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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. If he were an English teacher he might take off points for contractions.
  2. Ulki's 19 strength with 18 MT Talon. Janaff is 19 Strength with 13 MT Talon. Fuck it.
  3. That's cause borderlands is retarded o.O
  4. Your the weak mofo here! IKR! I have little children tell me this every day
  5. Still not ringing a bell... Apparently she's in every movie i don't hear about. I think i agree
  6. The problem is that you only gain extra laguz points when the enemy attacks from 2-range. @underline, that is the goal.
  7. Yeah haha, not a lot more to say here. But 2 last things... About your Mia with storm swords/tempest blades statement. Those swords don't come along very often at all, and when they do, There's only 20 uses. I think Ulki staying alive better while untransformed is worth Something.
  8. This is actually exactly what i did. Ike had the boss room done at turn 10. But Titan/Aran couldn't get to the Northeast chest rooms in time to stop the reinforcements. I probly could have done it in 10 after another try... But i don't have a save to fall back on, and now 4-5 is proving to be very difficult with only Janaff/ulki/reyson and 1 laguz stone use left.
  9. I've hardly ever used valaura in this game. & i don't think my mic has EVER been S rank at 4-3.
  10. no not really. Still don't know...
  11. That does top the list of whatthefuck
  12. Er, the one where Ike runs around and kills 70% of the map... I suck at P4.
  13. Zooey is better in a few spots, but katy perry has much bigger breasts.
  14. I had no idea this stuff existed... Magical purple... does anybody really use this?
  15. I did 4-4 last nite in 17 turns... I fucking hate that mansion. Lilmik, your teams look good. Only thing I'd consider tweaking is Nolan > Hawk army. But that kinda depends how competent your miccy/sothe are.
  16. Happy Birthday!!

  17. Welcome to SF! =]

  18. It would just be cool. I don't like getting on my iPod.
  19. I had no idea what Hope Solo looked like until after the world cup. All i had seen was Wambach who looks like she's going to eat somebody alive after scoring.
  20. LOL! you have the worst friends... that aren't mine, who thought transformers 3 was the best movie this summer
  21. ... I say it doesn't try your first time back
  22. Well that's total bs. Make a movie about sex without nude scenes...
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