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Everything posted by Avalanche

  1. Any Tier 1 character with appropriate weapon Ranks (or none at all in Mozu's case) loves Dread Fighter. Odin really likes Dark Flier and it's high Speed base (and Speed +2 Skill) after he learns his Level 10 Dark Mage Skill. I've heard good things about Lodestar Laslow and know for a fact Xander loves Speedtaker. While I haven't tried it personally, Peri loves Galeforce to combo with her personal and Lifetaker.
  2. Since there are so many threads asking for help with their Revelation Pairings, I figured one big thread dedicated to posting any questions you may have would be better than clogging up the Forum with 2-3 new threads a day. If you want any help with your Pairings, please post them here.
  3. Fight me m8. How is Ben Diskin doing an older, snarky version of Numbah One's voice a bad thing?
  4. I leave character Classes as a factor for you to decide. Personally, I wouldn't reccomend it much on Conquest (limited resources and all), but if you want to got the extra mile, by all means! For reference, for my Hard!Revelation challenge (the first time I've done it), I did not randomize my classes. Maybe when I do Birthright. I actually have a number of things I'd like to tweak with this challenge, but I'll save them for when I complete it.
  5. Despite working better with her Mods, it's pretty darn difficult to make Magic Midori work. I don't think she has any personal Magic Growth and no innate Magic using classes by default. If you really wanna go with a Magic Midori, Elise gives her both a lot of Magic and good Speed, so I guess that's a thing. Really though, unless you really think Merchant Midori with a Shining Bow is absolutely vital to your PvP strats, just have Midori"s mom pass her a decent balance of Strenghth and Speed or some new Bow using classes.
  6. So something tells me you PROBABLY weren't meant to do Kiragi's Paralogue during Chapter 11... No Xander/Ryoma/Scarlet and all. Regardless, I got through somehow, Kiragi still managed to pull off a 1 Stat Level (despite the Aptitude Mozu gave him...) and Corrine is now 2 EXP off from Level 20. Pretty okay so far. Now it's time for Ninja's...
  7. Oh it's an issue XD Of course it's fine, this is a really loose challenge. Heck, I can see that making things harder.
  8. Low manning the early game was much easier than I thought (Jakob and Rinkah are best Guard Stanxe bots). I've cleared Chapter 10 and now have something resembling a real team. Now I just need to grind Takumi and Mozu to S Rank... On My Castle skirmishes. Joy BTW, if anyone who's spun had actually started a Rin, feel free to post about how it's going. I'd love to know!
  9. Am I the only one who thinks most of Xander's Crit lines play before they should in English? Like, he just looks really silly when he says "No Mercy!" 2 second pause, then his mouth opens. I dunno, maybe it's just me. It's not like the Amiibo's are any better. Regardless, I didn't vote, because "For the glory of Nohr!" or bust.
  10. Illyana was a slower, slightly bulkier Mage in comparison to the more glassy Soren in the Tellius games. She and Orochi do have being slow in common, but her (relative bulk) is actually similar to Hayato.
  11. Selena x Baki makes a lousy Caeldori. Keaton and Felicia destroys Velouria.
  12. I had the same issue of not getting enough votes. Feel free to try this out if your curious, I'm actually shocked someone decided to do this immediately after I posted it! Also, as a bit of a status update on my current run, I've reached the wonderful threshold of my Corrin (hereby named Corrine) hitting Level 15 right before Chapter 9. 1 Exp all day, erry day. Dread Fighter Kaze is also pretty great and Sakura sure can Staff Bot.
