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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. yeah. The attack misses if the RN's = the hitrate. So if they average out to 78 and it's a 78 hitrate, the attack misses. The only way to miss a 99 is rolling two 99's.
  2. She's not even good in LTC. She joins too late. She's ok filler in some chapter like Sands of time in a ranked run, where all the enemies blow and she can pick up a few kills for quite a bit of exp, but outside that, she's really not very good. EDIT: If Lowen can't hurt things Isadora really can't. Lowen can at least use axes to help out with that. Isadora can't even really use Lances very well. She's a pegasus knight on a horse with 8 defence.
  3. res+10 for worst skill I think Chrom has proc'd something every time he's attacked one of my units too :( I might have to start using him.
  4. Hector's even better than Oswin tbh, He's like Oswin but with better stats everywhere.
  5. Lets do cool things now. Cordelia, Ephraim's Lance Chrom, he doesn't love you anyway! (if Chrom indeed has 25 HP)
  6. Oswin is honestly really really really good in an FE7 game without boosters I think. If you don't have a fast unit with a hammer (and with the hammer's weight you're pretty much restricted to Dart or Wolf Beil Hector) he's just really good. You got a bit unlucky at the start with the Lancereaver dealie though. You'll know for next time to think about the possabilities!
  7. ffs Walhart proc's Luna with an RN roll of 32 though.
  8. TURN 10 VS Raven @Regal Blade attacks Athos @Luna! 25 damage, 96% hit, 0% crit (14, 29) Athos takes 25 damage! (15/40) He counters! 30 damage, 94% hit, 23% crit (80, 40, 12) Athos uses the power of HAX to prevent his immanent death and slays Raven! ZM wins 3-0!
  9. TURN 9 VS Guy @Wo Dao attacks Priscilla @Thunder! 21 damage, 96% hit, 49% crit (28, 35, 77) Guy gently ends Priscilla. Blackzero's turn. Blackzero ZM Lucius 00/41 Matthew 49/49 Bartre 00/60 Oswin 00/59 Priscilla 00/35 Priscilla 00/35 Raven 39/60 Guy 57/57 Canas 00/47 Athos 40/40
  10. TURN 8 VS Raven @Regal Blade attacks Priscilla @Fire! 33 damage, 74% hit, 0% crit (89, 73) Raven misses! Priscilla counters! 21 damage, 100% hit, 18% crit (93) No crit. Raven takes 21 damage! (39/60) Raven attacks again! 33 damage, 74% hit, 0% crit (77, 8) Priscilla falls. ZM's turn. Blackzero ZM Lucius 00/41 Matthew 49/49 Bartre 00/60 Oswin 00/59 Priscilla 03/35 Priscilla 00/35 Raven 39/60 Guy 57/57 Canas 00/47 Athos 40/40
  11. TURN 7? VS Oswin @Brave Lance attacks Priscilla @Thunder! 32x2 damage, 62% hit, 0% crit (41, 73) Priscilla takes 32 damage! (3/35) (88, 60) Oswin misses! Priscilla counters! 21 damage, 88% hit, 0% crit (55, 30) Oswin takes 21 damage! (18/59) Priscilla attacks again! (73, 13) Oswin finally falls. Blackzero's turn. Blackzero ZM Lucius 00/41 Matthew 49/49 Bartre 00/60 Oswin 00/59 Priscilla 03/35 Priscilla 11/35 Raven 60/60 Guy 57/57 Canas 00/47 Athos 40/40
  12. TURN 6 VS Lucius @Divine attacks Oswin @Brave Lance! 20 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit Oswin takes 20 damage! (39/59) Oswin counters! 31x2 damage, 87% hit, 18% crit (5, 55, 89) Lucius takes 31 damage! (10/41) Oswin attacks again! (16, 76, 47) Lucius dies. ZM's turn. Blackzero ZM Lucius 00/41 Matthew 49/49 Bartre 00/60 Oswin 39/59 Priscilla 35/35 Priscilla 11/35 Raven 60/60 Guy 57/57 Canas 00/47 Athos 40/40
