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Everything posted by Avalanche

  1. How exactly do you feel they "dumbed down" the eugenics? I don't really consider giving characters the ability to use A+ and S Rank Supports to gain new classes "dumbing" anything down. In fact, it's the opposite, it adds another layer to min maxing entirely.
  2. My money's on Setsuna. Rinkah can at least make a really good Shiro and helps Ignatius be a super tank (as much as Beruka I think), but Setsuna"s personal growths are just awful. The only kids I think she legitamently helps are Midori (she needs the Speed and likes Archer skills) and Nina (again, she appreciates Archer). Even then, there are still way better versions of the kids you could get and she isn't even a great spouse for the dads combat wise (beyond giving Niles Kinshi)
  3. If I had to propose a new way to implement the kids, I would go full Phantasy Star 3/Agarest War and make more than 2 Generations. Have 3 or so generations of characters and make Pairing them up an integral part of the mechanics, like in FE4 where you got mostly inferior Substitutes if you didn't Pair up the kid's Mothers. Have the Avatar character stay on as a constant (kind of like Finn) to allow players to truly immerse themselves in such a massive story, but also give them a constant unit.
  4. TBH, I was hoping the kids wouldn't make it in to this game, simply because I thought it would undermine one of Awakening's biggest gimmicks. As they are, I'm torn. They work really well from a gameplay perspective; they are very customizable, but not broken and can stand shoulder to shoulder with their folks without completely overtaking them (like in Awakening). From a story perspective though... well, that's just it, there is basically none. We get 3 screens of he game telling us why they exist and that's it. Frankly, I'm kind of amazed that's all we got. I mean, it's clear Fates was not written with the kids in mind, but I'm amazed IS didn't make that a mandate for Kibayashi's outline. Yes, I know that he basically just wrote them a story bible (events that happen), but it's hard to believe that after how popular they were in Awakening, it feels like they were only considered for Fates at the last second. Regardless, I like the majority of the kids personality wise (and I prefer gameplay over story every time), so I can live with it. It's all but certain to stay a series standard from here on out, so I'd just like a little more actual plot justification for next time.
  5. Immediately. She starts with E Lances as a villager anyway and doesn't share the rank in Dread Fighter, so there's absolutely no reason to not start as soon as she is recruited.
  6. Between Ignatius, Hisame and Dwyer, I would ditch Hisame. He's basically just a slightly better version of his dad (who I really don't find that stellar). and his Paralogue doesn't give you anything other than him. At least Dwyer's Paralgoue gives you some nice Staffs (especially if done early), while Ignatius joins with a free Javelin. Plus, Dwyer is at least another staff bot... sure you have like 7 anyway, but I'd take that over slightly better Hinata or Benny.
  7. Baki is.... weird. His Growth Rates are kinda trash, so he basically lives off his bases before promotion. By the time he promotes to Falco Knight, he's outclassed by Hinoka in every way (not to mention Caeldori), so most people like to tool him as a support Falco (Letting him work on Staffs and using Rally Speed.). I've also heard decent things about Bolt Naginata Baki (giving him a Magic Support like Orochi or Sakura), though I've never really tested it out myself.
  8. For all the cool aesthetics and dialogue the Subaki x Selena Pair gives, it's probably the most thoroughly mediocre Pairing for Baki. The Caeldori will be a brick wall that can't deal more than paper cuts and Selena and Baki just make each other faster and nothing else.
  9. If I have to compliment Fates for doing one thing really well, it's making each character feel unique. Yes, some of them are super quirky (Azama is Bow User in a Monk's body, Hinata is a Fighter in a Samurai's body), but it's cool to think that everyone (both first and second gen) has a few cool builds they can run. It beats Awakening (a game I really like), where it was Gen 2 and Robin or bust in terms of post game team building.
  10. A couple of general tips to add on to the good advice everyone has already given. Bare in mind that I've completed Conquest on Nohrmal/Classic 1. Try and have a decent idea of your team before you get too far in. Since there are no Grinding opportunities, it generally pays to decide on who you want to use and simply funnel EXP into them. Endgame allows for 16 Units (one of which is Corrin), so use that as a template to build your team from. Some of the units I had great success with include) - Any of the Royals (All fantastic for different reasons. Xander is a super tank with a 1-2 Range Sword, Leo has crazy chip damage and Pair up can boost him to doubling some foes, Elise is a great mounted healer with a defensive Aura and Camilla is fantastic all around.) - Effie (While she falls behind slightly in the Later Mid Game, until then she is an absolute monster. A good Strength Pair Up can push her to one shotting most anything that isn't a boss. Arthur, Keaton and Silas work wonders for her. ) - Niles (The easiest Bow Specialist to use, get's Move +1 soon after recruitment and can promote to Bow Knight for 9 Move shenanigans. He's a great anti mage unit and Nina is a great kid.) - Keaton (He's one Speed Pair Up Partner away from being one of your most deadly physical attackers, while simultaneously being your best non Xander tank. Keaton's the best. Velouria is pretty cool too.) - Azura (Dancer/10. Shigure being a Falco Knight is especially cool since Fliers are limited in Conquest) - Kaze (A good substitute/compliment to Niles as your go to anti mage unit. He's also the only natural Ninja in Nohr, so that's a niche he will always have.) - Selena/Laslow (They're pretty interchangeable as long as you can cover up their weaknesses. Selena wants a Strength Partner like Arthur or Keaton, while Las wants some Speed with people like Charlotte, Peri or even Selena herself. Hero is solid like it always is 2. Remember, funds are limited You get a bit over 100,000 Gold to spend throughout all of Conquest, so make sure you aren't too spend happy. In general, the Iron, Steel and Killer weapons will be enough to get you through the majority of the game. Shout outs to Silver Knives and Bows, since their range makes their debuff a little more bearable. 3. Stuck? Do a Paralogue Even if you don't want to use the kids, the extra EXP you can get from their Chapters can have a very profound impact on your team. Some of them like Dwyer and Ophelia even give some pretty great items. 4. Above all else, think! The game gives you plenty to work with, but you need to put the effort in yourself. Abuse the new weapon triangle, lock in enemy ranges, check skills, Conquest was tailor made to challenge you and does an admirable job even on Normal. Have fun, your in for a great time.
