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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. @ the above, thank you for the compliments fine sir. LOL
  2. It is a route on a big stage, he is very helpful. 2-3 turns, that's pretty damn helpful. Nailah wasting a turn to carry him? Doesn't sound to practical to me. actually, you can send ONLY Ike and your completely fine down the middle. 2range, ORKO and durable. no need for others. Rafiel is much better endgame, i agree. But how is leanne better? she gets all of...2-2/2-E/3-11/4-P/4-3 No chance. EDIT: SHIT FOX BEAT ME TO IT!
  3. I don't even know what that means! PENISIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. i never train mic either, he'll be fine. It's your best bet. how do you pronounce your name yugl? How'd you get past 4-3 lol? & what strategies have been good with mia? kitty picked him in a draft for me so i'm curious.
  5. Chess>football, tho i wouldn't consider it a sport. you sig is fucking evil, i've lost the game a shitload of times today already...
  6. MJ fans should be deaththreating JB to death
  7. Nah man, i aint no troll. fuck trolls. You like penisis, dont deny it man. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  8. GET THE FUCK OUT! her voice is THAT bad. He meant from darros' post. :sparkle:
  9. Toy story in my pants. its not that funny
  10. I like nirvana's covers. lol, that was funny Definitly
  11. bieber fever. Even the mockery of it can never be healed.
  12. "Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game" that's such a faggy quote. but it applies to you. faggy
  13. Boyd is pretty Bro. I'd take him over mia/gatrie.
  14. I could only listen to 1.5min and today i listened to 1000 seconds of NYAN, that says alot.
  15. I think i'm a bigger deal than your little baby. Odin killed ice giants, and i destroyed his ass. Thor wouldn't of killed me without his hammer, if i had a hammer. I would be forever alone.
  16. I think any attention in general.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNmnOqU3pj0 It happened...AGAIN~~
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