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Everything posted by BruceLee

  1. Is it gonna stay at an order if she listens here? Everyone around her is racist, and she's following an order from her racist king(who has a tactician that experiments on and tortures sub-humans, who he likes) to lead the soldiers(who are excited) to hunt sub-humans. Where will it end? Will she accept again when she gets such an order from Pelleas? And how is she even gonna try to change the racism at the end of this when she herself participates in it. Micaiah doesn't know the blood contract even exists, so it's irrelevant. If she knew about the blood contract when she followed Pelleas' order, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
  2. No, they were not. At the worst, collapse of Daein? Yes.
  3. You'd have a point if she was fighting for something meaningful, but she's not. All she knows is she's attacking the laguz alliance, that Pelleas is a fan of Izuka, and that her soldiers are excited about hunting the sub-humans.
  4. Yes, she should refuse the fucking order. -_- Am i really expecting too much from Micaiah when i don't want her to go hunting with her sub-human hunting buddies? -_-
  5. Bullshit. Sothe sees it for what any sane person would see it as, and so should Micaiah, if she's sane. You keep saying it's obligation bla bla bla, i don't give a shit. If i'm the leader of a group and my obligation is suddenly to do some fucked up shit then i'm out. If i stay, then people have the right to call me out for the fucked up shit i do.
  6. So when we're talking about Sothe it's laguz-hunt but when when we're talking about Micaiah it's military conflict.
  7. So you're telling me she also sees it as a Laguz-hunt?
  8. You're not answering my question.
  9. Do they from Micaiah's perspective?
  10. So why does Daein aid Begnion? All the signs say it's because they like killing laguz. Sothe thinks so too, anyone thinking clearly would. And i'll remind you the laguz alliance had proposed a peace treaty with Begnion, and they were going back to their country when Micaiah and her soldiers ambushed them, trapping them between Daein's and Begnion's forces.
  11. No, they're not just enemy soldiers, they're sub-humans according to Pelleas, who she doesn't want to ''let down''. They're sub-humans according to the soldiers who are excited about hunting them, who she also doesn't want to ''let down''. So don't try to write it off like they're just enemy soldiers, the soldiers see it as a sub-human hunt. So does Sothe.
  12. I see people say Micaiah could only start doing something about the racism after Daein is finished rebuilding. Tell me, why the fuck does she join the soldiers in their fucking sub-human hunt? Because that's all it is, as far as she knows. Is that part of the reconstruction???? Is the US going on black people hunts????
  13. So those who chose to have their game delivered by Nedgame get it tomorrow, i hope that's the case for those who pick it up as well haha. If not, 1 extra day is nothing compared to how long we've been waiting. Added :)
  14. I second everything blah has been saying, can't say it better myself. > Micaiah knows what Izuka is and she knows Pelleas wants to keep him by his side, and that he even misses him when he's gone. > She knows the soldiers are excited about hunting the ''sub-humans''. Yet she still says she doesn't want to let Pelleas or the soldiers down.
  15. I have also ordered at Nedgame and chose to pick it up in the store, and i haven't heard anything yet either. It will be either tomorrow or friday. Added you! FC: 0877-4352-4124
  16. She believes Pelleas will lead the people of Daein to happiness, by ordering her to lead the soldiers on their sub-human hunt. If that's what it takes to bring happiness to the people of Daein then let them collapse. ..........no shit. I'm saying she doesn't get an explanation as for why they are aiding Begnion against the laguz.
  17. I see the hype train is going full speed. Added all of you! My code: 0877-4352-4124
  18. The duty she feels for her country is to hunt sub-humans, side by side with her racist soldiers? You are the one who's ignoring the context when you say the race of the enemy is irrelevant. Micaiah doesn't get a reason as for why Pelleas is ordering her to attack the laguz alliance. She does know the soldiers(and Pelleas) consistently use the word sub-human. She does know Izuka is behind the creation of Feral Ones and that Pelleas still trusts him(and misses him when he's gone). She does know her soldiers(who she says she doesn't want to let down) are excited about hunting the laguz. So tell me how the hell the race of the laguz is irrelevant here.
  19. You're right, she's not indifferent to it, she's willingly participating in it. She keeps saying she trusts and believes in him. Instead of talking to him about doing something about Izuka, she listens to him when he tells her to attack the laguz alliance. Not as far as Micaiah is concerned. All she knows is that she believes in Pelleas and her soldiers who are excited about hunting down the laguz. Now who's ignoring the context?
  20. Is Muarim chilling with a person who experiments on and tortures branded? Can't have your cake and eat it too. Wasn't she? Tell me what she did about his crimes, besides express disgust. And Micaiah is Pelleas's fangirl. ''I disagree with attacking black people, but i feel it's in the best interest of my racist buddies here so ima be the inspiring leader they need. Sorry black people.''
  21. Oh wow, that's really cool! Man what a shame it's only big in Japan though.
  22. What are those cards? Can you do anything with them or are they just for collection purposes? All the hype! And added :)
  23. I'm not ignoring the context, it's still ridiculous that she's asking that of Muarim. Try to put yourself in Muarim's position. He fought for them, then Izuka drugs him and Micaiah and Pelleas are having dinner with the guy. I would spit in her face. Izuka can not be allowed to roam free, he just can't. Pelleas does have the authority to stop him, and seeing as Micaiah has so much faith in him to go hunt some sub-humans for him(and that's before she knew about the blood pact), then that tells me that she's not taking it that seriously. Ok? What's your point?
  24. I'm not ignoring what Nasir said, as i've been saying this whole time, Nasir's story doesn't contradict Lethe's. And seeing as his story is so vague it could be filled in anywhere. In the end we can't know for sure how it all played out. Anyway, my original point was that it's simplifying to say the racism is a two way street looking at present Tellius, the laguz have a more concrete reason to hate the Beorc. Break bread can also mean to make peace though. Either way, the fact that she's asking Muarim to break bread with Izuka is just ridiculous.
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