PRIAM 80/80 CONAN 80/80 COOKIE 80/80 AVERSA 00/80
  8. TURN 3 VS Gangrel @Brave Axe attacks Aversa @Aversa's Night! 25x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (56) Gangrel's VENGEANCE activates! Aversa takes 48 damage! (32/80) Gangrel attacks again! (64) Gangrel's VENGEANCE activates! YOU'RE AN EYESORE! Aversa has fallen! zero's turn. ANON ZERO GANGREL 33/80 STAHL 80/80 TIKI 80/80 MIRIEL 00/80 MIRIEL 80/80 CHROM 80/80 PRIAM 80/80 CONAN 80/80 COOKIE 80/80 AVERSA 00/80 also going out for a run with THE DOG, be back in an hour or so.
  9. well, it might not be horrible, if you didn't proc luna on the second attack he'd be left with a very dangerous 2HP with his vengeance powers.
  10. TURN 2 VS Stahl @Yewfelle attacks Gangrel @Brave Axe! 31 damage, 93% hit, 0% crit (19) Stahl's LUNA activates! (41, 20) Gangrel takes 47 damage! (33/80) Stahl wishes he could double. Anon's turn. ANON ZERO GANGREL 33/80 STAHL 80/80 TIKI 80/80 MIRIEL 00/80 MIRIEL 80/80 CHROM 80/80 PRIAM 80/80 CONAN 80/80 COOKIE 80/80 AVERSA 80/80
  11. Gangrel actually totally destroys them, I don't think anyone else has the tools he does (other than Robin) to do so. Maybe Henry too.
  12. TURN 1 VS Gangrel @Brave Axe attacks Miriel @Aversa's Night! 27x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (82) Miriel takes 27 damage! (53/80) Gangrel attacks again! (62) Gangrel's VENGEANCE activates! Miriel takes 27 damage! (26/80) Miriel counters! 39 damage, 9% hit, 0% crit (15) Miriel's VENGEANCE activates! (82, 10) Miriel misses! Gangrel attacks again! (71) Gangrel's VENGEANCE activates! BEG FOR YOUR LIFE! Miriel takes 27 damage and falls! ANON ZERO GANGREL 80/80 STAHL 80/80 TIKI 80/80 MIRIEL 00/80 MIRIEL 80/80 CHROM 80/80 PRIAM 80/80 CONAN 80/80 COOKIE 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 Zero's turn.
  13. a newcomer enters the arena vs a longtime player. What will happen? TEAM ZERO versus... TEAM ANON oh look Miriel on both teams STATS UNIT HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS HIT AVO CRIT ASSASSIN!STAHL 80 42 29 49 46 43 33 29 95 90 24 SORCERER!MIRIEL 80 28 47 39 41 45 39 44 81 84 19 BOWKNIGHT!CHROM 80 41 30 44 42 46 34 29 89 86 22 BERSERKER!CONAN 80 53 29 37 44 42 36 30 76 87 18 SORCERER!AVERSA 80 29 47 39 41 43 41 44 80 83 19 ----------------------------------------------------- UNIT HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS HIT AVO CRIT JENKINS!LEEROY 80 48 30 38 47 44 33 30 79 92 19 WAIFU!TIKI 80 40 38 42 43 47 42 42 86 88 21 SORCERER!MIRIEL 80 28 47 39 41 45 39 44 81 84 19 SWORDMASTER!PRIAM 80 41 32 45 46 45 35 36 90 91 22 ASSASSIN!COOKIE 80 39 29 50 50 44 31 30 97 97 25 (62) Anon gets first strike!
  14. you can work around miracle with brave weapons, it's not that good. But just stick like, Vengeance, Pavise/Aegis, vantage and a filler skill and they'd be pretty bullshit I think and yeah I think Flavia's cool with Pavise too.
  15. i think if you just used 5 units with vengeance you'd just win unless the other team had the same thing.
  16. Don't think there's a white gem on HHM. I could be wrong though. If there is, that solves everything though. In some of the later chapters with obsurd funds requirements, you could abuse the Hammerne staff and fix a really expensive weapon (like Luna or something) that you wore down in an earlier chapter, it nets you around 4k in funds depending on how much Luna (or other expensive weapon) has been used. EDIT: According to FEwod he has the white gem. My memory sucks.
  17. i've been saying its the most op skill ever for a few days now but noone seems to agree :( EDIT: NEVERMIND ONE OTHER PERSON AGREED WITH ME IN THE POLL
  18. Yeah, if we get more people hosting i'd have to do it less we could get more games out overall, so i'd be happy to help.
  19. That might be an issue, as far as I can remember, there's only ~84000g worth of items avaliable there in HHM.
  20. I don't actually use the docs when I host, I was just pointing them out as an option, and I think people should give them a shot, Elie's put a lot of work into them. I just don't use them because i'm a fe dork that knows everything I honestly like working with numbers and doing it in my head, and i've played so much FE I know almost all the hitrates of the weapons of most games and all the hit/avoid formulas so it's almost faster for me to do in my head than type everything out.
  21. The desert chapter should be easy enough if you buy some staves from the previous chapter's secret shop. Just have Ninian, Serra and Priscilla just hang around somewhere and spam barrier and torch. I managed to get 700 exp in two turns in my low turn run, so I don't think 1200 in 9 will be all that bad, and getting the items should be pretty easy too. I dunno about the Victory or Death exp req's though, they might be impossible to reach unless you have a lot of staff users or some underlevelled units with good stats ready.
  22. I think at this point we need less games and more hosts for games. It's cool we're getting more people playing again though. Espinosa I know hardly ever gets to play because he's hosting so much. I dunno if he minds, but since he's kind of the backbone of the project, it'd be nice if he got to play a few games every once in a while.
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