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Everything posted by Avalanche

  1. Looks pretty good. In general, my only real recommendation would be switching Beruka and Peri's husbands. Also, the Benny and Charlotte pairing becomes an issue if you don't intend on using Charlotte as a main combat unit (I.E. not a stance bot), as most other guys use her better than Benny. Also, while I haven't done it before, I've heard an Effie!Dwyer recruited ASAP and reclassed to Cavalier is really useful during the main game.
  2. To add on to what everyone else has said, I'd generally recommend +HP or +Str for Corrin's Boon and -Lck for her Bane. Sophie's HP and Strength are a little mediocre, so boosting them up really helps. Simply for ease of use, I recommend Corrin's Talent use at least one weapon Sophie is innately proficient in (Swords and Lances). Thankfully there are a bunch of great picks (Wyvern Rider, Samurai and Sky Knight just to name a few) and her innate Cavalier and Mercenary trees give her a lot of versatility. As for her eventual end class, I tend to have her play the opposite role to her dad, simply for variety. For example, if Silas is tanking as a Great Knight, I'll make Sophie a faster Bow Knight or a well rounded Paladin. Bow Knight in particular gives her strong, consistant 2 Range damage if her HP and Def are lacking for you. Kana (unfortunately) is one of the weaker kids in the game, mainly due to low Personal Growths and no Yato access. This Pairing isn't exactly terrible for him (he's basically Silas with slightly different Growths in places), but he's likely to be the least stand out member of the family. As joshcja suggested, he'll probably be best off being a Pair Up unit for one of his family members or a 2nd Gen Female. I can see Great Knight Kana giving some great bonuses to Sophie if Corrin picked Str as her Boon.
  3. Looks pretty good to me, though I'd pair Camilla with Keaton over Velouria. Whatever floats your boat I suppose ;).
  4. As someone who was relatively experienced with FE, my first Normal run of Conquest was a pretty decent challenge. Admittedly, a lot of that was simply not knowing what to prepare for (Vanishing Kitsune, Mr. Fuga's Wild Ride ect.), but I was still able to make it through without it feeling like I was "Taking it easy" on myself. I still had to think. While I haven't played Lunatic yet, so far Conquest's difficulty reminds me of Radiant Dawn. It seems super hard at first, but the more you come to understand the specific gimmick of each Chapter and plan your investments (Gold, EXP distribution among others), the more manageable it becomes. That, or just plan to have an Adventurer Niles help you cheese the Endgame with Rescue. That worked too.
  5. - Your plan for Shiro sounds pretty great, bonus points for them both loving each others Partner Seal classes. - As for Nina, her use as a Falcon Knight really just comes down to how much you want her to use the Bolt Naginata for combat. Due to the lower HP across the board in Fates, I always healing pretty flexible in terms of how much Magic you need to be effective. If her Magic being too low for you is really a concern, make sure she uses Staff's, as they heal more than Rods. Another option for a little more Magic power (at the cost of less mobility, though she gets Move+1 by default...) is to go Strategist. This way she'll still maintain a mount, have a better Magic Growth, Magic Cap and a better Magic Base than as a Falcon Knight. Sure she loses Flyer movement, but she does become much more Magically potent. - In terms of Guard Stance synergy, I would personally recommend switching Oboro and Hana's husbands. Takumi's Speed can come up short, which Swordmaster fixes right up and Ryoma likes the extra Strength Oboro gives him (bare in mind that Hana basically gave him nothing if she wasn't in MoA). Plus, Kiragi can deal with Hana's low HP and Def inheritance better than Shiro can initially due to being in a ranged class by default. However, TakumixOboro is still a very good Pairing, so don't let me stop you if you have your heart set on it.
  6. Looks pretty good to me. The only Pairings that stood out to me as not as good as they could be were Ryoma x Hana and Selena x Subaki. - I can see Hana being used to boost up Shiro's lacking Speed, but in terms of her synergy with Ryoma, you'll probably want her to go Master of Arms for the Strength and Defense bonus in Guard Stance. Her low Defense will probably have an effect on Shiro's tanking ability, but he can buddy Asugi for Ninja to get the great 1-2 range. That, or he can get a +Def S Support and use the Guard Naginata as a Spear Master. - From a Support perspective, Baki x Selena makes perfect sense and is pretty great. From a gameplay perspective, I think it's a little tougher to really justify. Since they really want some Strength and the only one who would give any of it in Guard Stance would be MoA!Baki, their combat as a Pair is almost always going to come up short. Granted, Baki does really like Selena's Speed and it gives Caeldori a pretty great class selection, so it does have it's merits.
