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Everything posted by Avalanche

  1. Start over fully. I'm picking a Male for Hoshido, Female for Nohr. Plus, gotta force feed Corrin and Azura the EXP from the first 6 Chapters if I choose Conquest...
  2. That's honestly the best way to approach it. I think it's pretty much all but confirmed that kids were incorporated really last minute into the game, so it's best to really just theorize about their life in the Deeprealms rather than complain about how half baked the idea is.
  3. At this point, I think you should make it a priority to establish some Pairings. As people have mentioned, you are pretty underlevelled for this point in the game (I believe Chapter 17 is when you will face solely promoted enemies in the story missions), so I recommend unlocking some Paralogues to use them as a means of training and maybe using some of the Children to replace units that have fallen behind (For example, Tharja's kid is likely leagues ahead of Lv.7 Virion at this point.). If you want a recommended place to build up Supports, I find Edward's Bonus box to work really well. If you have any questions, feel free to ask or even PM me.
  4. Guess it's my turn. Also, fair warning, these were made with paint... So they are kind of awful looking by default. Great grid though, thanks!
  5. Favorite: Honestly, there's too many to count. BEXP, The Child System (I found it to be the most addictive element of Awakening and FE4 showed that it can work narratively if they use it as the stories main structure), Random Growth Rates, Branching Promotions, the list goes on. Least Favorite: Shadow Dragon's Gaiden Chapters. I have a lot of problems with Shadow Dragon (mostly in what it didn't do to at least attempt to put the original game up to par with the series' current standards), but this is easily the biggest. In a series that has always rewarded players for going out of their way keeping characters alive or completing alternate objectives (Rescue NPCs, complete the Chapter in a certain amount of turns, talk to an enemy to recruit them ect.) to access Gaiden Chapters, I found Shadow Dragon's system kind of insulting. The fact that their is no other way to access Gaiden Chapters without killing off your units is ridiculous. This is a remake of a nearly 20 year old game and your telling me I need to intentionally play badly, in some cases kill off my own characters in order to access new content? Are you for real? At least when Thracia did Olwen and Eryios it was only on a Route Split and it honestly added a little flavor. However, easily the dumbest thing IS did was the generic recruit's who would show up if you were under 15 units. Seriously? It almost becomes another game in and of itself; manage the demise of all of your expendable, garbage units so you can recruit more characters (who you'll probably end up killing anyway) in side chapters. That's not a game I want to play. At all.
  6. Rolf joins at the start of Chapter 9, Astrid joins early on in Chapter 13. Rolf does have a decent amount of time to start training to establish a lead over Astrid, but it's evened out by Astrid's mount, Paragon and the ability to use Axes on Promotion if you choose. Honestly, I like Rolf and all (I've used him til Endgame before), but Astrid is probably the better unit overall. Bare in mind though that PoR is probably only a notch above Sacred Stones in terms of overall difficulty and BEXP exists, so you could use them BOTH and still come out fine.
  7. While the kids were all but confirmed to have been put in at the last minute, I do kind of like the fact that they've had to grow up all on their own without their parents. In particular, it kind of explains why the younger ones are still super happy to see their parents, while the older ones (I think Nina and Grey) are a bit rebellious. I dunno, I guess I'm trying to make the most of a pretty shoe horned in explanation is all...
  8. The Tier List Shephen posted had such a great format. Beats the "Top, High, Low ect." format where no explanation on why each Unit is in each category is given. That list honestly made me feel like anyone on a Hoshido playthrough could be valuable in some way, shape or form.
  9. PoR is one of the best games in the series in terms of making everyone viable; there isn't really anyone in the game that I would say you should flat out skip. That being said, Mounted Units in this game have Canto (can move again after attacking/trading), so they have really high priority. As for foot units, Boyd is solid and you get him from the very start of the game. Magic isn't great in this game, but training up either Soren or Ilyana is recommended, if only to pray on enemy Resistance.
  10. I'll probably end up making Mozu a Dread Fighter at some point; hey, she starts with E Lances anyway, so no reason to not switch her immediately
  11. Benny's voice is super deep and I love it. Effie is one I'm definitely going to need to get used to. Niles still sounds great and Silas has really grown on me. I'm honestly going to be disappointed if it isn't Pit's VA who plays him, as they sound really similar.
