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Everything posted by Avalanche

  1. I have the same Birthday as Hana. Pretty much sold her as my Waifu on my second Hoshido run
  2. All 3, but since I failed to get the Special Edition, I ordered Birthright and am gonna get Conquest off the EShop right away. I'll pick up Revelation when it comes out.
  3. I actually second that. Nina makes a pretty decent Mage so long as her mom is Nyx or Elise. Alternatively, you can give Felicia to Nils and Nyx to Leo, as it will still give Nina an ok Magic Modifier, while also letting everyone involved get another class tree from Marriage Seals
  4. These seem pretty solid. From what I've calculated out Elise!Nina has pretty decent Dark Mage Growths and Effie!Mitama has crazy Strength, so I think they'll work out fine if you don't mind grinding/using kids in PVP
  5. That's fine, I would just clarify that you want opinions on what we've seen, not the game as a whole. Honestly, just clarifying that in the title would be great
  6. Also, I'm assuming you just haven't gotten that far yet, but adding in Revelation only pairings would be swell.
  7. Umm, I don't think it's wrong to criticize/praise what we've seen, but I really think a thread like this should wait until maybe a week after Fates has been out. That way, we can all experience a full playthrough, where we can judge all of the dialogue from the story and supports, not just the brief snippets we've seen. I honestly don't think we're at a point where we can pass a verdict yet, at least I don't feel like I am
  8. - I'm pretty sure NoA dropped the u in Kagerou - Same with the u in Saizou - Lance Fighter has been changed to Spear Fighter - Mountain Priest and Priestess are now War Monk and War Priestess - Spellcaster is now Diviner - Rod Knight is now Troubadour - Bowman is now Archer - Puppeteer is now Mechanist I'll keep editing as I read if needed
  9. This is perfectly fine and acceptable. Hell, I think it's probably less awkward than it was originally
  10. What units are good (at least useable) combatants in Revelation? If we can get them down, we can focus on pairing them first and then figure out what to do with the leftovers (likely pairing for Child unit Mods). Also, Buddy Supports can help fill in Class Sets
  11. I plugged all the names in a random wheel and just went down a list. There are a ton of ways you can do this, so pick whatever works easiest for you Also, I randomized my Nohr Pairings. With the exception of Nina being willed out of existence (Since My Avatar got Camilla someone was destined to go single and Niles was whom the wheel picked), everything was fine until the last few Pairings. Elise went to literally the only eligible person left (I spun for each character in join order so the Royal Brothers went last) and Leo and Xander felt the need to switch their "Optimal Wives". Oh well, at least my Foleo can really be the Maribelle expy... Since I'm on a roll (and I hate myself), expect my Revelations Randoms to be up soon...
  12. Trust me, I was planning for this to be more of a joke idea, but I honest to god might stick with them. Honestly, the only reservation I have is marrying Rhajat (I'll probably switch her out with Scarlet). Oh my god, should I actually bite the bullet and see what I get for Nohr?... Your pairings still look okay! Leo and Felicia is apparently great and I've heard Takumi and Azura have a good Support.
  13. I got pairings that are arguably better than what I was planning. I don't even. Feel free to post your teams (planned or random) here so we can discuss, evaluate, laugh and judge each other.
  14. This is fantastic, great work. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the formulas, but do you think it's possible to get the kids more than +3 to all stats upon recruitment?
  15. Wow, I can certainly say I didn't expect that. On one hand, I'm kind of against the idea of the Parents stats having little effect on the Children, as it makes some characters feel exclusively like Pair Up Bots. On the other hand, it does seem wonderfully convenient.
  16. This whole "Random Pairing" thing sounds like a really fun idea for it's own thread. "Rate my Random Pairings" maybe? I dunno, maybe I'm just being a dumb
  17. I gotcha. I'm honestly surprised IS decided to change up the Inheritance so much from Awakening (given what we know about class inheritance now). I've also heard how base stats are determined is different.
  18. I've heard conflicting theories about child growths in this game. The 2 most common I've heard is that Growth Rates are determined either the same as in Awakening (dads personals + moms personals + kids personals /3) or (varying parents personals + kids personals /2). Can anyone confirm or deny either of these?
  19. I should also mention that I'm looking forward to spending hours grinding My Castle Spotpass battles for Supports on Conquest... Oh boy I am. Man, I hope I can find those "Training" My Castles people are talking about...
  20. Darn.... I ordered Birthright a week ago too....
  21. Do we know if Supports grow in the same way they do in Awakening? I know the site lists the amount of Points necessary to get to each Level, but do we know how much certain actions raise it by? 'd reason to assume it's the same as in Awakening, but I could be wrong.
  22. You're a cool guy TC; I really needed this thread after the shitstorm that this last week has been in regards to Fates news. To be honest, I'm looking forward to pretty much everything Fates has to offer. The gameplay from what I've seen looks stellar on all 3 Routes and I can't wait to get to know this new cast.
  23. This is such a dumb question, but is there any portion of the game where the L Button is expressly needed? Mine has been shot for about 2 years now.
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