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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Fixed is cool, i guess you already made up your mind, i saw this on your FFtF post, but Fixed just makes it more predictable overall.
  2. even though he said it was posted in another forum, you are acting exactly like the deaf ears he claimed it to fall upon. i found it somewhat ironic Gatrie joining early is his advantage I am guessing. However i would have absolutely no problem with Hawks > Gatrie. I love the hawks, some of my favorite characters.
  3. growth does not equal good, 31 cap... But she is guaranteed to reach cap. Didn't you just say Ike was broken? because i think you just described Ike and Vika in the same way...25% str growth for anybody can't beat ike even if 100 in all others... okay, so she's broken in everything else. Dragonfoe does similar effects, and Ilyana isn't invaluble she's ok at best, Dheg can be 1-turned so why bother with her? What if you don't have Dragonfoe on your first playthrough since it's a hidden item? And without the Royals. See there you go, Ilyana is an invaluable unit there. 35% is not an awesome speed growth. Except that. >=O Isn't Titan your #1 character, who uses axes... Yes. But I use Nolan if I want a Berserker. Oh don't we all love the characters that have bad bases good growths and godawful caps? Let's see...You don't get dragonfoe on your first playthrough, and we're not using laguz royals? it is instead easier to train Ilyana and drag her through GM stages. Except that, his 40% hp, his 25% def and 35% luck. Half of his stats are forty or less. No playable berserkers in this game, obviously you meant Reaver. Btw, nice job putting your and my posts together, reeeeeeaaal smoove
  4. Not to max, Aether is Skill/2 growth does not equal good, 31 cap... Didn't you just say Ike was broken? because i think you just described Ike and Vika in the same way...25% str growth for anybody can't beat ike even if 100 in all others... There are more than 3 royals... Dragonfoe does similar effects, and Ilyana isn't invaluble she's ok at best, Dheg can be 1-turned so why bother with her? 35% is not an awesome speed growth. Isn't Titan your #1 character, who uses axes...
  5. Well, i doubt Fiona will do much and i know leo doesn't do much, aside from the not so great ones is more what i meant. I need to be more specific... Not an example, look at Int's HM log, i'm pretty sure he got it, and Queen Elincia got jill to 20/15/1 which is good enough.
  6. no she doesn't it looks all weird Aran's tanking isn't that great on 3-13, if you can get any DB unit promoted(not that hard to do) they'll tear up that stage.
  7. eeh i guess your right, biggest dilemma right now is, blossom or resolve?
  8. Well, it may not suck, but his movement is lacking, He's a fine unit to have around. However Geoffrey probably cuts down more turns. I don't think chip can get you above a ORKOing unit, even if it's only 1-2 maps.
  9. erm, non-male trueblades don't double? on easy? shinnon doesn't exist on EM apparently...neither does a bazzilion other units, Ike, hawks, ranulf, royals, you couldn't beat 1-1 NM? nolan doesn't exist either...? just stick him at top of alley and he goes to work, make sure to have miccy heal him and take vulneries.
  10. Soren has better speed than geoffrey, but does this mean anything? Soren is also the slowest person on his team. Soren's chip damage is nice, but it sucks, and Soren should be benched by 3-3, that's 3 chapters of chip damage, Vs two chapters of being best unit on the team...Please use logic.
  11. you have soren in your username i used to have soren in my username. We both agree geoff > soren(or at least from what you say) So obviously Soren < Geoffrey
  12. That's a pretty good idea, but i would like to give elincia a few kills. I quite like this idea, i will try it out for sure. thanks =]
  13. that made me chuckle, also, move up ninji?
  14. nope, i think astrid is > oliver, but not Fiona. I agree with alot of what you say, Geoffrey is definitly > tanith. but Marcia only a little better than Sigrun??(and she is not forced for 4-E) i beg to differ, for somewhat obvious reasons, speedwing on 2-3 AND 3-9. Fire isn't that much worse than water, not enough to help Sigrun a huge amount.
  15. Actually six mages is a Ton and i've only seen that much on a mage only thing. That being said, nothing is wrong with that, use whoever you like, if you like using all the SS weapons, that's fine by me, and as narga said, NM is nice if using decent characters. hmm, Nolan never caused me any issues, interesting you used ed but you dislike Nolan frankly i like eddy better than Nolan for P1 but Nolan's P3 blows eddy right out of the water, but since you play mostly on NM(again not a bad thing) Edward does fine. Would anyone tell me how to actually train Fiona? the first time i used her i had her attack a guy on 1-7, it was on my first PT so for some reason at that point in time i didn't check hits or mt and she got ORKO'd needless to say it was NM... I would try out shinnon one day. also, shinnon > rolf heavily because of bases, rolf is nearly useless in early P3 while shinnon is great.
  16. Lots of my Bexp now is going to Lucia, i dont wanna train a non 3rd tier unit who isn't even that good. and i am playing on HM if you didn't catch on.
  17. wait...did you just say that...about meg? i am playing hard mode durrr durr dur =P
  18. Why don't you wanna play hard D: im never doing normal again(after 4 PTs...) Shinnon is a really good character who has access to double bow, the best weapon in the game. Generally he is better than rolf, because he always doubles and can ORKO often, Rolf does not posses either of these abilities(without a transfer) Nolan is durable, and tears up P3, He also has a nice speed growth, doubling and ORKOing enemies. you asked about nolan and shinnon, so whats up with all your mages...?
  19. She's at base level at begining of P4, I think i can pull it off
  20. She has that, but my beastfoe zihark has vantage, which activates 32% of the time along with 40-50% range hits, chances are that he doesn't die. Did Zihark(and ed) just gain leverage? i did 3-13 faster than Nolan and Jill. Answer is no though, because Queen Elincia wanted more exp than i did, all in all i say Zihark can be below Nolan and neph(t) as long as he stays in high in good. eventually i want eddy in upper mid
  21. I know narga already asked this, but is this about the books or some sort of game, the answer confused me. I'm assuming it's not directly from books or else Aragorn would be in Top tier.
  22. Dondon, you really confuse me, do you like anybody in the DB?completely fine with me if you don't ed is lil kid, leo is...well...y'know, nolan(oddly enough) reminds me of a pedophile(maybe because so many people say he rapes this, this and that?) miccy is ahnoying(mainly about Ike, no one talks shit about Ike) and sothe is ahnoyinglaughs to self about that topic posted on FFtF about RFoF and sothe and what exactly are you guys arguing about?
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