  7. I can attest to Camilla!Velouria breaking the main game over her knee, but after looking up her Growth Rates, Camilla!Sophie doesn't look like a slouch either. As a Great Knight, she has over 50% Growths in HP, Str, Skl, Spd and Def, which is pretty great. If Camilla is literally your last female to Pair, I'd go with Velouria, but Sophie could certainly work. Both are great kids and Camilla is arguably the best mom (Growth wise) in the entire game, so really it's up to you.
  8. Considering this went nowhere for like a month or two after I made it, I'm glad this is actually getting some traction.
  9. Get the level. I'm assuming she inherited Aptitude, so why make it go to waste?
  10. Video games being FUN?! Crazy! No seriously, is it really so wrong that people can play FE in any way they want? Like, I know people don't like Phoenix Mode, but they aren't everyone. What if people who have a lot on their plate seriously don't have time to restart everytime a unit dies? What if people just want to experience each Routes story or build Supports? "Oh that's not how your SUPPOSED to play!". Umm, the developers put it in for a reason. It's not cheating or using save states on an emulator. It's in the game for a reason, because some people will use it. You know what else is? Pokemon Amie. Do I use it beyond getting Sylveon? No, but that's because I don't want to. Do I complain that it's in the game? No. Because some people like it. Video games are supposed to be fun right?
  11. Up to you really. Free Killer Bow is cool and all (plus his stats aren't awful), but if you've put work into Niles and gotten he an Camilla married, he's probably more useful in the long run. Did you use your boosters yet? I can also vouch for Velouria being a monster. Selena was her mom on my last run (Selena herself received basically no training btw) and after recruiting her before Chapter 21, her and Percy (a Berserker mothered by Mozu) performed wonderfully for the endgame.
  12. You may have said this previously, but have you done Percy"s Paralogue yet? Once you recruit Xander, he can probably make you some nice cash by sitting on Dragon Veins with the no weapon equipped, but with Siegfried on his inventory. You also have around 12000-15000 Gold coming up between Chapters 16 & 17, so your wallet shouldn't be too empty for long. Forests Paralogue also has 5000 Gold if your really struggling. Also, I'd say that your gold problem is likely stemming from you being generally good on exp and promoting a little faster than the main game expected. I used a core team of around 14 people myself and most of them promoted right before Chapter 17. Hold out a bit longer and I think you'll be fine. Stat Boost wise, I'd recommend giving the Dracoshield & Herbs to Corrin, Dust to Odin or Ophelia and saving the Speedwing for Xander. His Speed is questionable (mine got ungodly blessed in my last run ending with something ridiculous like 28), but with Charlotte Pair Up, it will last him a good while. The Robe and Boots are up to you really. Do you have a specific plan to take on Endgame? The strategy I used required Camilla to have at least 1 Pair of Boots used on her, so do with that what you will. As for Niles, Bow Knight is my preferred Promotion for him (he really needs to offensive boosts and Shurikenbreaker is amazing for Chapter 25), but don't hesitate to go Adventurer if you need extra healing. Pass is also useful if you want to cheese Endgame.
  13. Some of them are pretty annoying later (Sieg, Ignatius, Percy and maybe Forrest), but I certainly don't think any beyond Ignatius, Shiro, Percy, Selkie and Sieg become unbearable to do late.
  14. Ignatius is under attack and Nina is an enemy like Percy.
  15. I just realized I was mixing FE6 up with FE8. Apologies.
  16. I forget, but did Binding Blade give some characters a non E Weapon rank when they promoted? I distinctly remember Hero's being able to use Hand Axes right after promotion, but I could be wrong.
