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Everything posted by Avalanche

  1. If you're on Conquest, I would reccomend swapping her asap. The earlier you can get her out of E Rank Bows, the better. However, if you're dead set on getting Underdog, consider giving her the Paragon Scroll from the second gift from Anna Free DLC.
  2. Hana, Hana... oh Hana. She WAS the Waifu for my first Birthright run. Great design, a VA I like (Karen Strassman has voiced a lot of characters I love) and (to top it all off), we share a birthday. It was perfect, I didn't need to look, I found my Waifu.... "How dare you let yourself get kidnapped! You made your sister cry!" Yep, that was pretty much the end of that... Granted, this whole situation gave me an appreciation for Scarlet I probably wouldn't have had if Hana was written differently, so I guess that's a plus?
  3. This is true, but it's soooo hard to have no one for Azura, you'd basically have to try to make it happen, just like Levant mentioned
  4. Yep. The only time you will actively be in danger of not getting all of the kids is if a Male Corrin marries a non corrin sexual/second Generation character (i.e. Corrin x Azura)
  5. Most of it is just rushing to the door above the boss. Personally, I always take the door on the left side, as I find it to be a lot more manageable than getting ambushed in the starting corridor. If you have the Staff and the funds, maybe give Freeze a shot? Aggro's Entrap recommendation is also a really good idea.
  6. Ophelia's Paralogue is an absolute treasure trove, especially for your Mages. It nets you a Horse Spirit, Lightning Tome, Calamity Gate and a Spirit Dust. Bare in mind that on Conquest, you can't buy the Horse Spirit or the Calamity Gate, so it's absolutely worth doing early. Plus, with the right mom, Ophelia can potentially be one of your best magic users.
  7. I'd actually recommend doing Percy's Chapter fairly early, as on higher difficulties, the enemies can get crazy annoying, since tons of them have Seal Defense. It makes it really difficult for anyone not named Xander to hold a point long enough to use the Vein's to maximize the Gold earned.
  8. The only time I'd argue with the Offspring Seals is on Conquest, but that's mainly because you want to use the Chapters for more EXP (as the enemies scale with your progress) rather than the Children themselves most of the time.
  9. Before clearing Chapter 21 is when I usually aim to get all of the kids. You can Offspring Seal them to 20/6 and make them very good replacement units if someone in your team is falling a bit behind. While you can certainly do some later on (Midori and Shigure in particular), they can get pretty tense since enemies start to scale a lot faster the further along in the game you go.
  10. Congrats! I'm currently in the middle of my first Hard!Conquest run too and actually found Chapter 10 to be one of the Chapters I had to reset the least on. I certainly didn't do it in one try (it took me 3), but I beat in the span of an afternoon, which is a far cry from what I've heard it taking others. Tbh, I reset more on Chapter 14 & 18 than 10... I'm weird at FE. Currently on Mr. Fuga's Wild Ride and looking forward to all the fun.. As for the kids, Kana is probably not worth fielding unless you absolutely need another slot filled, as he'll be inferior to Corrin even with a great dad. If Dwyer inherits Nobility, he could feasibly grind through his first Tier and promote pretty quick. He probably won't take Elise's place (because of dat Aura), but he's nice backup at least.
  11. Awakening was my first foray into the series and (like a lot of newer fans) I absolutely adored it. That being said, after playing the older entries in the series and Fates, I am very aware of it's faults. Yes, the Map design is kinda trash, the reclassing system is infinitely inferior to Fates and the story lacks direction. While I haven't had Awakening in my possession for the last 8 months or so (I lent it to a friend who is very... slow with completing games), I can still see myself going back and playing it at least one more time. However, I think Fates beats Awakening in almost every aspect from a gameplay perspective, which is what I care about the most. Like, seriously, I have a Folder on my Google Drive just filled with useless info on Fates.
  12. So is Birthright now "Lyn's Prologue 0.5" and Conquest "Rock Bottom"? I kid.
  13. I forget if hackers have made a patch where Scarlet can marry Ryoma and Flora can marry Jakob yet or not.
  14. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Jason Adkins is just a long time Nintendo employee who has just happened to stay on since PoR was localized in 2005. I mean, some voices from PoR to RD changed, yet he's been Ike for about a decade. Maybe it's a Rare type deal, where just hiring in house is cheaper. Like Thane, I don't mean to sound rude, but after watching a Crit/Skill Activation line compilation, it's amazing how bad Ike sounds compared to everyone else.
  15. How drastic a jump is Conquest Normal to Hard?
  16. Male Kana and Peri are the only voices I'm not big on, everyone else ranges from good to perfect. I actually think Felicias voice sounds great for her character, it's a shame so many people only judge her based on "We've got trouble!".
  17. I like them both fine, but I do prefer Morgan. They just have a bit more personality than the Kana's and seem a touch less generic. Morgan also gets points for being one of the best characters in the series (even with mediocre parents), while Kana is still pretty mediocre even with a specialized Gen 2 character as their mom/dad. Also, I don't know what possessed the Voice Director for Fates to cast a woman as male Kana (as he was played by Male Corrin's seiyu originally), but MAN is it ever weird when Female Kana sounds buffer than him.. I've warmed to nearly all of the voices in Fates, but Male Kana might be the only instance where I feel the actor was 100% miscast.
  18. Special thanks to whoever changed the thread title.
  19. #blametakumi He drained the water. And my hope.
  20. I was working on 4 hours of sleep and only 1 cup of coffee when I made this thread XD It's all okay in Mr. Avalanche's book.
  21. While it isn't Rev exclusive, Orochi x Azama has always been a favorite. Sakura x Hayato, as well Kaden x Setsuna are up there for me too.
  22. That feel when you mix up buddy and marriage inheritance.
  23. - Jakob can only get a new class from an A+ Support with Takumi - Kagero likes Sniper from Setsuna (it patches up her Skill and let's her attack without retaliation) , but it's a Weapon Rank grind. Rinkah gives Death Blow from Chieftain, which is also cool. - Saizo probably prefers an A+ with Laslow (for Sol and Shurikenbreaker), but if his Speed is shaky for you, Darting Blow from Baki helps. - I'd say Orochi likes a Rinkah A+ more than a Nyx A+.Seriosuly, Death Blow combined with her high Skill stat is awesome - Unless you really want a Priestess Hana, Effie is probably her best A+ option. - Nyx likes a Mozu A+ for the Archer line (Certain Blow helps her shaky hit rate) and could probably work as a Shining Bow Adventurer if you really wanted her too. That's all I've got so far. I''ll probably update this once I'm off campus.
  24. I don't see why not. Really, this thread is just meant to prevent the Forum from being cluttered with different versions of the same thread. Seriously, before I made this, there were 3 Revelation Paring threads posted in a row.
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