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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. It's switched from Oscar(t) to Oscar(n) Confusing I know
  2. Titan will not get the wing in every playthrough. But she will be getting it in HM efficiency playthroughs every time. Convince me it would be put to better use. But we don't have two wings. We might as well rank ulki/janaff as if they have formshift
  3. But, that also has its flaws. Because in reality, titan's getting that wing so does it matter how she does without it? Items in this game make a hell of a difference, so I think we should compare with them in play. I also think we should use items in real situations, because titan and Oscar will never have the same wing, so why compare?
  4. I wish there was another way to check post count without using a mobile browser...
  5. I lol'd the first time i read it. But he can always blame auto correct.(even though i and nobody else will believe him)
  6. yeah you're right i guess. I just think you took what rfof said out of its context, but she said it poorly as well.
  7. That's all i need to see to know he's not getting them.
  8. your going to give it to... Boyd(t) over titan. really? Ike, who unless he gets majorly majorly screwed is doubling the entire game. 3-9 is his emergency wing. Aran... this is an HM list lulz Mordy, who needs olivi grass and levels slowly. He can't even double after you give him the wing... & Sigrun, who just sucks balls and joins AFTER 3-9.
  9. It's as close as you can get to free. there's not anybody who I'd even think about giving it to.
  10. Everyone wants a wing, but titan/haar are the best. no arguing it. It's non-transfered now, i think everyone agrees that Oscar(t)>neph(n/t) Oscar(t) > Mia never got settled however
  11. EDIT: I think your totally passing over Oscar's 2 movement advantage due to haar/titan. Just because most of the strategies your familiar with require them as the only 9moves doesn't mean better strategies can't be made with 3 of them. alright good, then we're on the same page. No you haven't, but isn't being able to use bows worth something It's only 4-5 levels. It's not a good idea at all, and what if we save it for 3-11 Tanith? she loves it as well. your probly right, there even here. I still think Oscar can speed this up, it's a big map and shit needs to get burned quick. all those guys in the South east corner are easier to reach with Oscar though. Well, it was worth a shot. After 2-1 she's actually a pretty bad unit. no doubling, doesn't hit very hard, and isn't all that durable. Every time i've used her she's needed babying. Well she needs the Bexp or babyed CEXP to catch up to Oscar.
  12. Just google it. Indeed, but under the scenario you only can choose one
  13. Who even is zooey deschanel? she's hot. and looks just like katy perry. really wtf? Who would you bang?
  14. I don't think this works so great, it's more one or the other. unless you can convince me that they both deserve it instead of Ulki. My point is that with Oscar we can kill everything on the maps faster, and with his drop all he's really lacking is speed. Just imagine blitzing stages with Titan/Oscar/Haar. yes i know, but who's to say he wouldn't agree with Oscar > Neph. This is true, but it's similar to the Boyd situation. He'll get his speed going with 60% growth, he just needs a little time. & neph is actually struggling to ORKO early in P3. We could not give any of it to neph. I'm sure plenty of units could put it to good use. Oscar's high movement is still helping on 3-2/3-3/3-10/3-11/3-E/4-1 EDIT: It looks like alot of people don't like the 2-E idea. & she requires babying on 2-2 as well as this massive bexp dump. Her cost is definitly much higher than Oscar's, and where exactly is it paying off?
  15. agreed, I think Oscar is comparable to neph combat wise, and with his extra movement is the better. haha, she'd easily be better. God damn... i dug thru a vid for 5min, they kid sucked balls, and you beat me to it...
  16. I'm pretty sure your both wrong. anybody doin 3-8?
  17. It would be really odd if it did count. Worst part about member badges is Dondon having the appearance of an avatar.
  18. *trust bar goes up 10%* that's like the price of a weekend night show at my place, my sister said it was $10 for HP at midnight.
  19. I think Oscar easily beats out Ranulf due to his cat gauge. Ulki should get the 3-5. Mia starts at a lower level and has time to build it up, and she gets by fine with adept/forge. and i'm not giving you neph>Oscar yet. Alright, usually 3-8/3-10 aren't seeing anyone besides Titan/Haar, but if your team's got Oscar on it, isn't he helping you since you can absolutely blitz the shit out of it? If you're letting titan/Haar do everything, why are we using anybody else at all? Your probly right, but it's a definite advantage compared to nephenee, who suffers from durability issues until she hits 3rd tier. Hahaha, don't let int do all the shit. But where has he been lately?
  20. It would be funnier if you were not friends with soul. (assuming he added your brother or vice versa because of you)
  21. Oshit! a 9.50 matinee? you should start a riot for that shit
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