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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Well, it means something. You're most likely to have the best GM team, but like every other character you must pay a price for it.
  2. Out of these two, pick ulki for sure.
  3. Usually the flipside to haar is the obvious horrible DB team. So you still need to be smart to win with him.
  4. My aunt who apparently followed this 24/7 told me that evidence which would have easily given her a guilty verdict was tampered with. dont wanna come across as a condescending bastard but, I believe it was the death sentence. This lady should get locked up for a long time, but i dont think anybody should get death. theres alot of good stuff on the internet with OJ and her lol
  5. I don't know where you get the ideas for this shit.
  6. Alright, sounds good to me! just let me know when you start it up!

  7. yeah, 25... thats mist's strength She is a very good 2nd unit to have for your DB. & after P1 she rapes face<3 Sanaki is still kinda fun to use tho haha
  8. You hosting? and NM or HM?

  9. I am so so glad enlincia didn't pick her then lol Her growths all suck balls.
  10. indeed indeed. and also, regarding Haze's remark. The exchange is the only thing that would be a possibility for me to be interested.
  11. Yes. I dont know what it is, but count me in.

  12. *Fry cant tell if trolling face* Laura is amazing in drafts. Integrity didn't lie.
  13. Manlyness is a virtue. and you need to learn it.
  14. If real men were to shed tears together the world would be theres. But these men know better than said tactics. Dying on your feet is better than living on your knees. So instead of kneeling and crying these men run and shout into battle and crave glorious blood.
  15. like you'd let him and ulki get away lol. no hard decision at all I 100% agree with this. At times during drafts I've wanted to just go "fuck it" and let them die in P4. If they've contributed enough, it should be the drafters decision.
  16. Well I think it's great when we win a war as well, since the only other option is losing it.
  17. I'm not going to give a damn about womens soccer no matter how much they tell me its great.
  18. where did that come from? I was expecting something along the lines of, Rolf and Laura.
  19. getting a low turn count is all relative. example: my low turn would be incomparable to someone like dondon's.
  20. I ran out of stones and grass for volug =( Zihark is capable of taking Ike alone tho
  21. I'm doing a playthru like this now, and its nice. after this i'll probly do 1 more before the end of the summer, either a draft or low turncount. Ah ok, well tell me how everything ends up :)
  22. well, in reality i doubt theres enough bexp to give to her. I like 3-13, I've had some epic moments on this stage. like beating it in HM when i used no DB characters.
  23. i didnt read anything past here. but, whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy WHY WHY would you do this? also, i apologize to yuggles because I stopped paying attention to the draft i hosted.
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