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Posts posted by kirauza343

  1. So I decided to mess around with Infernal to see if I could manage without singing/galeforce/cavalry shenanigans and managed to do it successfully! So I present my first video clear, a wonderful example of why Marisa needs more love:

    The merge on Marisa, the S Support with Micaiah, and the Drive Speed from Cherche are all necessary, otherwise the Reprisal Legion will double her after the first Legion Seal Speeds her. She can survive it, but she needs the HP later on. You could possibly give her axebreaker instead, but that might cause some problems with the lunge cavalier. Celica can almost definitely be replaced with any powerful red mage (and axebreaker would work to secure the double) and Cherche is also pretty replaceable. 

  2. Took some experimenting, but my flier team of Elincia, Tana, H!Nowi, and Airzura once again came through for me. The key was to take out the horses first, then they could use their superior mobility to take the others out one at a time. Tana starts by killing the sword cav and is danced/repositioned out of the way until only Elincia is in the green cavalier's range (even with a resistance bane and no boosts she can survive one hit from him if he's only getting two tactics instead of three (hence killing the sword cav first)). From there it's not too bad, you just have to watch your positioning while you kill the rest.

  3. The lunatic quests were surprisingly easy I felt, didn't need more than two tries for any of them.

    Fire: Celica, Cherche, Micaiah, and Marisa. Celica and Micaiah did the most work here and it was hilarious watching Celica ignore the weapon triangle and two layers of wards to one round Camus.

    Wind: H!Eirika, L'Arachel, Titania, and Camus. Got this one first try for some unknown reason, and I have no idea how but my emerald axe Titania somehow survived a hit from the red mage?

    Earth: F!Corrin, Myrrh, Ninian, A!Tiki. Nothing special here.

    Water: H!Nowi, Elincia, Tana, and Airzura. Took advantage of their mobility and started the fight on the left side of the map, by the mountains.

    Infernal: This took a bit of messing around, but I eventually settled on a team of Airzura, Elincia, Tana, and Genny. Between gravity shenanigans, galeforce on Elincia, and some singing I eventually trialed and errored my way through it.

  4. This one was a piece of cake for all four teams, though it helps that I have strong mages (or dragons in the case of my earth team) on all of them.

    Fire: Celica, Micaiah, Marisa, and Cherche. Really Micaiah and Celica did all the heavy lifting, Marisa and Cherche just repositioned them.

    Wind: L'Rachel, H!Eirika, Camoo, and Titania. Again the mages did all the work.

    Earth: F!Corrin, Myrrh, A!Tiki, and Ninian. All three non-dancers had to put in some work but they still managed with like a grand total of maybe 10 damage taken between them.

    Water: Elincia, Tana, H!Nowi, and Airzura. My Tana has a slaying spear instead of her prf (with only one mage on this team I felt I could use the extra help against armor teams in the arena) which was helpful. No galeforce shenanigans and sing I don't think was even needed, though Airzura did enter combat a few times against some blues.

  5. I finally ended up giving wind blessings to my Priscilla, Brave Lyn, Reinhardt, and Sigurd just to have a little more flexibility with that team now and for the future. 

    Water was done first try with Airzura, Tana, H!Nowi, and Elincia.

    Earth took two tries just because of positioning issues but was easy enough for Ninian, Myrrh, F!Corrin, and A!Tiki.

    Fire was also done first try with Celica, Micaiah, Marisa, and Cherche.

    Wind was a struggle, but I eventually managed with Reinhardt, Brave Lyn, Sigurd, and Camoo

  6. This one was weird in that I expected it to be one of the more challenging ones yet I somehow managed 3/4 teams on my first try.

    Fire: Celica, Micaiah, Marisa, and Cherche, no problems.

    Earth: A!Tiki, F!Corrin, Ninian, Myrrh, again no problems.

    Water: Tana, Elincia, Airzura, H!Nowi, still no problems (I'm pretty sure they're how I beat infernal the last time around).

    Air: Mage!Eirika, L'Rachel, Camoo, and Titania. This one took a few tries, but I eventually figured it out so it wasn't that bad.

  7. Honestly this one gave me more trouble than Legion.

    Fire: Celica, Micaiah, Cherche, and Marisa. Took a few tries but I eventually managed. Special shout out to Marisa for tanking a hit from the blue mage and for generally being hard to kill.

    Air: Horse!Eirika, L'Rachel, Camoo, and Titania. I expected this group to be the one giving me problems on these quests and unlike with Legion it happened here. Still didn't take too many tries.

    Water: Airzura, H!Nowi, Elincia, and Tana. Only took two tries, though Elincia did need to survive a hit from the blue mage (easy enough on the defense tile even with a resistance bane).

    Earth: F!Corrin, Myrrh, A!Tiki, and Ninian. Piece of cake, got it first try. I also used them for Infernal since I hadn't done that yet and only needed two tries to get through.

  8. Ended up giving water blessings to my flier team to make life easier for this and in the future, because my previous water blessing team wasn't cutting it. Did the water blessing quest (and infernal) with Tana, Elincia, H!Nowi, and Airzura, with some help from singing and galeforce shenanigans.

    Fire was my standard team of Celica, Micaiah, Marisa, and Cherche which didn't give me much trouble.

    Air was my secondary horse team of Horse!Eirika, L'Rachel, Camoo, and Titania. I expected this one to give me troubles but they ended up being tied for the easiest group somehow.

    Earth was my dragons Corrin, Myrrh, A!Tiki, and Ninian which had no problems.

