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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. also huh, he didn't have Aegis. I guess I could have just shot him a bunch with the brave bow earlier.
  2. TURN 7 VS Garcia @Swordslayer attacks Joshua @Audhulma! 57 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit Joshua dies! Blackzero's turn. BLACKZERO NICOLAS EPHRAIM 00/55 MOULDER 00/49 GERIK 60/60 VANESSA 00/39 JOSHUA 00/56 LUTE 37/37 NEIMI 13/40 ROSS 54/54 GILLIAM 12/60 GARCIA 59/59
  3. TURN 7 VS Rolf @Silver Bow attacks Gatrie @Silver Lance! Gatrie's NIHIL activates! 11 damage, 100% hit, 25% crit (56) Gatrie takes 11 damage! (48/59) (34) Gatrie takes 11 damage! (37/59) Anon's turn. Nintales Anon Oscar 49/49 Ilyana 00/46 Kieran 50/50 Mia 00/49 Rolf 22/52 Marcia 50/50 Elincia 52/52 Gatrie 37/59 Tauroneo 00/52 Giffca [11] 68/68
  4. TURN 6 VS Gatrie @Silver Lance attacks Rolf @Silver Bow! Gatrie's NIHIL activates! 30 damage, 87% hit, 0% crit (62, 97) Rolf takes 30 damage! (22/52) Nintales' turn. Nintales Anon Oscar 49/49 Ilyana 00/46 Kieran 50/50 Mia 00/49 Rolf 22/52 Marcia 50/50 Elincia 52/52 Gatrie 59/59 Tauroneo 00/52 Giffca [11] 68/68
  5. TURN 5 VS Rolf @Silver Bow attacks Mia @Da Katti! 24 damage, 100% hit, 13% crit, 15% Deadeye (16) (78) No crit or deadeye. Mia takes... (48) 15 damage and falls! Anon's turn. Nintales Anon Oscar 49/49 Ilyana 00/46 Kieran 50/50 Mia 00/49 Rolf 52/52 Marcia 50/50 Elincia 52/52 Gatrie 59/59 Tauroneo 00/52 Giffca [14] 68/68
  6. Even if he has def+2 she does more damage than -1, she has 58 attack. Edit: think you calc'd a brave bow.
  7. Also i'm gone for a few hours now. Gotta make and eat dinner!
  8. TURN 4 VS i hate you gatrie had 99 hit so I had to roll for it Gatrie @Silver Lance+ attacks Tauroneo @Brave Lance! Both units activate NIHIL 22 damage, 99% hit, 0% crit (29, 90) Gatrie unsurprisingly fails to miss a 99 and finished off Tauroneo. Nintales' turn. Nintales Anon Oscar 49/49 Ilyana 00/46 Kieran 50/50 Mia 15/49 Rolf 52/52 Marcia 50/50 Elincia 52/52 Gatrie 59/59 Tauroneo 00/52 Giffca [14] 68/68
  9. TURN 3 VS Tauroneo @Brave Lance attacks Ilyana @Bolting! Tauroneo's NIHIL and RESOLVE activate! 30x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit Ilyana explodes! Anon's turn. Nintales Anon Oscar 49/49 Ilyana 00/46 Kieran 50/50 Mia 15/49 Rolf 52/52 Marcia 50/50 Elincia 52/52 Gatrie 59/59 Tauroneo 02/52 Giffca [17] 68/68
  10. TURN 2 VS Ilyana @Bolting attacks Tauroneo @Brave Lance Tauroneo's NIHIL activates! 25 damage, 93% hit, 0% crit (61, 47) Tauroneo takes 25 damage! (27/52) Ilyana doubles! (34, 33) Tauroneo takes 25 damage! (02/52) Nintales' turn Nintales Anon Oscar 49/49 Ilyana 46/46 Kieran 50/50 Mia 15/49 Rolf 52/52 Marcia 50/50 Elincia 52/52 Gatrie 59/59 Tauroneo 02/52 Giffca [17] 68/68
  11. ^ Yeah i just remembered that when I remembered to note the transformation of Giffca. I'm getting OLD. TURN 1 VS Tauroneo @Brave Lance attacks Mia @DA KATTI! Tauroneo's NIHIL activates! 17x2 damage, 80% hit, 0% crit (68, 47) Mia takes 17 damage! (32/49) (2. 34) Mia takes 17 damage! (15/49) Mia counters! 0 damage, 100% hit, 45% crit (74) No damage! Mia attacks again! (34) The critical hit bounces off Tauroneo's stache! Anon's turn. Nintales Anon Oscar 49/49 Ilyana 46/46 Kieran 50/50 Mia 15/49 Rolf 52/52 Marcia 50/50 Elincia 52/52 Gatrie 59/59 Tauroneo 52/52 Giffca [20] 68/68
  12. Wow, it's been a long time since I hosted FE9. TEAM NINTALES VS TEAM ANON STATS TEAM NINTALES Unit HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res acc avo crt sk% Oscar 49 25 10 26 26 16 27 14 68 68 13 26 Kieran 50 26 7 26 27 15 23 12 67 69 13 26 Rolf 52 25 10 30 28 20 19 18 80 76 28 13 Elincia 52 18 25 25 28 27 16 22 77 83 12 12 Tauroneo 52 25 11 23 19 19 26 17 65 57 11 23 TEAM ANON Unit HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res acc avo crt sk% atk hit Ilyana 46 15 30 28 28 21 14 28 77 77 14 28 Mia 49 22 12 29 30 25 16 12 83 85 29 14 Marcia 50 23 9 26 28 18 19 20 70 74 13 13 Gatrie 59 29 4 25 15 13 30 12 63 43 12 25 Giffca 68 32 10 28 25 22 25 16 0 72 0 - Giffca 68 40 10 32 29 22 30 19 86 80 16 - 50 181 Nintales' Rolf activates SHADE! Anon's Ilyana also activates SHADE! Giffca TRANSFORMS! (45) Nintales acts first!
