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Everything posted by Avalanche

  1. It's almost like basing entire opinions of a voice cast on one video (which has maybe 1 line per character, at worst just a grunt) is kind of unjustified. I think Rena had it the worst (as songs are ludicrously hard to translate from Japanese to English). I'm sorry to sound like a jerk, but some of the reactions to this games voice acting have been ridiculous.
  2. Alright, I'll see what I can find using a Female Avatar x Kaze Pairing.
  3. Fantastic job! This is all really helpful and I can't thank you enough for all your hard work! My only real question now is what levels the kids will join at depending on what Chapter you recruit them in story? Another helpful bit would be what level the Child Seal will take them to once they cap their Tier 1 Level at 20. If you need the data, I would be happy to test it out when my game comes in on Friday.
  4. This is a bit of a weird idea, but how do you all think an Effie!Midori would fair? If we're going off of the (Variable Parents Personal Growths+Kids Personal Growths /2) formula for their Personal Growths, it would come out to: HP: 40% Str: 40% Mag: 3% Skl: 45% Spd: 43% Lck: 50% Def: 33% Res: 25% Not only are these pretty nice base Growths for a Physical unit, she also get's to keep a high Luck Personal Growth for Lucky Charm. Effie's Knight class also works decently with the Lance Rank she can work up in Great Merchant.
  5. While Ignatius will become pretty awful gameplay wise, Elise and Benny's Support is pretty decent. It's not mindblowing or anything, but it's cute and harmless.
  6. I'm partial to Niles and Beruka, mostly due to some backstory you get on the two near the end.
  7. I'm sure many people will come in and analyze these far more than I can, but the only glaring flaw I saw was with Elise!Kisaragi. Do you plan on making him the Shining Bow user? If not, you may want to look elsewhere.
  8. I've seen Jakob giving him Wyvern Rider over Cavalier multiple times as well.
  9. Question for those who may know; if Kaze and Keaton had to choose between Rinkah and Beruka, which combination would have the best Supports? I'm almost done with my planned Revelation pairings and this is the only decision I have left.
  10. For my Male Avatars Birthright: Scarlet, Hana Conquest: Azura (I've heard their Support on this path is the best), Flora, Ophelia Revelation: Any of the aforementioned... well, minus Scarlet :( For my Female Avatar Birthright: Kaze Conquest: Jakob Revelation: Either or.
  11. With the exception of Nyx x Jakob, your Pairings look very nice. Bare in mind though, you won't be able to pass DLC Skills down to the kids (I saw you wanted to Pass Midori something from a possible Witch Azura).
  12. I think they are asking what build they should run if Corrin COULD have the Fox Spirit class. Granted, I'm not sure why they would ask it here (it's basically the equivalent of going to an Awakening Optimization thread and asking what build a theoretical Dancer Inigo should run), but meh.
  13. To answer your first question, I don't believe it's possible for anyone aside from Kaden or Selkie to have Fox Spirit access.
  14. Not to make this the "Tatum Appreciation Thread" (because by god I'd make one), but I'd like to echo the sentiment that his role as Okabe is phenomenal. The entire dub is wonderful, but his performance made that show my favorite anime.
  15. Kaiji Tang announced on his Twitter that he is actually playing more than one character. This him being Niles theory may actually have some merit behind it...
  16. This is completely unrelated to the voices (they all sound good), but I really appreciate how Abdallah is actually TRYING to play the game competently. It's refreshing after all of the preview's from websites...
  17. It's not impossible for Tatum to be Jakob's voice (I would love it if he was, as he's one of my favorite VA's), but I'd say it's unlikely. Tatum is (as far as I know) a Texas based actor and Fates is likely being recorded at the same studio where Awakening was (which I believe was in California). He has done some roles for properties dubbed primarily in California though (Tales of Xillia 2 for example), so I guess it's always a possibility.
  18. Hmm, both of Leo's retainers being voiced by the same guy... I guess it could work.
  19. From what I understand, in an interview with Danielle, she mistook another JRPG she was working on for Tales of Vesperia. Because of that (and the fact that both of them went uncredited in a lot of roles), everyone just assumed Eden was Danielle. As I mentioned, I feel terrible, as I think Eden is a fantastic VA and I hadn't been giving her even half of the credit she really deserves until I found out a few months ago.
  20. I know right? I was fricking astonished when I first heard Marie from P4G and didn't connect her voice to Estelle at all!
  21. Bare in mind that some of these could be VA aliases. I've seen a lot of people speculate Otis Paul as an alias for Paul Eiding (Grandpa Max from Ben 10 and Roy Campbell from Metal Gear). Also (since I saw someone point it out), it's been confirmed that Danielle Judovits actually did not play Sumia (and Nah). It was Eden Riegal. I'm curious if this means we might actually get to hear what Danielle really sounds like in this game?
  22. Between work and college classes, I'm just gonna try and get everything I can off my plate so I can binge the heck out of Fates on Friday.
  23. I made a thread asking about input on Optimized Hoshido Pairings a few days ago and figured I should go here for my Nohr and Revelation questions. Again, this is mostly for personal use, mainly when future DLC comes out. These pairings are meant to benefit both the parents and children, primarily from a class perspective. Input would be lovely, as I am a lot less sure of these Pairings. Azura x Jakob: I had no idea who to Pair Jakob with, so this felt like the safest way to go Kaze x Felicia: Gives all 3 every non Dread Fighter Hidden Weapon using class. Felicia also has a non negative Luck cap, so Midoriko can still sort of function as a gold farmer. Silas x Selena: Gives Selena Cavalier and Silas and Sophie Sky Knight. Same reason I paired him with Azura on Birthright. Arthur x Efffie: Effie get's Hero, Lutz and Arthur get General to use their Axe Ranks. Niles x Mozu: Niles get's Archer, Mozu Outlaw and Nina Great Merchant. Nina also benefits from Aptitude, which can maybe help her still negative Strength cap... at least in game... this one was a stretch. Benny x Beruka: Super tank Ignis with no Speed (but Defensive Formation so who cares). The boys also appreciate Wyvern I guess. Kaden x Camilla: Keaton and Velour get Wyvern and Camilla Fighter. Velour also get's a pretty nice Strength Mod Odin x Elise: I think it's unanimously agreed that this is the best pairing for Odin, at least when making a good Ophelia. Laslow x Peri: Mercenary for Peri, Cavalier for Laslow and Soleil. Pretty decent mods too. Leo x Nyx: Magically stronk Forrest (I think this is the only name change I really don't like) and Nyx get's Strategist. Xander x Charlotte: Xander and Sieg get Hero and Charlotte Great Knight. Also something something LTC Xander master race... You'll notice I left the Avatar off the list and that's because I have no idea what to do with them. Help would absolutely be appreciated.
  24. In terms of pure magical offense, I think Sorcerrer would be preferable. However, I think DK"s bulk and mobility might outweigh it. I've heard Leo's fine as long as he can use Brunhilde.
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