  12. Yep, noticed it as soon as I posted XD
  13. If this is anything like Awakening, Luna halves the defensive stat that your equipped weapon is attacking. I.E. using Tomes will halve resistance.
  14. 2 questions. First off, does anybody have any recommendations for Azama over Hinoka? I can't really think of anyone that doesn't involve massively reshuffling every pairing. Second, any recommended buddy pairings for gen 1 and 2 (marriages for gen 2 would also be appreciated)
  15. My guess is that it's the whole "equivalent class" thing that lets Nyx pass down Diviner to Nina.
  16. Thanks for the input guys. I have a question; would Felicia slot in anywhere? She's the only unpaired possible mother left.
  17. So, for personal use, I decided to try and think of the most "Optimal" Pairings for Hoshido that I could. These Pairings are meant to benefit both the parents (via Marriage Seals) and the Children (mostly from a Class Inheritance perspective). This is more so for personal use after my first Hoshido playthrough, trying to prepare for later DLC I suppose. I'm sure I can improve in a lot of ways, so feedback is appreciated. Female Avatar x Kaze: A gimme pairing (mostly because the two of them were leftover), though I think it could be decent with a +Str Avatar. Secondary class recommendations would be helpful. Azura x Silas: Silas and Sophie get Sky Knight for flying Lances and Azura and Shigure get Cavalier for a bulkier, mounted Lance class. Jakob x Kagero: Gives Jakob and Kagero the only other Hidden Weapon classes they don't have access to. Also, stronk Deere. Subaki x Oboro: Oboro get's Sky Knight and Subaki and Caeldori get Spear Fighter. Also, decent Caeldori mods. Azama x Hinoka: Azama and Mitama get Falco Knight (for Physical Staff usage) and Mitama get's decent Physical mods. Hinata x Setsuna: Mostly for decent mods across the board for Hisame. Kaden x Hana: This is mostly for a glass canon Kinu, since I have no idea what classes are good for her. Saizo x Sakura: Mixed Grey that will likely become the main Explosive Shuriken user. Hayato x Orochi: Fairly basic Stronk Magic Rhajat. Plus, it gives all 3 of them basically every Magic using class in Hoshido. Takumi x Mozu: Takumi get's Herb Merchant (the only bow using class he doesn't have) and Mozu get's Spear Fighter. Plus, Aptitude on Kisaragi may give him a decent niche. Ryoma x Rinkah: Get's Ryoma Blacksmith (another Sword option) and can pass Shinonome down Ogre strike and good Physical mods.
  18. Peri was always rolled for Laslow in both Nohr and Revelation for me. The only reason she didn't end up with him in the latter was due to be stepping in at the end. True love indeed.
  19. Awesome, thanks for that. It's cool to get some confirmation.
  20. - A lot of people on Shigure's page still have their Japanese names. I'd double check that. - Berka is now Beruka - Pieri is now Peri - Eponine is now Nina
  21. He said he voiced several people, Saizo was just the name that came to his head first. He very well could voice him.
  22. Time for an update! In a stream on somecallmejohnny's Youtube channel, Ben Diskin confirmed that he is several different voices in Fates; one of them being Saizo! Since he said that he was allowed to talk about it, I think we may be able to ask some VA's if they are in the game and maybe get some definitive answers!
  23. So after about an hour, Revelation is finally done! I have to admit, this isn't entirely random; I got down to the last few Pairings (Laslow, Odin and Niles) and I had an exact number of people remaining to pair everyone. So, instead of possibly leaving 2 people single, I decide to pair myself. So yes, I'm a dirty, dirty cheater in my own thread. OVerall though, this is probably my favorite batch of randoms that I got. It's not as good gameplay wise as Hoshido (In particular, I have my second stronk Foleo...), but the pairings seem really unique and fun. Also, to justloveme94: I just typed "Fates Pairing Chart" into google to find the chart I used. Also, I went to the FE Wiki for the kids portraits with the appropriate hair. Trust me, this wasn't too difficult or technical; I did it all in Paint :)
  24. Wow, thanks for reminding me this existed! I'll comment on your pairings and post up my randomized Revelations once I'm back at my computer. Edit: So... It's after 1 in the morning, so I'll probably get around to this tomorrow...
  25. Blacksmith could be interesting, as you'd still have full access to the Yato. You could also hop into Shura at some point for Ogre Strike.
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