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Everything posted by Avalanche

  1. Rev really is something else... I still enjoy it, but the more that I play it, the more apparent it becomes that it had by far the least thought/testing put into it's gameplay.
  2. Most of the time, if enemies have Skills in Rev, it's just their class Skills. While it's billed as the "Median" game between Conquest and Birthright, Rev REALLY leans more towards Birthright gameplay wise. Conquest is the only Fates game to really go all in with creative enemy Skill combos.
  3. +Str/-Lck Corrin!Velouria has effectively a 48% Skill Growth as a Wolfseggner. Her Base Skill stat (before her parents inheritance and class stats) is the same her Strength and Speed. She'll maybe run into a little trouble against Master Ninja's and Swordmasters, but I think Certain Blow is overkill, especially since you'll be forcing Corrin to either commit to Archer/Sniper until 20/5 or have her switch at 20/2 and struggle through 3 levels of E Rank Bows (probably the worst E Rank to have) If your set on making Corrin a Ninja TC, I don't really think any of that trees Skills help Velouria out a ton, so stick with either Nobility or Dragon Fang if you want to recruit her around the mid game (when she'll likely first become available). I really like Sol or Trample on Velouria, but those would either require a change in her Mom's Talent or her marrying someone specific.
  4. Umm, alrighty then... To put it lightly, this is a stretch. I can sort of see something coming from the Awakening Expies hinting that they will see Corrin again (but really, I think it's more a fun little nod to anyone who had played Awakening). However, beyond that, the theory doesn't hold much weight. Characters having similar personalities and supporting casts is not uncommon in Fiction as a whole, let alone Fire Emblem.
  5. I was referring to the actual Ninja class, not Master Ninja. I do agree that Master Ninja is better, but for the early game, Dread Fighters bases can really help out. Well, at least in my opinion.
  6. To echo what everyone else has been saying, it isn't recommended to jump into Lunatic!Conquest blind... The Lunatic Club does exist for a reason. Normal!Conquest is a good deal harder than Hard!Birthright, so I strongly recommend you start there. Compared to the FE's you have played, Conquest's Maps have a ton more going on in them and I can see people outright hating them if they don't know what to expect. Heck, I've seen people say Chapter 25 on Hard is terribly designed: That Map on Lunatic gives the boss an extra Proc and the Ninja's can literally stack their debuffs infinitely. As for a Hidden Weapon user, the two that I see recommended most often are Kaze and a reclassed Laslow (his child could also work if they have the right mother). I've heard good things about Master Ninja!Xander and Silas (both through an A+ with Kaze), though I've never tried them personally. Also, since you likely have 2 Paths, you can get the Dread Scroll from the Path Bonus. Dread Fighter is basically just Ninja+, with base stats equivalent to a Promoted class and 3 Weapon Types to choose from as early as Chapter 7. Most any physical fighter can work in it, so it does give you some leeway.
  7. Forrest looks a little too good with Ryoma"s hair.
  8. Probably not, but I at least have a go to copy pasta if the topic ever gets brought up in a serious light.
  9. The fact that some people think that Fates' localization and 4Kids' treatment of shows like One Piece are even in the same ballpark of disrespect to the original product is absolutely mind boggling. In terms of overall content in the base games, we lost a touch screen feature to My Room. That's it. We didn't lose entire arcs of each games plot, we didn't replace Swords with nerf bats, we didn't replace the main theme of the game with an out of place rap. Seriously, nothing in Fates' localization is dramatically different from what we've seen in other entries. Hell, Path of Radiance lost it's Maniac Difficulty and had it replaced with an EASIER DIFFICULTY. I think that's more insulting than the removal of face rubbing personally. Sure, things are worded differently and some Support conversations did change a bit, but that's nothing that other FE Game localizations didn't do. Hell, English and Japanese Gregor are effectively 2 different characters. Fates' localization isn't perfect, but saying it's 4kids tier is just simply incorrect.Sorry for the rant, but good god. On topic, I'd hold out until October before giving up hope on the pack being released.
  10. Umm... As a native English speaker, I can't say I know anyone who prefers reading text like this as opposed to simply typing it out normally. I'm not terribly familiar with how typing differs with Asian languages, but this being a predominately English speaking Forum, I'm not sure if posts like this are the best approach to take. If you honestly cannot communicate without typing like this, then sure, keep going with it. However, with the frequency you post new topics on this Board, I do recommend at least trying to type your messages more normally. I can't speak for everyone, but the majority of your posts that I read end up looking more like Poems or Haiku's than actual sentences.
  11. I usually go Malig Knight until 5 (for Savage Blow) > Wyvern Lord (until 14) > Malig (15, for Trample). I'd consider that a solid maingame build. She can also A+ Beruka for Zerker and its Skills. Axefaire would be cool. Selena can give her Strong Riposte or Sol from Merc!Hero as an alternative, both of which Camilla can use well. Of course, she also has options depending on who she S Ranks. I'd say my preferred end class for her is Wyvern Lord, but if you dig her ability to wield Tomes, Malig Knight would work well too.
  12. Camilla's main niche is that she scales stupidly well relative to her join time (Chapter 10 in Conquest, End of Chapter 12 in Rev). She's so much better than most of the enemies in the first 4-5 Chapters after she is recruited and (believe it or not), she does actually have a higher than average EXP gain for a Prepromote. What I think happens is that the game calculates her EXP gain as if she was a 15/1 Unit, so she does gain EXP faster after a map or two in the main Campaign. Having some of the best personal Growth Rates in the 1st Gen doesn't hurt either. Honestly, if you just stick to their averages in their base classes, Beruka doesn't even beat Camilla in all areas. Beruka has more HP, Skl, Lck and Def and Camilla has better Str, Mag, Spd and Res. Scarlet's also pretty great, mainly due to having one of the best Defense bases in Birthright and the generally low quality of the enemies until about Chapter 23. She's also one of (heck, she might be THE only) non Corrin Wyvern in Birthright, so she's got a cool niche there.
