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Everything posted by kryptonite

  1. I've done it many times before getting caught, but when it's 3 PM and they just happened to come back from classes, the "I'm napping!" excuse starts to stop working....
  2. Nope, I haven't bought any... I even have lots of level 20 units sitting around not doing anything... >_>; EDIT: Thanks Sirius! I guess I'll wait 9 more days... XD
  3. As for masturbation, I got caught many many times by my roommates...
  4. ...The Wii? It takes forever to do anything there...
  5. Um, Lady Sword? Is that Wo Dao? And are you confusing this with FE3DS? THere isn't Bolganone in FE1DS...
  6. I put some literally in the trash... But just my luck my dad told my mom to SORT OUT THE TRASH. (he doesn't usually) Needless to say... >_>; It was some... very weird stuff too...
  7. Is it not updating or something? Today's the 15th and I want my Master Seals! But there are none.
  8. Glad to see it is still broken...[/sarcasm] At least there's FETO...
  9. I see... That's good, I guess. :P

  10. Stadium 1. My favorite 150 (151)! <3 Stadium 2 is really, really slow for some reason and the menus aren't as colorful... The Wii one is fail for not having rentals. >_>
  11. That sounds hawt. Petrine seems like a sadist with that burning lance of hers...
  12. I get that too. I had one on my chest and one on my face... As for balding at 13, of course it's possible. In high school I knew 2 people who were balding...
  13. I thought the Water Temple was fine as is... I don't remember when I played but it was my sezond Zelda after MM and I didn't have trouble... I know at most I was 11... o_o As for Navi, who will tell Link to see the Great Deku Tree? Not to mention those useful tips fighting enemies! Oh, and when she flies to a point where you have to play the Princess's Lulliby or the Song of Time (maybe that's why people had trouble? )
  14. Wow, I don't even have to confirm. XD

  15. That's not good... o_o;

  16. Good point... ...on ValterxCormag. Valter and Cormag bet. If Valter wins, Cormag has to be his sex-slave forever. If Cormag wins, then Valter has to die...
  17. DId you read the article? o.o The JP name is Wag Finger and it has, well, no fingers. Metronome's best moment for me: My Poke: almost dead Enemy Poke: at an HP such that I can't kill it with any move but Self Destruct/Explosion Me: Please be Explosion...! My Poke uses Metronome! EXPLOSION
  18. I long jumped to the switch hidden behind the start, then beat it as normal... The comet part can be tricky because of awful camera angles though... Once you get to the other side, it's just up to being patient.
  19. Yeah. I'm a sadist-- I like to do it to people who don't know how to avoid it...
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