  13. Quint, in my gen2 match against doof, I had a swordmaster Yarne with Wrath, Gamble, Anathema and Solidarity support, along with the Sol Katti. He kind of did work? It's horribly gimmicky though and in the gen 1 meta you won't have nearly as good of stats as Yarne had, (since Panne is a super good mom statwise). But yeah not having bows just hurts them too much. It helps not being instagibbed by braves though.
  14. TURN 6 VS Joshua @Audhulma attacks Moulder @Excalibur! 27 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit Moulder takes 27 damage! (22/49) Moulder counters! 21 damage, 58% hit, 0% crit (36, 18) Joshua takes 21 damage! (35/56) Joshua doubles and kills Moulder! Nicolas's turn. BLACKZERO NICOLAS EPHRAIM 00/55 MOULDER 00/49 GERIK 60/60 VANESSA 00/39 JOSHUA 35/56 LUTE 37/37 NEIMI 13/40 ROSS 54/54 GILLIAM 12/60 GARCIA 59/59
  15. Bride. This is true. I think it largely depends on the unit and their skills. Both are good classes, better in some situations than others.
  16. I think the assassin class is really good, but the only ones with the best offensive proc (Vengeance) are Henry and Gangrel and they aren't your ideal assassins I don't think. The classes really come down to 4 speed versus 10 defence and 10 res, and i'd much rather have the latter.
  17. TURN 5 VS Moulder @Excalibur attacks Gilliam @Dragon Axe! 24 damage, 84% hit, 6% crit (91, 30, 77) Gilliam takes.. (56) 24 damage! (36/60) Gilliam counters! 26 damage, 54% hit, 0% crit (45, 69) 57 Gilliam misses! Moulder doubles! 24 damage, 84% hit, 6% crit (74, 49, 30) Gilliam takes... (32) 24 more damage! (12/60) Blackzero's turn. BLACKZERO NICOLAS EPHRAIM 00/55 MOULDER 49/49 GERIK 60/60 VANESSA 00/39 JOSHUA 56/56 LUTE 37/37 NEIMI 13/40 ROSS 54/54 GILLIAM 12/60 GARCIA 59/59
  18. TURN 4 VS Gilliam @Dragon Axe attacks Vanessa @Vidofnir! 42 damage, 27% hit, 0% crit (4, 49) 26.5 Vanessa falls! Nicolas's turn. BLACKZERO NICOLAS EPHRAIM 00/55 MOULDER 49/49 GERIK 60/60 VANESSA 00/39 JOSHUA 56/56 LUTE 37/37 NEIMI 13/40 ROSS 54/54 GILLIAM 60/60 GARCIA 59/59
  19. yeah, turns out they're not there. Odd they'd include both Morgans and not the Robins.
  20. TURN 3 VS Vanessa @Vidofnir attacks Neimi @Nidhogg! 27 damage, 52% hit, 0% crit, 20% Pierce (23, 57) (94) Neimi takes 27 damage! (13/40) Blackzero's turn BLACKZERO NICOLAS EPHRAIM 00/55 MOULDER 49/49 GERIK 60/60 VANESSA 22/39 JOSHUA 56/56 LUTE 37/37 NEIMI 13/40 ROSS 54/54 GILLIAM 60/60 GARCIA 59/59
  21. i don't have the weeb version though, it'll just be x2 in English
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