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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Exactly. and if you don't like it, Why did you sign up?
  2. At least you've got a job. & you should be making good money in that time right?
  3. What exactly does Soren do that is so impressive with meteor?
  4. Is nephenee really just blowing Oscar away on combat though? IIRC she struggles to ORKO early in P3 even when doubling, and relies heavily on criticals and whatnot.
  5. ...-.- It's just one of Boyd's advantages on Gatrie. We can give him an energy drop to fix strength. Also, it does make a difference with Haar, Savior/Celerity sounds pretty good to me.(not to mention absolute decimation combat wise) The bottom line against armors is that they're doing exactly the same. Because without a crown Gatrie is stuck on 23 speed. He can at least destroys flyers right? & i meant the triangle attack with his brothers =p
  6. So I'm arguing for Boyd, and Soul is in defense of Gatrie. First thing, Boyd has 7 movement and doesn't suffer from armor setbacks. This is huge and cannot be overlooked. Gatrie absolutely NEEDS the 3-3 or 3-6 crown for his speed to pick up. I am going to go out and say, Haar and Oscar put these to much better use. Boyd starts slow, but he's got instant access to a hammer and is hitting pretty hard on everything else. & once he catches up to Gatries speed, he's killing him. Another thing worth mentioning is that boyd has access to crossbows and triangle attacking.
  7. Alright :D should be fun!

  8. The forest is just I like the green best.
  9. So your saying Jack is a pedophile who hangs around elementary schools?
  10. Calill > Tormod Or Boyd > Gatrie. Take your pick :D

  11. Kieran on NM should actually do fine on that map. The problem with your Vika may be fixed with BEXP. & i'm on 4-5
  12. I'm up for anything reasonable, and no cross team shenanigans. :D

  13. 0% chance indeed haha. Is rfof the only person done?
  14. That's a really good idea. But i sold them :(. shitshitshit.
  15. Yeah that was alot of fun :D Conflict is something i'm half decent at haha

  16. I've been told by integ Kieran. He's spot on, i even have red hair. But, i think i overthink things too much. Sounds like you know somebody who's pretty awesome.(ulki/giffca are both bodyguards to powerful kings) Squints and focuses, it seems possible. But it's definitely not logical.
  17. Not even in HM =/ doubt that haha. I'm sure I'll find a way, thanks for all the help though! =]
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