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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. so where exactly do we debate?

  2. I don't... have a flyer...
  3. She can't gain 9 levels in 4 chapters? this sounds reasonable to me. Let's just get his final turncount, then he can add on all the penalties. no big deal
  4. That's when you know shit just got real.
  5. It actually is kinda funny nobody has any nudez of him.
  6. Wait, why is jill getting such an early promotion? She should be 20/1 or something around that at 3-6, gain a good amount of levels there. Then on 3-12 she can go to work. I dont know why 20/10 is necessery. I've used volugXzihark a few times, but it's very hard to get an A by 3-6 unless your going out of your way.
  7. alright, ulki and janaff then =]

  8. Are you for volug over titan? Titan is better >:D


  9. uhm, i dunno. You can decide.

  10. Saw a topic on Nyan cat and i JIZZED IN MY PANTS!
  11. There should be one, but someone needs to make it. NO EXCEPTIONS! after all.
  12. alright sounds fun :D we'd have to do FE10 though.

  13. Some judge by the looks, others by the sound.
  14. Just for arguments sake... Zihark is going to be very very fragile against the Laguz, 2HKO'd IIRC. So I do not see him making these contributions. Jill on the other hand may need some resources but after some good EXP on 3-6 she should be awesome the rest of the game. (not to mention she contributes quite nicely in P1 with a drop) Yeah, basically Gatrie's gonna be way better early with boyd doing better late. In which i believe he can more than make up for earlygame. The movement advantage is ultimately the tie-breaker for me. Boyd reminds me of a poorly oiled machine, he's powerful as hell. But you need his gears to start running smooth, the quicker the better. But you know your getting a powerhouse when his speed gets up.
  15. 1000seconds of NYAN is hard. I will say that much. I've seen enough Hentai...
  16. Energy drop to Mia/Ranulf. take your pick. Possibly the seraph robe to ranulf for BEXP.
  17. Since you've stopped making replies, i'm guessing you've given up? Boyd(t)>gatrie(n) and possibly Gatrie(t) lol, your kidding me right? Go look into the item distribution topic, i don't have a link now, but i'll look for it. Also, Nolan or Volug can take the dracoshield while Jill or Edward takes the energy drop. This list makes assumptions on items for good reason, people have put in a lot of time deciding where these should go. You simply can't argue that naesala is better, no 2 range and neither of them are going to die. Go do a playthrough properly using Jill and tell me naesala is better. just try.
  18. How is Jill below micaiah and Naesala? I guess to argue her against Zihark she needs to be close. tibarn/BK/Naesala/Miccy none of them are better. Naesala is worse than her on his only two stages if she's been trained, don't see how this is an argument. Miccy may get 1-P through 1-5 but she really only helps in the first 3 of those.(this is an HM list.) BK, His P1 is undeniably amazing. But Jill is the best DB unit in 3-12 and 3-13, so isn't she better? It's hard to compare 3 stages to 14 but, I'm going with +11. If Jill was ever on the hawk army she'd do better than Tibarn, don't see any way around that. & what she's doing on silver is more important than what he's doing. If anybody could explain why these characters are all higher, thank you.
  19. I thought you were talking about Gatrie(N) Gatrie not being that great early on, this hurts your argument. That's where he needs to rape face to gain on boyd's P4. Boyd should be able to pick up alot more exp in 3-7 than Gatrie is, since Gatrie needs to move his armored ass around. It is a pathetic attempt to even argue that Zihark is better than jill. I like boyd's chances of 20/1 over Gatries of 15/6. Look at what i said about Titan. Of course crowned Gatrie is better, he's fucking 3rd tier. If he wasn't better there would be a major problem.
  20. Indeed, the meg from FE10 and the one from family guy. they're all fuckfaces!
  21. How can that stage stop you? just abuse all the penalties if you need.
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