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Everything posted by Avalanche

  1. Considering you get him fairly early (Chapter 8 I believe) and as far as I know he can class change right away, he at least has an okay amount of time to build at least one Weapon Rank up. Honestly, the main reason I'm trying to find ways to make Odin viable is that I plan on marrying Ophelia, so I need him to have at least semi competent stats...
  2. I was referring to the Magical Physical Weapons (Sorry about that, I could have been way more clear). I was also considering that Nohr doesn't have that many Hidden Weapon users (at least early on), so it may have given him SOMETHING to help him stand out.
  3. To anyone who can test it out, how viable do you think Odin would be as a Dread Fighter? His Growths honestly seem pretty good; HP: 70% Str: 50% Mag: 35% Skl: 60% Spd: 50% Lck: 50% Def: 45% Res: 40% Considering Odin is pretty bad (at least from what I've heard), I think making him a Dread Fighter might give him a niche as a potential Mixed Attacker/Hidden Weapon specialst. To anyone who can clarify, would his bases when changed be useable?
  4. I was not aware Paralogue's scaled in this game (unlike Awakening). That is kind of a bummer, but it can't be helped. I guess I could use the 16 Unit Team as a launching point; 8 Males, 8 Females. That means 8 Pairs and about 8-9 Children without much grinding at all. Using My Castle for the other 4 or so Pairs honestly doesn't sound too bad. Plus, it isn't like I need to have every member of the Pairing be viable (Benoit could be a Pair Bot for Serena or vice versa). Actually (completely off topic), I have another question; How plentiful are Child Seals? I've heard they essentially scale the child to the groups (?) average level so they can be immediately useful. I haven't heard them mentioned a whole ton in this thread, so are they just very few and far between?
  5. What I'm about to post was originally a thread I started a little while ago. However, after Duke of Dozel directed me here, I decided to see if anyone here could help me out. For my first playthrough of Conquest (likely on Hard/Classic), I was wondering how practical it is to recruit all of the Children without abusing My Castle Support Grinding? I don't intend to use them all, but I do want to get all of the Paralogues to at least experience every character. These are the Pairings I intend to use; Male Corrin x Ophelia Azura x Arthur Jakob x Camilla Silas x Felicia Kaze x Mozu Niles x Beruka Odin x Elise Leo x Nyx Xander x Charlotte Benoit x Selena Flannel x Effie Lazward x Pieri Since I plan on playing Birthright, Conquest and Revelation essentially back to back, I don't mind on missing out on certain Children. However, I'm just curious if there is a way to get everyone paired in a slightly efficient manner? Thanks in advance for the help.
  6. Gotcha. I think I will move the 1st Post over there then. Thanks
  7. Duke of Dozel: I actually realized that a few minutes after I posted... However, because that thread is more limited to Lunatic Mode (which I don't intend of playing on a first run), I think I might just leave this thread going as is (unless the thread has changed since the first post was made). Tooru: I don't really intend on using all the Children on a first playthrough. I more so just wanted to recruit everyone and get all the Paralogue's I possibly could. So the Child Paralogues function more like the "Grinding" in Conquest? I actually kind of like that. If it isn't too much to ask, how do you go about actually using Skirmishes in My Castle to get Support Points? Do you need to StreetPass with someone else?
  8. Ignore this topic. All the information has been moved to another thread.
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