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Posts posted by Lord_Grima

    • Hit Rate = (Skill) x 3/2 + (Luck) x 1/2 + (Weapon Hit Bonus) + (Weapon Rank Bonus) + (Class Bonus)

    I'll use stats for Camilla and Arthur from Birthright Chp. 23 (Camilla) to show this.

    Arthur: 21 Skl & 1 Lck

    Camilla: 17 Skl & 12 Lck

    Based off the stats, Arthur has a 32% hit rate before weapons and class bonuses, while Camilla has 31.5%.

    Combined with Gamble this gives Arthur a 22% hit rate before adding weapon bonuses.

    So even with a higher skill, Camilla has a better hit rate because of a good luck stat and no Hit-reducing skills.

  1. One idea i had that might help, is if Anthony was an actual playable character and he was not controlled by Anankos. Instead, In one chapter he joins, like you save him or something, but as an actual allied NPC. Then he helps the army and tells more about Valla, then in a chapter or two, Anankos find out and then kills/ controls him. Maybe a chapter similar to the Conquest boat one, where you have to find Shura in the Nohrian soldiers.

    Otherwise I agree that Anthony's story was rushed and not well done, so best case is he is removed from the game.

  2. Out of curiosity, what's gonna be done about Maribelle, Cordelia and Olivia if neither of them are picked, considering they're gonna have to get married?

    In the case of Olivia and Maribelle, I have their husbands so I can use them as pair-up bots for a while to grind supports.

    For Cordelia, I've edited my post and now someone has to pick either Stahl or Cordelia.

  3. I wanted to play Awakening again, but I'm having trouble picking a few characters to focus on(too many that I would want to use), so i'm leaving it up to you guys.


    - 16 units including Chrom and Robin, any and all characters are available, except the spotpass units(they come in too late).

    - I don't have any DLC classes or characters, so those are out

    - Otherwise, happy picking


    1. Chrom (Great Knight)
    2. M!Robin (+HP/-Lck)(Warrior)
    3. Maribelle!Lucina (Dark Flier)
    4. Lissa (War Cleric)
    5. Libra!Inigo (Sage)
    6. Libra (Dark Knight)
    7. Sumia (General)
    8. Chrom!Brady (Sniper)
    9. Lon'qu (Trickster)
    10. Stahl!Severa (Assassian)
    11. Lucina!Morgan (Sage)
    12. Frederick (Wyvern Lord)
    13. Cordelia (Hero)
    14. Vaike (Berserker)
    15. Vaike!Kjelle (Hero)
    16. Frederick!Yarne (Great Knight)
  4. If you want to support them before the next chapter, then pair them up in MyCastle battles, and try to find low powered castles(look in the Recently Updated section). This will allow you go gain support lvls even in Conquest

  5. I'd say a pairup bot is very helpful, with Nohrian Trust you can effectively use 5 proc skills while using good passive skills on Corrin. I don't know how well this would work in Conquest due to the various victory requirements(specifically defend a point and complete in a certain number of turns.

    I did a Solo Birthright Run and I found that I was completely surrounded by enemies and it took many turns to kill them all.

    If you are serious about doing this, then I'll recommend some skills for Corrin:

    Vantage - if you are under half health, this can save you and give a chance to either kill or restore health

    Awakening - If you are under half health, this gives a massive boost. If you can stay under half health with a sacrificial knife, berserker's axe, or Ganglari, then you can always have the Awakening Boost.

    Nohrian Trust - pretty obvious.

    I would suggest Female Corrin, because marrying Jakob gives great pairup bonuses along with his personal skill.

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