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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. Shante and the Pirate's Curse was an outstanding game, 1/2 Genie Hero is definitely on my watch list for up coming games. Also Christina Vee has got some pipes man, I love it!
  2. Looks like the rumors are true for once. Well guys purchase your one ways tickets for the Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite hype train because she just rolled into the station! (act now while supplies last) As for what we've seen in the trailer, X makes his long overdue into the roster, Captain Marvel is a welcome edition as well (but I still want Ms. Marvel more), the infinity gems from "Marvel Super Heroes(1995)" are back , and there taking a step back to 2v2 fights. They got a good start, but I want to see more, still hyped though!
  3. So if you follow fighting games at all Marvel vs Capcom 4 has been the hot topic this past week hasn't it? With the rumors pointing towards an announcement at the PlayStation Experience this weekend, we're about to find out if it's actually happening. But even if it's not real I think it's still a good time to talk about it. I personally think it's only got a 60% chance of happening, but I've still got my fingers crossed. And if it does happen I'm hopping for the inclusion of a Monster Hunter from Capcom and Kamala Khan(the new Ms.Marvel) from Marvel.
  4. Voice Acting is a dream I intend to one day come true for me. I'm still not quite where I need to be to actually being my pursuit, but I'll be there soon enough. I've participated in theatrical performances before giving me at least a little experience because any kind of acting is good to have under your belt. Plus lots of people enjoy my impressions of characters from movies and games and say I would make a good voice actor. Speaking of impressions.... [spoiler=List based on fact]World's best Gollum voices 1.Andy Serkis 2.Liam O'Brien 3.Myself P.S. To get some good practice I recommend cold reading, take a script you've never heard before and make voices for the characters on your own.
  5. It came down to 2 awakening characters (I'm only picking from games I've played) Lon'qu and Owain/Odin. Both characters have hairstyles that I see as similar to my own and I can relate to both personalities as well. I know that sounds weird since they are total opposites, but when I'm round people I'm not too familiar with or I've got a job to do I'm more like the unsociable Lon'qu, and when I am comfortable or in a more casual situation I enjoy being theatrical like Owain/Odin (I want to be an actor one day, no joke). But ultimately I'm more Lon'qu because his hair is brown like mine and his birthday October 10th is 3 days apart from my own birthday.
  6. My favorite Fire Emblem class has always been the Caviler, so I'm thinking I'd pick one of my two favorites Sain or Kent form Blazing Sword, but I'll take Sully or Stahl from Awakening if we're following the Shadow Dragon/Awakening rule. But I'd also take Hector from Blazing Sword if i was filling the Lord gap of my team because Hector is the most unique lord class I've seen in any FE game I've played so far. Axes, Swords, and Armor make the dude pretty well rounded in a fight.
  7. After seeing the first true trailer for Breath of the Wild my body is soooooooo ready! The new changes that they have made to the game just speak to me in a special way no other Zelda game has, it's just so different in a way that makes me very interested in playing the game for myself, the lack of an exposition dump probably helped in that regard. Hopefully I can get into this game as blindly as I can to truly feel that sense mystery and discovery the game has going for it as I play.
  8. I'm calling that the game will be co-developed with Monolith Soft so it can actually meet it's release date (I'm looking at you Pikmin 3), I'd say work with them because they created one of the biggest open worlds of all time. Also we must prepare for the second coming of a Tri-Force fragment hunt filler quest that's just there to pan out the game and make you feel like it was worth $60.
  9. Me and Elieson can't find a suitable time to play our match this week so I'm handing him a free win. Don't worry I'll join another tourney once I'm out of my busy season.
  10. I know I'm gonna get lynched for saying this, but I had fun playing Wii Music. My older brother (who is on the top layer of the causal gamer crust) bought it, and yeah it's not very good. But I still had a good time playing it with him. Oh, and by the way... WHERE'S MY TROMBONE NINTENDO! (yes I play trombone IRL)
  11. This looks like it could get interesting, I'm ready to rock! Sign me up! NNID: KaiserAsh
  12. I tied lammywhammy down to a bathtub and left the water running.
  13. What happens when you give Takumi a Sighting Lens.....
  14. Here are some reasons I think people tend to be more Spiteful at video games and just about anything else on the internet. 1. We live in a society where we can get our way a lot of the time, so conflicting opinions about something can become a never ending stalemate because everyone HAS to have the last word. 2. People mostly choose to be anonymous so it gives them the chance to say what ever the heck they want without any consequences unless someone knows who they are and has the power to let them know they are taking things too far. ​3. There are people in this world who just feel miserable and want to try to pass that misery on to others thinking that it will make them less miserable. 4. People can feel loyal too a particular game or idea and feel that anything that threatens it must be shot down faster than it came out. 5. Some folks are just trolls trying to get a kick out of others by making very radical and provoking statements looking for a reaction.
  15. I'd like too see a Fire Emblem based in a era in time thats not just mid-evil swords and magic. I was thinking some where towards a renaissance era where we can still have swords and magic, but we could add guns to the mix. However I don't think the series would move forward past that kind of era, because revolvers and automatic fire would push too far into the modern world.
  16. I picked Odin for my male because his over the top personality sounds entertaining. And I chose Effie for my female because her kind hearted personality is something I can get behind in a female character. And yeah I chose Nohrians because that's the version of the game I plan to play.
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