  9. Like others have said, this one was a cakewalk, and I managed to beat infernal on my first try. While flier emblem is usually my go to, this time I decided to fight dragons with dragons, using Adult Tiki, Corrin, Myrrh, and Ninian. Didn't even realize the flier had guidance, because I killed him on the first enemy phase before he could use it.

  10. Luckiest: either Performing Arts or Sacred Stones. I got Inigo early on and then a yolo pull session got me Axura, Olivia, and Delthea all at once. I ended up getting two Eirikas and two Myrrh's on their banner without much which was great; Myrrh liked the merge and Celica loves her new Swift Sparrow.

    Unluckiest: basically any banner with a mage flier. Summer Corrin eluded me on both her banners and I only got Nowi on the last possible draw before the banner ended. Most recently though Morgan's banner was painful...so many orbs and all I had to show was a bad natured Lute :/

  11. Cavalry wasn't bad once I figured out my positioning. Eirika killed Hawkeye and was repositioned away by Camus (Fury, not Grani's shield), while Titania baited the right side with her good friend L'Rachel staying beside her to pick up a hone. Camus kills the sword cav on enemy phase (Grani's shield wasn't necessary at all, especially if you can stick a fortify cavalry on him and even that you can live without). The lance cavalier should head towards Camus and Eirika and the right should just have the green mage and Ninian. Eirika and Camus can handle lance cavalier and Titania and L'Rachel took care of the green mage (L'Rachel had Blarblade plus hone cavalry from Titania), and the only person Ninian can attack next is Titania, who laughs at her.

  12. F!Morgan continues to elude me. I got pity broken by a +def/-res Lute which wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't already have a Lute (and with +hp/-def she's got a better nature than the new one...I guess someone gets resistance ploy?). I just wish my luck with blue mages applied to the fliers :/

  13. Free pull ended up being a 4* Cecilia, which I don't mind since I needed one to give Robin Gronnraven (because I apparently sent my built Robin home at some point and I don't know how).

    Meanwhile the Awakening banner is taunting me: I've pulled a 4* Odin (and I have the feathers to promote him) and my first Sothe, both of which I'm ready to feed to F!Morgan...if I can ever pull her :/

  14. Got the infantry and both Arvis quests done on lunatic in one go with a team of Arvis (Fury, Iceberg, Draw Back default everything else), Delthea (+atk, Life and Death, and she had desperation but didn't end up needing it), Nino (neutral, Fury and desperation, but a +spd would work better) and Axura. Axura could potentially be replaced by a different dancer (though both Arvis and Nino would need a speed boost somehow, because my Arvis needed the boost from sing to double and kill himself and Nino is a few speed short of doubling the starting blue mage without a speed boon) and Delthea could definitely be swapped with another powerful blue mage (I did infernal with Linde in her place last time around).

    I just replaced Arvis with Alphonse and let the girls take care of hard with no problems. 

  15. Probably my Marisa, not because she's a bad character but because she's typically considered outclassed as far as infantry swords go (also her stat distribution is a bit unconventional). I initially built her to work as a Myrrh counter since, with a little bit of help, she's one of the few people who can actually double her, but lately she's become an all purpose duelist:

    • Wo Dao+, speed refinement
    • Ignis
    • Steady Breath
    • Swordbreaker 3
    • Infantry Pulse
    • Close Defense 3 seal

    She's very much an enemy phase unit and more than pulls her weight in the arena. Ignis combined with Steady Breath and Wo Dao+ gives her a whopping 42 extra damage every time her special activates, which will happen on her second counter attack provided she's able to double. The only greens I've found she can't one round are ones she can't double (usually just wary fighter Hectors who she can kill on player phase since her special is charged) and B!Ike because of his legendary weapon. Swordbreaker takes care of the few reds she can't double naturally, and she can even handle a few common blues like Fjorm. 

  16. Pulled a +res/-spd Zelgius while looking for a better natured Celica. I'd replace my Black Knight with him if his nature was better but that minus speed is unfortunate. Are there any units that would be interested in Fierce Stance? Right now the only one coming to mind is Xander, and even he (like many of my other enemy phase units) would prefer the added bulk from something like Fury a little more.

  17. This one was brutal and is definitely giving me flashbacks to Conquest. Cavalry of Reinhardt, Priscilla, Eirika, and Sigurd got me through hard and lunatic but didn't cut it for infernal. Flier emblem is usually my go to team for infernal but those archers were intimidating, especially without spring Camilla.

    i ended up getting it done with B!Lyn and 3 dancers (even if it hurt my soul to do so) after some trial and error. I really need to invest in a brave bow archer...too bad that requires feathers and I have a number of other projects right now that need feathers too :/

  18. 19 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Why are people saying fliers are good for this map? I tried it and there's an archer that kills any one of them in one hit, even on hard. Did people put Iote's Shield on all their fliers or something? I've seen flier teams that didn't do that...

    Ranged horse/infantry units are better for this imo. It was a lot easier to win, at least on hard. I don't know how I'm going to do lunatic or infernal though, Azura really adds to the difficulty...

    It's just a matter of watching your positioning, and making sure Azura isn't close enough to him to dance him for a surprise kill. It also helps that between the water and the forests fliers have great mobility on this map that other teams don't have.

    Flier emblem in general (or at least my team lol) is a bit more on the fragile side, so it's better make use of your positioning/Airzura (if you're lucky enough to have her) to kill enemies during player phase instead of enemy phase.

    This one took several tries to clear, but eventually I managed with my regular flier team of Elincia, Azura, Nowi, and Tana. Had to really pay attention to the enemy's movement range (especially Azura and the bow user), but that flier mobility works wonders. 

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