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Status Updates posted by Fenrir

  1. thanks for the birthday wish.


  2. indeed, a wonderful god with a great voice who makes you extremely happy.

  3. Yes, i kept my word on it :D

  4. He's not forced, so naturally there is no penalty since you wouldnt be able to deploy him.

    I 21 turned that map.

  5. so my name isnt cool enough now :( jk

    maybe i will. :D


  7. Hey i just saved you a spot in the draft, remember when i told u along time ago i would. well i did, so u better be up for it.

  8. thanks, hope you have a good one.

  9. honestly i feel like a big douche for going without you but you can blame soul who made me decide to start it

  10. Hey did you wanna do draft PT? you asked about it last time around so theres a spot for you if you want it.

  11. MAH BOI! your quite gei young jigglypuff

  12. ur email is private.


  13. poop, i can haz gun to kill myself

  14. fuck aisans.

    what if i pull back my eyes? ples?

  15. no love for a redhead? really? i can send you pics...

  16. dun wurry its k cause i changed it...can i get harmed in bed with yall? just askin

  17. ooooooh THATS what your talking about, i was gonna change my sig soon neways

  18. xeldie seems like it would be an aisan word for penis

  19. no haha its fine. i was just apologizing that i couldnt see it sooner.

  20. will do, sorry havent been on this site to much, got a few things going on.

  21. oh that sucks, I remember being really happy like 4 turning that with zihark/eddy(might've been 6 idk) one of my favorite stages in that game though.

  22. i almost want to play that game to try her, you truly inspire me soul <3

  23. I was just looking at FE10 list and maybe you can actually try and change some stuff on there since that doesnt seem to happen much...anyhow, best of luck with that.

  24. yeha well mods cant like hate you, but once narga was like should i warn you on this? and then he didnt but then nightmare got mad =[

    and yeah its to late for playlog =/ you could start up your own though

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