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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. "You wouldn't believe the surprise on thier faces when they saw my little ass creepin" -Andy Samberg. My hero<3
  2. LOLasdf. That would be a good plot twist, you have to give him that.
  3. Your just telling yourself children's stories so the bitterness of defeat stings less. EMBRACE THE BITTERNESS, AND GROW THE FUCK UP!
  4. No, the first one was worse to me. This one has a picture so your imagination doesn't run wild. and it's a member of the same race and opposite sex.
  5. Fix'd, cause 2nd best just means last to lose. You don't want a long dragged out horrible death do you? Thats what it was for US
  6. No era hath ended. A new one has sprung up!
  7. lol... PTSD clarinet kid, Rudolph style? They used to not let me play reindeer games, I didn't let them play breathing games.
  8. No, but it is cheesy flavored condom :D
  9. Pringles are better tho, it can be a hat, or you can put it on your finger, or you can make endless jokes about it being a condom.
  10. It's kinda like a boot. in a way. i dunno
  11. I'm glad we lost, anything that makes ahnoying people on my FB mad >:D that makes sense. & it's an amazing statement.
  12. why the hell not? you eat 3, there amazing. you eat a few handfuls, its like poison. Proof they REALLY fucked up. Eeeeh, not such bad stuff. it gets a bad rep
  13. Just a horrible idea, can't the human race do better? really.
  14. really, like what the fuck? you had that little money, and he was THAT desprete?
  15. I insist on deluding myself that i am never wrong.
  16. I was good at age 8, then 10 came around... I got like 1 hit the whole season D: you dont care about the womens world cup. look deep inside of yourself. you know you dont.
  17. Welcome to SF :D

    FIRST!! haha, i always wanted to do that

  18. Neph is the only good lancer, and a large part of it is due to her receiving the P2 BEXP almost by default.
  19. Just a little guitar riff, and something else. Then we've got ourselves a song.
  20. Everybody would tap emma watson no matter what her hair looks like Snape was the best.
  21. He was speaking in reference to the threads being made with similar titles. They're laughing at you, not with you.
  22. let loose, i wanna hear the rage.
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