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Everything posted by kryptonite

  1. Yeah, and other 3DS games look really good... I'm not a graphics whore but compared to those fugly 3D DS graphics that made me wonder why they didn't stick with 2D, I'm surprised... I think it won't be much more than the DS Lite XL though... >_>; I thought OoT was fine with that, but the dialogue can be a little slow when you already know what they're saying... http://www.destructoid.com/e3-10-nintendo-repents-for-ocarina-s-water-temple-176699.phtml Yeah, it does seem like it's only talking about the Iron Boots... :X But the comments are talking about the keys and stuff...
  2. Thanks everyone. OMG it's Joa... :o Unless you are Tim, Thunk, or Nightmare FESS isn't just dead-- it's closed...
  3. I played in a tournament that had a number of people so that it eventually got down so it wasn't even, and for that round I used I think Toon Link against MK and Pit on Bridge of Eldin. MK ran to one side and just jumped over and over, and Pit to the other and spammed arrows. I had to kill all of Pit first since he got in the way of me killing MK. Then all of MK, who I think maybe did a potshot on Pit once. I don't want to be mean, but I kind of look down on spammers-- it doesn't matter if they're Lucario or MK or whoever. SSBB doesn't take much to be good at... I was kind of laughing since I was bomb spamming for my matches (yes I know), and then people were like "omg teh bomb spam!11" until I actually played for the final match. :)
  4. I still think 64 is harder-- I played it recently. It's the camera and clunky controls... Everything is smoother and thus easier in Galaxy. But Stone Cyclone's Green Star 1 is making me angry...
  5. Finally someone agrees with me. Everywhere I go, people are applauding Nintendo for gracing us with this. At least they're doing something different with it this time (ignoring Master Quest). Unfortunately I have only beaten it about 7 or 8 times so I'm not exactly ecstatic... What trick? Either way, I used the equip-unequip glitch with that... Also, Water Temple being made easier has been confirmed... You can search for the article...
  6. Thanks you two. http://serenesforest...showtopic=20814 I felt I needed to compete with one even shorter. But I added an emoticon to make it happier. But if you need require more information about me, I used to go to FESS, then it died, but I'm always the last person to know so it was 5 months before I went to where-ever it led to, but that place was a wall of dicks, so I left, and the forum age was dying, being replaced by the advent of social networking (also dying), and then it became such that GameFAQs was the only place I was even semi-frequent at, but then news arrived: FE3DS, so I came here-- It also gave me inspiration to finish my FEDS patch to make mages better and non-beginning characters relevant, but there was a problem, so I registered here, but then I solved my problem, so I disappeared, but then I saw a link here and clicked it, and then saw a buddy of mine from another board and decided to say hi. Yay.
  7. I found the dialogue kind of funny. It's not like what I've heard of ChinaFE...
  8. Hello. I like Tales of too! :)

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