  11. Trust me, it's not uncommon for Hana to end up one shot if she's in a strong enough enemy's range. Ironically, it usually ends up being Axe users that hit her on Low Rates that take her out for me. I cannot stress enough that she shouldn't fight what she can't immediately obliterate in player phase. Giving her the Birthright Chapter 7 Seraph Robe is a big help.
  12. Umm, even on my Normal mode playthrough, Hana was made of glass and that was with an S Support w/Baki. She's meant to be a player phase focused unit (to use Duelists's Blow to get enough evasion to never get touched) and is great at it, but she's frail enough to basically need HP Tonics/a Seraph Robe to take more than one Physical Hit she doesn't dodge. Hard Mode is pretty much the same deal.
  13. Were still in the dark on a few voices for Fates characters and I feel like this isn't an exception. I don't doubt that Laura Bailey could have played them (She voices Kid Trunks, Lust from Full Metal Alchemist and Lucina, all of which are completely different), but she totally seems the type to announce it via social media.
  14. Darting Blow really helps him. I married Hinata to Hinoka on my first playthrough and it's what made him viable for me late game (his Growths tanked and the +5 Effective Speed kept him doubling with Steel Weapons)
  15. Remember, the reinforcement faceless have a skill equipped that gives no Exp, so you can't "grind" off them. I used this chapter to reclass Xander to Hero and grab some skills while he and Corron solo"d the map.
  16. I've never been one to deny a fun pairing, but Dwyer"s Paralogue has some pretty cool items (Dwyer comes with a Mend, Sun Festal and Physic!). Plus, you could always marry best girl Scarlet and pair Azura with Jakob ;)
  17. I think the Kitsune illusions were the worst for me. At least you could sort of control the wind and Chapter 21 basically encouraged you to skip it. 19 sort of threw the illusion gimmick at you from out of nowhere and basically just said "lel you can't touch these units because shut up. Hope your healers aren't too frail!"
  18. Yes, she'll get it after she learns Gamble. Tha game interprets her now having the Fighter tree and prioritizes her learning the first tier skills over Hero"s. The same thing would happen if, say, Oboro leveled as a Basara after marrying Kaden. She would learn Magic+2 before Rend Heaven.
  19. Here ya go! Dwyer - Physic Caeldori - Swordslayer Naginata Seigbert - Javelin Ignatius - Javelin Velouria - Guard Beastone Percy - Hand Axe Ophelia - at end of level, Missletainn [personal tome], Horse God Forrest - 5000 Gold
  20. Bare in mind though, as long as you aren't crazy about spending (aka actively buy one of each weapon as soon as it's available), this is actually a pretty okay amount of cash. Remember, you always have the lottery, random finds in My Castle and characters joining Weapons. Stuff being unbreakable plays a big difference. Plus, Forging doesn't take any Gold at all, which is a plus.
  21. Since I know some people are concerned about Conquest's limited resources, here is how much Gold you can get in the main story Chapters of Conquest. Bare in mind that more Items and Gold are available in Child Paralogues, so I may update this with those once I find some Chapter Data on them (I honestly don't remember the specifics from my run...) C8: 10,000 if you visit 3 Villages C10: 10,000 Visit Top Left House C12: 5,000 Chest in the Room Right of Ryoma C13: 5,000 Top Leftmost Village C14: 10,000 Middle Chest C16: 9700 if you rush all 4 Soldiers and 2 Turn the Map C18: 10,000 Defeat Zola C19: 5,000 on Enemy Nine-Tails C20: 10,000 C22: 5,000 on Yukimura. He also has a Gold Bar, so you can sell it for 300 I guess C23: 10,000 C25: 10,000, Chest on Kagero's side C26: 20,000 Total: 119700 (This is only if you 2 Turn Chapter 16 however. This does not take into account Yukimura's Gold Bar and any Gold Bars you can get from feeding Lilith) Hope this helps, happy playing!
  22. I have a whole info dump in my Drive about this, so here goes... In generally, unless you really want some of the items or are using a specific build for a child where you want to immediately reclass them, it's best to wait until at least Chapter 18. Chapter 18 is the final Chapter where you will still fight unpromoted enemies, which means that certain Paralogues are much easier to complete (particularly those where the children are NPC's under constant enemy fire). These Paralogues (at least for Conquest) are: Ignatius, Forrest and Kana. Technically, only the first is where the Child is in immediate danger from the enemies, but the latter 2 get a lot more difficult when the enemies start to Promote. If you'd like, I can post a list of notable items in the Paralogues, as long as you don't mind being Spoiled?
  23. But her inheriting Luna and Sol though, delicious.
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