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Posts posted by Lord_Grima

  1. It's a favorite setting, there is a setting that auto-favorites any 4 star or higher characters you summon. If you click the + on a character's portrait in Edit Team mode, i think that is where you can toggle the favorite on that character.


  2. 11 minutes ago, iavasechui said:

    oh hey anyone know how to check how many mini medals you have in dq7 3ds? XD playing that while I wait and cant seem to find anywhere in the menu that tells me...

    try looking in attributes, or go talk to the Mini Medal Collector (I forget their official name).

  3. One guess is that they removed the "setup" animations.

    For example, in Fates and Awakening some characters (animations based of classes for the most part) jumped backwards or did a small animation before they actually went in for the attack.

    Here it looks like characters just attack and counter. Which does make it look very nice.

    However, we need to see more gameplay of this game to decide if this is what happened.

  4. You know, there is a difference between Ganondorf the Gerudo Prince, Ganon.the Demon King, Ganon the Evil Thing; so, I guess Calamity Ganon is some sort of evolved form of one of them. Which one evolved into Calamity Ganon, that is the question.

    The old man in BOTW states "That...is the Calamity Ganon. It brought ruin and corruption upon the kingdom of Hyrule 100 years ago. It appeared suddenly...destroying everything in its path. Leaving countless innocents in its wake." So, based on the old man, either Calamity Ganon just appeared one day, or suddenly a "Ganondorf" or similar person became the Calamity (Obtaining the Triforce of Power?).

  5. It is an interesting idea, but looking at the current timeline there is very little time in-between OoT and WW.

    It is also very hard to pinpoint a good place in the timeline, there are so many details that connect BOTW to all points on the Timeline.

    • The goddess Hylia is the main deity, and she was only talked about in Skyward Sword, so closely after SS?
    • The Great Plateau contains the ruins of OoT's Castle Town, which means sometime after Oot?
    • We see Hyrule Castle almost identical to Twilight Princess' Hyrule Castle, and the ruins around the Castle in BOTW contain the fountain, AND in the newest trailer we see TP's Castle Town. So in the Child Era?
    • The Master Sword is in the Lost/ Faron Woods or the Korkiri/ Korok Forest. The Great Deku Tree also shows up. So the GDT is first shown in OoT, so after OoT? Closest thing to GDT before OoT is the giant tree in SS, but also he appears in WW.
    • Now the Lost Woods... In A Link to the Past, the Master Sword is found in the Lost Woods, so could be left there after BOTW or found in BOTW after LttP. So, Downfall timeline? But the Koroks only appeared in WW because the Kokiri needed to change forms to adapt to the Great Sea life, so that means Adult Timeline? But the Zora disprove that theory because they became the Rito in WW.
    • The Sheikah are a huge part of BOTW's Hyrule, bigger than we have ever seen them before. We've only seen one true Sheikah, Impa. The Sheikah have only had little influence and stayed in the shadows. So, how did they become such a large influence on Hyrule in BOTW?
    • BOTW's Hyrule is covered in ruin and in advanced technology similar to that of the Lanayru Province from SS. So around then?

    There is just so much evidence! And based of current knowledge and the current timeline, some evidence points to one place in the timeline, but other evidence contradicts the first and points to a completely different place.

    Right now I don't have a definite place to add BOTW to the timeline at this moment, but that just means more theories to be developed until official placement. :)

  6. I'm super hyped/ excited for Breath of the Wild! I am a huge Zelda fan, and everything that Nintendo shows of this game makes me love it even more! I'm also a big Dragon Quest and Fire Emblem fan, so DQXI and FE: Warriors will definitely be on my to-buy list.

    Mario Kart and Splatoon are great games, but I can wait for those. Not main hype.

    I don't play many Mario games (besides Kart), so I'm not planning on getting Odyssey, but it does look good as an open-world like Mario 64.

    Project Octopath Traveler looks interesting and I might try it once I know more about it.

    Otherwise the other games I'll pass over. Some look interesting, or have cool concepts (like 1-2-Switch and ARMS), but I don't think I'll buy them.

    BOTW is the main game I'm excited to play, but now that DQXI and FE: Warriors are officially announced, well... just more to be excited about!

    (Nintendo is killing my wallet.....)

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