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Posts posted by Lord_Grima

  1. I'm guessing that since it's a homebrew, bugs are to be expected. Can Ophelia get Oni Savage from inheritance without having Corn as the mum? Maybe that's why.

    Also HinataxOdin sounds great 10/10 good job.

    Ophelia would not inherit Oni Savage if Corrin is the mother and that is her talent, she would inherit the Nohr Princess class, if male Corrin marries Ophelia and has the Oni talent, then Ophelia can become an Oni Savage.

  2. [spoiler=The Samurai's]

    Ryoma - very good, Raijinto makes him even better

    Hinata - bad spd growth, not my favorite swordmaster

    Hana - very good, high spd, giver her a sunrise katana(and maybe a breaker or two) and you have a great dodger

    Hisame - haven't used much, so no opinion yet


    Hinoka - decent, I find her better as a spear master, but just my preference.

    Subaki - pretty good, good def growth for a sky knight.

    Caeldori - better than Subaki, very good

    Shigure - haven't used him a lot, but i know he is a good rally bot.

    Camilla - Camilla is just OP. early recruit, a prepromote with good stats and growths, so she is really good.

    Beruka - beruka gets decent def, so she is decent

    Percy - Percy can be a tank, depends on is mother, but he can be good


    Sakura - very good healer, you get her early, so she works great.

    Azama - better as a fighter unit, his mag growth is low

    Felicia - very good. You get her(or Jakob is female) early on, so she has a lot of room to grow, and good magic growth.

    Flora - haven't used much, so no opinion.

    Elise - very good, another early unit that has a lot of mag growth.

    Dwyer - haven't used much yet, but depending on parent he is a better fighter or healer.

    Mitama - haven't used much as a healer, i've reclassed her because she inherited dad's high str

    Forrest - haven't used much, but should be a good healer

    Jakob - better fighter with his higher str over mag


    Kaze - high spd and res, so a really good mag killer

    Saizo - high def and skl, so he is bulky and strong. I really liked using him, it was fun using a tanky ninja.

    Kagero - did not use much, but she had a high str, so a good attacker.

    Asugi - haven't used much, but depends on mother to determine role.


    Takumi - high skl and str, and Fujin Yumi, so he is OP

    Setsuna - high Spd and Skl, so she is one of my favorite archers

    Reina{I personally dislike reina} - haven't used much, so no opinion(i don't use corrin-sexuals in main game)

    Midori - haven't used much, but she can be very powerful because of her PS. little miss money maker.

    Anna - haven't used much

    Shura - don't use

    Kiragi - haven't used much, but depends on parent.

    Nina - pretty good, high mag, spd, and res, a great Shining Bow user

    Niles - high Res and Spd, in Conquest he is my mage killer with a Dual Yumi, he can also make a great sniper


    Xander - low sod, high def. if he did not have Siegfried, not sure how good he would be.

    Silas - a very good mounted unit, more balanced stats all around, so he is decent.

    Siegbert - haven't used much, but depends on parent

    Gunter is horrible - agreed, he is bad.

    Sophie - sophie is very good, depends on parent, but she is great.

    Peri - peri starts out weak(low def) but making her a GK fixes that mostly.

    [spoiler=Spear Masters]

    Oboro - Oboro has a high def, so she does quite well.

    Shiro - depends on parent, haven't used him much


    Hayato - Hayato gets pretty good if you work on him for a while

    Orochi - Very high mag, so she can become very powerful.

    leo - I really like Leo, Brynhildr does a lot of killing with Leo

    Odin - one of my favorite charcters, he may not seem like that good, but as a Grandmaster or a Dark Knight he does great.

    Nyx - a solid glass cannon, high Mag but super weak Def. She can attack but not take an hits

    Rhajat - haven't used much, but typically has a high Mag and Res.

    Ophelia - Very good, almost OP. Depends on mother, but she can excel very well!


    Effie - high Str, i personally did not like her as a knight, so i reclassed her to a Berserker. I felt that Berserker fit her better

    Benny - very good, he gets really high Def, so he does amazing work for me.

    Ignatius - haven't used much, depends on parent.


    Soleil - haven't used much

    Laslow - decent, he can work well as a rally bot because of PS

    Selena - decent, she has high Skl, so she could proc skills left and right.


    Kaden - high spd and res, good against mages

    Keaton - high def and Str, good tank

    Selkie - better that Kaden, super high spd. giver her breakers and you can dodge for days.

    Velouria - better than Keaton, super Def and Str with decent Spd. She is powerful!

    [spoiler=Fighters (Base axe classes)]

    Rinkah - didn't use much

    Arthur - can become very good if you train him, high skl with decent Str and Def.

    Charlotte - Did not use much due to her lower skl and hit rate, but I know she can become a Crit machine.