  13. TURN 5 VS Oswin @Brave Lance attacks Canas @Luna! 27x2 damage, 83% hit, 12% crit (12, 52, 1) Wow, Oswin does a ton of damage, he's kind of OP honestly. Canas EXPLODES. Blackzero's turn Blackzero ZM Lucius 41/41 Matthew 49/49 Bartre 00/60 Oswin 59/59 Priscilla 35/35 Priscilla 11/35 Raven 60/60 Guy 57/57 Canas 00/47 Athos 40/40
  14. TURN 4 VS Canas @Luna attacks Priscilla @Fire! 24 damage, 78% hit, 0% crit (67, 2) Priscilla takes 24 damage! (11/35) Priscilla counters! 7 damage, 100% hit, 22% crit (32) Canas takes 7 damage! (40/47) (82) Canas takes 7 damage! (33/47) ZM's turn. Blackzero ZM Lucius 41/41 Matthew 49/49 Bartre 00/60 Oswin 59/59 Priscilla 35/35 Priscilla 11/35 Raven 60/60 Guy 57/57 Canas 33/47 Athos 40/40
  15. hahaha DA MONACLE is strong. That's really cute. I'm disappointed your daughter didn't want to be lucius though
  16. TURN 3 VS Priscilla @Fire attacks Bartre @Swordslayer! 15 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit Bartre dies! Blackzero's turn. Blackzero ZM Lucius 41/41 Matthew 49/49 Bartre 00/60 Oswin 59/59 Priscilla 35/35 Priscilla 35/35 Raven 60/60 Guy 57/57 Canas 47/47 Athos 40/40
  17. TURN 2 VS Bartre @Swordslayer attacks Guy @Lancereaver! 47 damage, 37% hit, 0% crit (12, 98) Bartre misses! Guy counters! 13 damage, 100% hit, 11% crit (24) No crit. Bartre takes 13 damage (15/80) (36) No crit again. Bartre barely survives. (2/80) ZM's turn. Blackzero ZM Lucius 41/41 Matthew 49/49 Bartre 02/60 Oswin 59/59 Priscilla 35/35 Priscilla 35/35 Raven 60/60 Guy 57/57 Canas 47/47 Athos 40/40
  18. The Swordslayer actually isn't effective against Assassins regardless. TURN 1 VS Matthew @Killing Edge attacks Bartre @Killer Axe! 8 damage, 79% hit, 21% crit (48, 42, 17, 80) Critical hit! Bartre takes 24 damage! (36/60) Bartre counters! 24 damage, 16% hit, 16% crit (49, 62) Bartre misses! Matthew attacks again! 8 damage, 79% hit, 21% crit (37, 56, 95) Bartre takes 8 damage! (28/60) Blackzero's turn. Blackzero ZM Lucius 41/41 Matthew 49/49 Bartre 28/60 Oswin 59/59 Priscilla 35/35 Priscilla 35/35 Raven 60/60 Guy 57/57 Canas 47/47 Athos 40/40
  19. tfw athos has the second highest defence actually athos's defence is pretty high compared to most units at 20/20.
  20. No boosters! Averages! Priscilla only Dragon's gate TEAM BLACKZERO VERSUS TEAM ZM Unit HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con acc avo crt Lucius 41 25 25 24 9 8 30 7 54 57 12 Bartre 60 29 20 18 15 18 12 15 47 51 10 Priscilla 35 22 24 22 30 10 27 5 63 74 12 Raven 60 25 29 26 14 17 9 9 65 66 14 Canas 47 24 21 22 15 15 24 8 49 59 10 -------------------------------------------------------------- Unit HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con acc avo crt Matthew 49 16 19 30 21 14 9 7 48 81 9 Oswin 59 27 20 17 14 30 15 16 47 48 10 Priscilla 35 22 24 22 30 10 27 5 63 74 12 Guy 57 21 29 30 21 13 11 6 68 81 29 Athos 40 30 24 20 25 20 28 9 60 65 12 (81) ZM goes first! I'll confirm Athos's stats momentarily, I guessed based on what I remember. EDIT: wow im good I got everything right
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