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Everything posted by Avalanche

  1. Hoshido: Scarlet, Hana (us sharing a Birthday really pushed it over the edge), Kaze (on my Female Avatar run) Nohr: Ophelia Revelation: Azura (Just feels right) Dang, I feel bad that I want to marry so few people in comparison to you all...
  2. I see. Sorry about that, I never really got around to realizing that Unbreakable Weapons let you run Mixed set's way more effectively. That actually makes things a bit more interesting. I'm almost wondering if something like Orochi!Mitama could be pretty viable as a Basara...
  3. So far, I'm still trying to figure out what I should Pair for from a gameplay perspective. I've separated out all of the Father's and Mothers that give the best Strength and Magic Modifiers, it's mostly everyone else that I'm having trouble with.
  4. I'm mostly referencing Revelation, but it can apply to the game as a whole. Given the sheer amount of Children and the limited amount of characters to Pair, does it really seem possible to create Children who are mostly optimal, while also obtaining every child in a single playthrough? I am really curious about this, as Pairing Optimization was one of my favorite aspects in Awakening.
  5. Typically, you'll want to select your Asset/Flaw to compliment the Modifiers for your spouse. For example, let's say I want to marry Scarlet; Scarlet's Mods Str: +2 Mag: 0 Skl: 0 Spd: +1 Lck: -1 Def: Res: -2 In this case, Scarlet's modifiers lend themselves to benefitting a Physical child. As such, I would want to pick either Strength, Speed, Defense or Skill as my asset. Most agree that Luck is a decent Flaw to take, as it tends to have the least impact overall all. Here's what Kanna's Mods would look like in this Pairing (I Picked a Strength Asset, Luck Flaw); Str: +6 Mag: 0 Skl: +3 Spd: +3 Lck: -3 Def: +3 Res: -1 As you can see, she'll have great Physical Modifiers across the board. So, you can really stick her in any physical class and they'll perform well. As there is no high level DLC out right now (basically Apotheosis), we aren't really looking for super optimal classes and Pairings yet. From what I've gathered, immediate usability is much better. Since in this pairing Kanna will already start with a decent Sword Rank, she'll want to stay in a Sword using class to have the most immediate useability. She already has Nohr Princess and will also inherit Wyvern Rider from Scarlet, as well as whatever class you picked for the Avatar's secondary. Experiment a little and feel free to ask questions.
  6. OP, do you have any specific pairs in mind or characters you want to use?
  7. The tweet was essentially "Man, Fates looks great. Odin sounds okay too ;)". He also has an ongoing joke where he asks if certain va"s are voicing Odin in Fates. Unless he's trolling (which I doubt as he's a fan of Awakening), I think it's pretty legit
  8. Kaiji Tang (Owain) essentially confirmed in a tweet that he's back as Odin.
  9. If you hate the voice acting, 90% of the time, you should blame the director. Seriously, listen to Matt Mercer in Star Ocean 4 and then compare it to basically anything else he's done.
  10. It's no problem :) We just wanted to clarify that the VA's would be the last people to assume were responsible for Skinships omission
  11. Completely agree. Trust me, if a VA was having trouble with the content they were working on, they really wouldn't last long in the business. The only people who could MAYBE pull it off is someone like a Frank Welker and trust me, he isn't in this game.
  12. It's a bit of an unnecessary change (given the Japanese feel of Hoshido), but I think Kaden is just fine. Plus, it isn't exactly like we haven't been given character name changes before in the franchises history.
  13. Here are my guesses so far: Kaden: I'm pretty sure it's Bryce Papenbrook (Henry), but I do agree with some people in the thread that it could be Vic Mignogna too. Hana: I think it's all but confirmed to be Karen Strassman (Olivia and Anna) Scarlet: Not sure about anyone else, but I think it could be Amanda C. Miller (Sully) Odin: I think it's safe to say Kaiji is back Selena: I'm pretty sure that was Julie Ann Taylor too Other than those, Felicia KINDA sounds like Erin Fitzgerald to me, but there are a few lines that go against that. All in all, aside from Felicia and Hinoka, I actually think everything sounds pretty solid. I like the direction for Nyx's voice more than I expected and I actually think the little sisters sound pretty good. EDIT: Not sure what I was thinking with Beruka, as that is almost certainly Stephanie Sheh
  14. My only Friday Class ends at 10:15. My mail comes in around 1 or 2. I didn't think I would have to say this, but no, I won't actually have to miss any classes! That being said, if my first run of this game is anything like Awakening, I'm going to sustain myself on coffee and finish Birthright in about 2-3 days.
  15. I'm just kidding of course. That being said, possible DLC...
  16. Guys, let's start a petition for Cipher to replace skinship.
  17. I definitely feel much more mixed on this game's Voice Acting compared to Awakening's (though it could be that I was actually exposed to Fates' Japanese VA's beforehand, so I have a point of comparison). I agree that Felicia sounds a bit too deep (I actually did a double take when she first spoke) and I think that they took Camilla being the "Motherly" character a bit too far. Other than that, I think everyone sounds okay. Also, in terms of the Birthright Chapter that was also released today, I have to say that I really liked Kaden's (Nishiki) voice and thought his lines fit him really well. I also really like Crimson being changed to Scarlet
  18. Wow, I really didn't expect this many responses. Keep'em coming guys! I'm really surprised at how differently people want to tackle a first playthrough of the game.
  19. Exactly what it says on the tin. I'm curious what difficulty people here want to start Fates on. Personally, I'm pretty set on Hoshido Hard/Classic, but I'm not entirely sure about Nohr and Revelation.
  20. Does anybody know if you Child Characters can inherit DLC Class Skills? I was planning on making Odin a Dread Fighter on my first playthrough and am curious if I can pass down any of it's Skills to Ophelia?
  21. Hey all, just wondering if I could get some input on what My Avatar's Asset/Flaw and extra classes should be on my various planned playthroughs. For Hoshido, I intend to marry my Female Avatar to Kaze. From what I can tell, I think a Strength Asset/Luck Flaw would compliment Kaze's Mods the best. However, if any of you think otherwise, then feel free to suggest some others. For Nohr, I intend to marry the Waifu (Ophelia, whose Mother will be Elise). I'm not exactly sure what Mod's I should give my Avatar (as from what I understand they function more as a Pure Physical fighter), so suggestions would be great. Thanks in advance for the help.
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