  13. There's no loser here, Mercer delivered all of them perfectly.
  14. If you want, you can spin for them, but I'll leave it up to you. I'm just gonna go with my gut.
  15. Have you ever wanted to do a PMU, but were scared at the prospect of actually having to make Berserker!Nyx work? Well, fear not! I have the perfect solution. Behold, the Wheel (http://wheeldecide.com/)! "Oh my god, what is he doing?" Good question! Basically, I was bored at work last night and was thinking about how many people start PMU's, but never end up finishing them (myself included...). I also thought back to a thread I made a while back about using various random number generator tools online to pick your Pairings for a playthrough. Combine the two ideas together and viola! Instant Challenge Run! "Umm, okay? How does it work?" Easy. - First, pick a gender for Corrin - Next, find a decision making tool of your choice (I chose the wheel mostly because personal preference and for the Thread name) and insert character names. - Here's where you can start to personalize the challenge a bit. If you wanted to have the most random game possible, you would simply enter the name of every playable character on your route (This is for Revelation btw), and spin the wheel 16 times (we're going with maximum deployment counts for Endgame), making sure to remove whoever is chosen before spinning again. However, I opted to go for an even balance of gender (8 Guys, 8 Gals), Why? For fun. - With that, you're done! This is your team for your playthrough of the Route you chose. Here's the Team I got on my first try Girls 1. Fem Corrin 2. Elise 3. Selena 4. Mitama 5. Camilla 6. Oboro 7. Flora 8. Sakura Guys 1. Xander 2. Kiragi 3. Kaze 4. Odin 5. Shiro 6. Forrest 7. Azama 8. Ryoma "Wow, way to cheat in your own Challenge Avalanche. Ryoma, Xander AND Camilla?!" I swear this was all random. I swear! Since I'm such a nice guy, I'll throw one more step to the selection process. After spinning for your 16 units, I'll let you replace 1 of them with any unselected unit of your choice. In this case, I'll be replacing Ryoma with Hayato. "Whatever. So is that it? Just play?" Well, not really. See, this is still a PMU style challenge, so there is a bit more to it than simply spinning for units. Rules - First and Foremost, each of your units must be recruited as early as possible (I.E. Kids) - Once a unit joins, they must be deployed. Always. The only exception is if you simply go over the deployment count with drafted units. - If you still have room after you have deployed all of your units, you may deploy other units, but exclusively as Guard Stance fodder. I guess I'll be a nice guy and let you deploy a Staff Bot if you don't have one too. - Grinding is up to your own discretion. I won't be doing it (though Odin is gonna make me wish I did...) and will instead be grinding all Supports in My Castle skirmishes. - Bare in mind that drafted kids parents don't have to be exclusively characters in your pool (I don't think I would even be able to use all of my drafted kids if that were the case) and if necessary, their parent can take their place in deployment (I.E. you can use Ryoma in Rev Chapters 16 and 17 in place of Shiro, just make sure you recruit him before 18) - Any undrafted characters who join mid map or are force deployed are fair game and can be utilized until Map completion. - Paralogues are up to your own discretion (I'll be getting them all, but it won't be necessary.) - Play on any difficulty you want. I'm doing Hard/Classic. So that's my crazy/stupid idea. Lemme know your thoughts and if it sounds appealing or not.
  16. There are so many different ways you can "Optimize" your Pairings in Fates. Here's just a few; - Easiest Maingame - Optimal Mods - Optimal Growth Rates - Most Classes Inherited for kids - Most Classes Inherited for parents - Most Classes Inherited for both Parents and Kids - Most Classes Inherited considering Buddy Supports for Parents and Kids You need to be a tad more specific with what you intend to do OP. We're not trying to put you on the spot, but what you intend to do with these Pairings is what will influence our suggestions :)
  17. I'm pretty sure the dad's all "retreat" (like the mom's in Awakening did). They won't be deployable any more, but they'll still be there for the Paralogue cut scenes. I honestly don't know if there is an alternate version of the ending scene where they invite themselves into the party. Hmm... I might actually try and test this out.