  13. I get the feeling they just want to use the Archer for Chapter 10.
  14. Adventurer Nyx sounds good on paper, but getting her to be proficient as one (C Rank in Bows so she can use the Shining Bow) is tough. Unless your willing to give her two Arms Scrolls (which are valuable), she's going to basically need a Forged Bronze Bow, Str+ Pair Up Partner (probably Arthur) and Tonics to even hope of doing relevant damage. Even then, she's basically just going to be a worse version of Niles until she hits C Bow Rank. If she can work her way up, she'll probably do well as a Shining Bow Adventurer. However, as SniperGYS said, if you want a Magic Adventurer, you may as well just recruit Anna or Nyx/Elise/Camilla!Nina.
  15. Elise!Nina is one of the better alternatives to just having her Mother Ophelia. Nina and Dwyer are some of the only kids other than Ophelia who can use her Growths well without a lot of hoop jumping.
  16. When in doubt, Luck Bane. Everything looks pretty good. Surprisingly sparse on Horses (I don't really count Mechanist as a Horse), which I actually think is refreshing A couple recommendations - You'll definitely want to use Camilla enough to give Velouria either Savage Blow or Trample. Of the 2, I think Trample would work best, giving her a damage boost against most anything when combined with her innate Beastbane - Have Percy dip into his Hero tree when you can. He really likes HP+5 and Sol. I had mine as a Berserker in my Conquest!Hard run (he replaced his dad) and it was glorious. He and Velouria were a good couple - If you want to run both Odin and Ophelia, I'd say you might want to flip their classes. Alternatively, Witch is basically just an even more offensive Sorcerer, so that's open to Ophelia. - Conquest's Mages hit hard enough so that Master Ninja!Kaze is probably his better promotion. Mechanist is great in certain Chapters, but in general, I'd say he get's more mileage out of Master Ninja (I like it's Skills way better too, Replicate be damned) - If you're willing to add him/dump someone for him, Xander is pretty great. His crazy Defense and Siegfried can be pretty invaluable late game. Hero!Xander (via Buddy with Laslow or S Ranking Selena) is a personal favorite, as he makes crazy good use of Merc Skills and Sol.
  17. I had plenty of EXP to go around on Hard!Conquest when I gave Mozu Paragon, but Mozu doesn't really even need to be trained that much if all you want her to do is mother Kana. Literally just have her be Corrin's backpack. Sure, Kana's bases won't be quite (and I'm talking 1-2 points per stat) as good as if they were both trained, but Aptitude should kick right in to help Kana out. Regardless, did you have a particular class you wanted Corrin/Kana to be? That's probably the best place to start when deciding Kana's Mom.
  18. I'm pretty sure they both voice Alvin in Tales of Xillia too.
  19. I mean, I like both, I just kind of prefer Matt. Bare in mind that I have basically no experience with Robin (or Reflet"s I guess) Japanese voice, so I never had that moment where I recognized they shared the voice (which I did in English). Bare in mind that I'm mostly just joking around. Both versions sound good and your free to like one over the other.
  20. There both very good, but I'm just more familiar with Matt, so he gets my vote. My unmitigated fanboy man crush on Matt Mercer might also have something to do with it. Maybe.
  21. Kana's main niche is their potential to have ridiculous Stat Modifiers if their parent was a 2nd Gen Unit. However, this really doesn't mean much in Conquest, where you flat out can't grind w/o DLC and Eternal Seals are quite the investment. So basically, Kana is just going to end up as a second Corrin with no Yato access. Depending on your Corrin's build, this can work, but they really won't be super noteworthy. If you absolutely want to use Kana in Conquest, decide what build you wanna go with (Physical or Magical) and make sure that role has synergy with what you pick as Corrin's Talent (as they will inherit it). Corrin's spouse should (of course) compliment this role (I.E. don't have Felicia be a physical Kana's mom). Since you're going with a Male Corrin (I assume), then good choices for a Physical Kana would be Camilla, Mozu or Effie. Maybe even Azura if you can get around terrible bulk. Magic wise, Elise, Nyx and Felicia are pretty much your only options. Note that Camilla probably makes the best Mixed Kana if you want to run something like Basara, Dark Knight or Nohr Noble. Mozu also counts if Kana inherits Aptitude.
  22. Welcome to the Forest! First and foremost, I really want to commend you for your performances as Corrin and Scarlet. Both are easily some of my favorites in the entire game (Your voice for Corrin is by far my favorite option for them.) Since you mentioned you were into films, do you have any favorites? Thanks again for stopping by!
  23. Chapter 23 is when Birthright largely stops messing around. The enemies are way more numerous, many of them are sturdy and the lower Defense of a good portion of your units does start to show. The Chapter's gimmick is also generally pretty nasty. - As stated before, Tonic's are a must. Giving your main combatants relevant boosts is way more useful than you'd think. - Guard Stance is crucial. One of the biggest problems I see newcomers to Fates making is assuming Guard Stance is "Too nerfed" compared to Awakening's PAir Up feature and only use Attack Stance. Trust me, with the relative enemy density you'll be facing here on out in Birthright, you more or less want your non Archers/Mages/Ninja's paired up constantly. - While it can be random, Food (much like Tonics) can help you out in a pinch. - Since I know I'll get grilled by someone here if I mention doing certain Paralogue's later in the game can be great for EXP, I'll also make it a point to tell you that using the Scout feature to grind up some of your lower leveled characters can be a very useful idea. Any of the Ninja's would probably be preferable, as you seem to lack a non Jakob Hidden Weapon user.
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