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Everything posted by Avalanche

  1. No problem at all, I didn't think it was aggressive. Now that I know Kozaki wrote that much about Fates, I really hope we get at least some of it either leaked or presented to us in some way. I would really love to know what he had planned and what actually made it in game. Also, the Deeprealms are basically guaranteed to have been a last minute addition, I'd be shocked if they weren't.
  2. Sorry about that Kibayashi comment, I had heard he had just written an outline (story bible even?) before, I was just never sure it was confirmed or a rumor. Honestly, I think a lot of the concepts for the Chapters in Fates are great ("Ambushed in a swamp with Faceless on all sides, a volcano where DV's are integral, defying the king you've been following and killing his most loyal followers ect), it's just in how they connect together where things kinda fell apart. I've read somewhere that Kibayashi wrote something like 500 pages of content for Fates and if I had to guess, IS probably just made a cliff notes version before development started. It would explain the complete lack of world building in Fates (thanks to Leif's thread for finally making me realize that Fates continent had no name) and how, well, episodic the whole game is.
  3. I think this opinion is pretty true of a lot of people here. Fates is probably (I'm a sucker for Radiant Dawn's structure, sue me) my favorite game in the series from a pure gameplay perspective, but it feels like we got the first draft of each of the stories. I think Valla's existence is probably the biggest example, because the curse as a plot point is so lame it's almost funny. This could be an awful idea, but I do wonder how each story would have panned out if a different writer wrote each one and went to Kibayashi for general continuity? Yes, it would have costed IS more cash, but I do wonder how it would have played out by having one person refine their route instead of Kibayashi having to power through all 3.
  4. I'm fine with him joining up, it makes sense given Kaze's backstory with Corrin and who am I to say no to my favorite character being available in each route? My issue is that there is no pathos for him joining later on, especially in Chapter 17 and 25, where his brother is present. Then again, this is Fates' story and there are 7 billion threads talking about how lousy it is, so I'll just take another Ninja and move on.
  5. Aside from recruiting them super late game (as in they join at 20/18 and are just replacements), you kinda need to plan when you wanna recruit the kids. In general, children aren't really optimal, just fun. People like Percy, Caeldori, Ophelia and Shigure can be recruited early and can perform pretty well if their variable parent was good. Heck, Caeldori and Ophelia can probably replace their dads if you really want to.
  6. Selkie strikes an odd balance for me. None of her possible moms really make her super great (you're almost always sacrificing the best version of a better kid to make her great), but it's hard to make a terrible version of her. I thought Felicia might do it, but she's mildly okay as an Onmyoji in that case. Growth wise, I would say Rinkah and Setsuna are probably her worst (but I know Setsuna"s mods for her are pretty good.)
  7. I think Ophelia is the only one of Nyx's kids who can actually come out with decent Mag, Spd and Skl with her as their mom. It doesn't hurt that accuracy isn't too hard to patch up via Pair Up.
  8. She's not terrible for Asugi. His Speed Growth will be 50% as a Ninja and he can use the Flame Shuriken pretty well.
  9. Considering we don't have an equivalent to Apotheosis, Optimal Pairings are only really needed for PVP online matches.
  10. Lesse. - I think the two worst versions of Shiro are Orochi!Shiro and Felicia!Shiro. His Growth's with Setsuna actually kind of work as a Spear Master (minus a slightly shaky 40% Def) - Soleil probably wans Elise/Nyx/Orochi in this situation. Her Persoal Strength Growth is freaking ridiculous, so even with Felicia she has 50% as a Merc/Hero. My vote goes to Elise for the least HP and Def. Though she could probably still function in a mixed class. - It's definitely either Orochi or Elise for Kiragi. They both kill his Strength and don't give enough Magic to realistically run the Shining Bow. That's all that came to mind as of right now.
  11. Anybody know if the Difficulty Tier List is still floating around? I figured I could update it for anyone curious where they should start in Fates.
  12. Now that we've all had some time to play with each route, I was just curious where you all would rank each of Birthright, Conquest and Revelation (on Normal, Hard and Lunatic) In comparison to other games in the series? Bare in mind this is purely focused on gameplay, character and story be damned in this thread.
  13. Y U do this to me?! I almost had Peri x Xander!.... That'd be wonderful. I'm not in the position to do an LP proper (any update images are coming from an IPhone 5 camera), but for a playlog, I'd be happy to move this thread.
  14. Sorry friend, but I don't have her DLC. If it's free though...
  15. Ebony you're my favorite person right now. I'm right there with you and the Ophelia bias.
  16. You're a saint and I can't wait until Joth comes to spite me about Onmyoji!Kagero from his PMU thread.
  17. Just what it says on the tin. I'm unoriginal, indecisive and really wanna play Conquest again. Here's the ground rules; - 16 Main Units. - One of these units needs to be Corrin, so Gender, Boon/Bane and even name if you want. - I don't mind kids, though I don't want to go beyond 4. - 5 Heart Seal uses (basically the one from the L1 Shop, 1 from C9 and the 3 from the L2 Shop) - 4 Partner/Friendship Seal uses (Bare in mind that you don't need to use any of these Seal, it's just the maximum if you do.) - I require at least 1 Staff specialist in the 16 and will use one until I recruit said Healer. - I have access to the 2 Dread Scrolls, 2 Ebon Wings and the Before Awakening DLC Other than that, go nuts. Give me a character name and their end class. If you have a Pairing suggestion, by all means make it known. I'm gonna get all the Paralogues anyway (because I'm a perfectionist even in a stupid challenge). Be kind, be cruel, whatever suits your fancy. Just have fun. Current Team (will be updated) - Diviner Female Corrin (+Mag, -Lck) - Great Lord Felicia - Strategist Elise - Berserker Nyx (S Arthur. I honestly don't know if I'm good enough to make this work on Classic, but on Casual? Oh baby) - Malig Knight Leo (S Beruka) - Maid Corrin!Ophelia (S Dwyer) - General Benny (S Rank Peri) - Master Ninja Laslow - Wyvern Lord Camilla - Sorcerer Peri (S Rank Benny) - Malig Knight Xander - Dread Fighter Peri!Ignatius - Adventurer Mozu (S Rank Niles)
  18. Did you download Conquest from the E-Shop? It does that for me a ton (as I own a Physical cart of Birthright). There is (currently) no additional ending to any of the routes.
  19. This is awesome, thanks! I honestly think most people here sound really good. My only real exception is Ike (I appreciate the continuity IS, but dear god, Ike sounds like he belongs in Resident Evil 1. In 2016. Seriously, why?)
  20. Oh trust me, I nearly flipped when I found out she still joined you if her house was destroyed. I kind of like how they play it as a in Chapter joke that she sleeps through you trying to recruit her.
  21. Were you trying to save the Villagers? If you were, I can totally see why her Paralogue would be a pain to do later. I honestly stopped caring when I realized the reward for saving them wasn't really worth it.
  22. I've never had any trouble getting Silas to her on Turn 2. Are you sure you're thinking of the right character? Sophie starts in the upper right and you start in the bottom right. With proper application of Azura's Song, you could probably recruit her on the first turn. Also, Thor, that list is designed more for casual/first time playthroughs (which I can assume the op is on right now). I know that in "Efficient" play, Ryoma is very unlikely to be paired by 18.
  23. I haven't tried it for myself, but Awakening sounds like it'd stack wonderfully with Scarlet"s Personal skill.
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