  17. I actually disagree on that note. If resources are limited (as in Conquest), I think Offspring Seal's are invaluable, as they save money on Seals you'd have to otherwise buy. That being said, Paralogues like Ophelia's and Percy's should absolutely be done early, as the rewards and actual units are very good. (Percy especially, kids a terror). Also, at least in Conquest, I find the kids to be nice "RNG proof" replacements for 1st Gen's that didn't turn out. Waiting until Chapter 21 to recruit them also let's them get D Rank in their secondary Weapons (D Lances get's Beast Killer and D Staffs get's Mend among others). Plus, I find doing certain Paralogues later in Conquest to actually be pretty viable, since you're practically guaranteed to have only a core group of 12-16 people you are training, so by nature the enemies are less likely to level past you once it starts going from +1 Level to +2 Levels starting from Chapter 19.
  18. Weapon Rank in this game goes up so much slower than in Awakening. I guess it's to make up for most classes having lower Weapon Rank caps, but it's still kind of a chore.
  19. The sweet spot (at least for me) is between Chapter 18 - 21. 18 is the last Chapter where most enemies stay unprompted and (in all Routes), you'll have the Royal Older Brother to help you plow through. This is when I'd recommend doing the paralogues where the kids are in legit danger (Shiro, Selkie, Asugi, Forrest and Ignatius.). Siegbert's is also super annoying late (because infinitely spawning Ninja's and Mechanists are the opposite of fun). Percy's Paralogue is basically made to make Money, but the enemies are incredibly problematic later in the game (especially on higher difficulties due to various "Seal Skills" they equip), so I would actually do this one as early as you feel comfortable (I think I did it around Chapter 16 in Conquest.) Sophie's also counts if you want to put up with keeping garbage A.I. Villagers alive in order to get an Energy Drop and a Partner Seal (or is it a Friendship Seal? I forgot). It's your call, but I almost never actually try and save them personally. Chapter 21 is when the Offspring Seal will not only give the kids their 2nd Tier Promoted Skill (i.e. a Great Knight would instantly learn Luna), but it also sets their secondary Weapon Ranks up to D, which is surprisingly helpful. After 21, the ones I find easiest to do late game are Kana, Dwyer, Shigure and Midori. The former because of the generally low enemy density (as long as you don't wait for the Bandit Bros) and the latter 3 due to the fact that you can end both of them at practically any time if they become too overwhelming.
  20. Can Takumi use a Bow? Yes? He's fine. All he really needs is the Fujin Yumi to be great.
  21. Fates in general has by far the best gameplay in the series in my opinion. Say what you will about some of the Map designs, but in terms of the core mechanics, it's almost perfect. I've currently played through each route twice (up to Hard Mode on each) and clocked in over 200 hours. However, unlike Awakening, I still have a ton more I want to experiment with and do in Fates, which I think is a testament to how fun and interesting it is. For Conquest, I agree that it's by far the best part of Fates (I'd dare say it's the best game we've gotten in the West from the Franchise), but I need to be in a certain... mood (I guess?) to play it. Like, I can mostly improvise Birthright/Revelation and still make out fine, but Conquest requires a lot of careful planning and thought before hand (not to mention resetting). Don't get me wrong, that's GREAT design and shows that IS can still make one hell of a challenging FE, it's just not the type of game I can pick up and instantly play. Still though, Conquest is great and I fully expect to come back to it a few more times Bare in mind that all of the above was from a gameplay perspective.
  22. You would likely need to buy them. Prioritize your actual combat units before Pair Up fodder, the difference from Unpromoted Guard Stance boosts and Promoted is only about 2-3 Points.However, as someone who just finished his first run of Conquest Hard last night, I can say that you get plenty of cash and shouldn't worry about buying a couple Seals for Stance Bots once they become widely available. With all of my purchases made for my Endgame strategy, I had over 37000 Gold to spare by Chapter 27.
  23. No worries, all you need to do in order to get the most out of Nyx and Charlotte as Guard Stance Bots is to Promote them ASAP. Charlotte joins at Level 10, so she's good to go and Nyx only needs 1 level to hit Promotion range.
  24. Not really tbh. All she really does is make Nina faster and SLIGHTLY less squishy. However, Nina's a ranged Bow user unless you do a ton of reclassing and with Selena as her mom, her offensive stats aren't too great. Selena and Niles don't pair up too well either, the only real benefit is that Selena get's Movement +1 as a Bow Knight once she and Niles hit S Rank.
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