  3. Odin - My absolute favorite character, I loved Owain in Awakening and I love Odin even more. Leo was a close second, because I am very similar to Leo(personality-wise).

    Elise - Elise was a very fun and cute character, and her death in birthright was sad.

    F!Corrin - I don't really have a preference, but I pick F!Corrin a little more often.

    Revelation - Between Conquest and Revelation it was a really close pick, but i'll say Revelation.

  4. Neither.

    The force will keep trying and the object will remain in place. Nothing will change unless the force changes direction for some reason, in which case neither will have won because the force continues but in a new direction whilst the object remains still.

    I'd assume eventually the force would cross the universe until it once again reaches the object and ricochets again, assuming that's what would happen.

    I suppose from an outside view, this may seem like the immovable object wins but the force never diminished, even if it ricochets, it's still the unstoppable force.


    Actually, the unstoppable force would reverse direction.

    Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The unmovable object does not move, so the force of the impact is rebounded back into the unstoppable force and so the unstoppable force reverses direction while keeping the same magnitude.

    On a more relevant note, this topic has gone a little off topic so i'll make another PS:

    Daredevil: When the user initiates an attack and the enemy will deal enough damage to kill them(without counting skill procs), user gains Hit/Crit+10.

  5. I guess I'll go ahead an post some more if you want to get this project going.

    Mozu!Velouria is probably the closest we an get to Panne's hair in this particular run (what with "Chrom" already being taken and Hana being a Rev exclusive Pairing for Keaton).

    Thank you your help is much appreciated. Just a note, Mozu is already marrying Niles, so she can't marry Keaton, may you please pick a new mother for Velouria? Thanks.

  6. I don't recommend this, I don't recommend this at all.

    That being said I suggest odin as owain but as a dread fighter. better disguise, twitching sword hand, and access to a magic sword.

    good luck

    Sorry Odin was already taken, he is playing the role of Robin. Please read the team list in the spoiler tab, it will tell who is available to pick for and who is already taken.

  7. Shoot. Ok.

    How is this gonna work...


    I suppose she could marry M!Corrin then.

    Wait shoot someone already married her off.

    Literally only Midori and Velouria can A+ Support F!Kana, and M!Corrin is already married...

    That means I guess we're having Priestess!Midori!

    Charlotte is her mother, of course. gotta have that correct hair color!

    Corrin is not married yet, I was giving a suggestion to Ether how to have a unit other than Velouria become Panne.

    So if you want you still can have Ophelia play Lissa, or you could have Midori.

  8. So I just beat Birthright on Lunatic and now I'm ready to attempt Conquest Lunatic, and I still like the idea of PMU's. However, this run has a special twist, I will be basically having Fates characters "play" the roles of the Awakening Characters. So, I will have my Avatar play the role of Chrom (because both Chrom and Corrin are auto-selected when selecting units and a few other reasons)(And I made the growth rates very similar). And nobody will play the role of Frederick, because I did not use him in a normal run of Awakening, so he is not here.

    You can pick a unit or two, who's role they are playing, and which of the two classes they will be. (Classes are based off the characters' base Awakening promotes) And please follow the Gender selection. And please give a reason why your selection should play the role of the character (personallity, growth rates, etc.).

    And if you pick a child, please make sure you or someone else has picked at least one of their parents(to help with the no-grinding available)
    Because Corrin is going to be a Vanguard(closest thing to Chrom's Great Lord), his talent is open to give Onmyoji/Priestess to anyone who needs it (aka "Lissa")

    I will only be using DLC to obtain the Vanguard and Grandmaster classes.

    1. "Chrom" (Vanguard)
    Avatar (+Lck, -Mag)
    2. "Lissa" (Onmyoji/ Priestess)<F>
    Elise!Ophelia (S-Chrom)
    3. "Robin" (Grandmaster)<M>
    4. "Sully" (Paladin/ Great Knight)<F>

    5. "Virion" (Sniper/ Bow Knight)<M>
    Niles (S-Mozu)
    6. "Vaike" (Berserker/ Hero)<M>

    7. "Stahl" (Paladin/ Great Knight)<M>

    8. "Miriel" (Onmyoji/ Dark Knight)<F>

    9. "???" (General/ Great Knight)<M>

    10. "Sumia" (Falcon Knight/ Dark Falcon)<F>

    11. "Lon'qu" (Swordmaster/ Master Ninja)<M>

    12. "Ricken" (Onmyoji/ Dark Knight)<M>

    13. "Maribelle" (Strategist/ Priestess)<"F">
    14. "Panne" (Wolfssenger)<F>
    15. "Gaius" (Adventurer/ Master Ninja)<M>
    16. "Cordelia" (Falcon Knight/ Dark Falcon)<F>

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