  18. - The character who surprised me the most in the game as a whole was Leo. I didn't have any negative impressions of him at all going into the game, but I have to say, he may be my favorite royal sibling. Gameplay wise, he's probably the easiest mage to use on Conquest and his great Growth Rates made keep him as a Dark Knight (which was probably my least favorite Awakening class) over my planned Sorcerer reclass. I also really liked his Support with Nyx and his relationship with Forrest was great. Leo acknowledges how crappy and unfair he was to his son over his hobbies and in their Supports, he is all for Forrest inheriting Brynhildr, but he also respects Forrest wanting to wait and grow into the role. I dunno, I just loved it (it doesn't hurt that Forrest is my favorite kid) and liked Leo way more than I thought I would. - For how unenthused I was when we heard they were in the game, the Awakening trio was also really good. It showed how much they had changed from their last appearance and Inigo and Owain's convo's with their daughters were wonderful. - Considering she was the "Kawai" little sister, I ended up liking Elise a lot more than I thought I would. Her actual combat lines are great and her crits are hysterical. - Shiro is bro and a guy I could totally hang with - Camilla is a double-edged Sword for me. All of her plot related dialogue and her Supports with Corrin are super creepy and appealing to one specific demographic and that's it. However, I really love a lot of her Supports. She and Niles work great, I thought her and Keaton were amusing (her immediate response to his proposal is hilarious) and I absolutely adore her Support conversations with her potential kids. Seriously, from trolling Nina, to killing bugs in Ignatius's tent and even assuring Velouria that she would be there when she woke, I really liked how she was written in those Supports. Admittedly yeah, all they did was flavor the same generic mother script, but her unique dialogue in them really sold me. Plus, her Guard Stance quotes fits really well with her kids, as opposed to being insanely creepy... like with everyone else. - Honestly, I'm really not that big a fan of Hana; the person I wanted to marry on my first Birthright run. She's basically Mia 2.0 (Which is cool) and we even share a birthday! It was perfect! Then her and Corrin's C Support was her shaming him for being kidnapped as a small child... yeah. Her and Baki had a decent Support I guess. - Admittedly, I haven't used him at all nor read really any of his conversations, but Siegbert just seems like the most aggressively bland character since... I dunno, FE6? Seriously, can anyone recommend a decent Support chain for him? I don't hate him, I'm just legit curious if he's way more interesting than his appearance and (admittedly kinda boring) voice lead on.
  19. I'm fucking down for the proposed FE4 remake idea. I can't wait for IS to never do it.
  20. How much further on have gotten? I would honestly recommend restarting for the Armor Slayer, late game Generals get stupid bulky.
  21. Lowest I've gone is Ryoma getting hit with a 4% Tiger Spirit. I've now conditioned myself to assume every none 0% attack will hit me indefinitely.
  22. I guess, but I'd argue that since Heart Seals exist and cost the same as Master Seals, it's basically the same effect as choosing the Promotion option from Tier 1. Alternatively, they could also join around Lv. 18 or 19.
  23. I legit have a Notepad thing dedicated to this with stats all calculated out. Do you want me to post it for some kind of reference? If not, here's what I've got to recommend. - Takumi, Hinata, Oboro, Hayato, Camilla, Beruka, Selena, Kaden, Keaton, Ryoma, Xander and Leo are all pretty much fine as they are. - Have Hinoka, her retainers and all of the retainers in Chapter 17 just join with their average Lv.1 stats in one of their Promotions. Seriously. - We need to buff up everyone recruited in Chapter 14 not named Silas. - Give Shura his bases from Conquest. He joins at roughly the same time (15, 1 Chapter earlier than Conquest actually) yet has his bases from joining at the end of Birthright 22. - This is a me thing, but can we hack Skills yet? If so, I think giving Mozu Paragon as her personal (who even uses her innate one?) could be cool, since she can actually see some combat really early when the team is super undermanned.
  24. Considering that Revelation (and Birthright) have skirmishes and that unit balance is kinda garbage on Revelation, I usually measure a characters relative usefulness based on how well they stack up to others in their niche that join before hand and how much grinding they take to get up to par. In this respect, Orochi is kind bleh. She's not bad per se, but you got Hayato at the end of Chapter 9 (she joins in 11), so he's already had the chance to gain EXP and build a Support Rank. Hayato also has much better bases than on Birthright (his Speed in particular is awesome), so he is very easy to use straightaway. Overall, I'd say 1st Gen Tome users in Rev go Hayato and Leo as most recommended, Nyx and Odin as least and Orochi somewhere in the middle. TLDR; She's hella good Hayato Guard Stance fodder. She even makes his kid good.
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