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Posts posted by kirauza343

  1. I've been pulling on the Genealogy banner in the hopes of pulling Ishtar and ended up pulling two Brave Lucinas instead...while I'm glad I finally have one that isn't -atk or -spd there are blues I would've rather been pitybroken by (Morgan comes to mind).

  2. Not super interested in any of these to be honest. I'm dying for a mage flier so I can replace Nowi, but Ninian being a ranged dancer hurts (plus I already have Airzura as a staple of my flier team) and Sanaki just doesn't appeal to me, especially when my desire to replace Nowi is to have it so I don't have that kind of character on my flier team (Sanaki may not be sexualized but come on, she's a child in a wedding dress). I'll probably still pull for Ninian at least, but not too hard.

    @Rezzy I will say I am looking forward to Marth, though not as a unit: I've decided his axe belongs to the superior bride, Titania.

  3. Personally I think Fae was underscored but I digress.

    Lissa: Fantastic mixed bulk for a healer, even if her speed hurts. Lissa is a great candidate for the fortress skills since her attack isn't great to begin with and combine them with guard or renewal and she's pretty hard to kill. She'll never be an offensive powerhouse, but she can certainly be a nuisance for her enemies with your staff of choice and a boon for her allies all while being surprisingly durable. I do think she's better suited for jobs outside of the arena (like helping level up units), but she can be useful. Rating: 5/10

  4. Looks like the reinforcements aren't turn based (I'm assuming killing certain enemies triggers them instead).

    I eventually figured out infernal with my trusty flier team of Elincia, Airzura, H!Nowi, and Tana. It ended up requiring me to play more defensively, and I somehow managed to delay the bow reinforcement until almost the very end which was helpful.  

  5. I was concerned about getting a defense win with the arena change, but apparently I shouldn't've been. I'd been averaging one or two a week (occasionally getting none) but I'm already 3 for this week. Looks like last week's increase wasn't a fluke; hyper offensive Micaiah seems to be doing better than hyper defensive Micaiah.

  6. Apparently I have weird luck when it comes to banners where Eldigan/his son shares a focus with another unit that I really want, because both here and with Ayra's debut I managed to get the person I wanted pretty quickly (Ayra then, Lene now)....only for them to be +hp/-atk. That superbane on Lene hurts (at least the superboon counteracts it?) but I'll make it work :)

  7. 1: Mathilda, Lissa, Fae, and Caeda: this team's still a work in progress, but they're also well suited to this map. Face tanks and kills almost anything, Lissa keeps her topped off and Mathilda and Caeda pitch in when they can.

    2: Ninian, F!Corrin, Myrrh, and Adult Tiki: no problems here, especially since I managed to get the sword baddie to not free Nino. Myrrh took care of the Knight and Raven, Corrin the blue mage, Ninian the sword user, and Tiki Nino (with some dance shenanigans to box her her in).

    3. Airzura, Elincia, Tana, H!Nowi: They're fliers on a map with a forest and hills so it was nice and easy.

    4. Celica, Micaiah, Cherche, and Marisa: this one was definitely the hardest for me. I usually try to save this team for the last map, but I was having issues getting this one done without them. Marisa had to take a hit from Ursula but otherwise it wasn't too bad with them.

    5: Reinhardt, Brave Lyn, Priscilla, and Sigurd: much easier than I expected from a defend map, though Titania's Emerald Axe helped. I don't think anyone even took damage to be honest.

  8. Ares: that weapon though. Still, I don't have a shortage of red swords and I'm not interested enough to pull for him. Of course, I might end up with him anyway because...

    Lene: do I need another infantry sword? No. Do I really need another dancer? Seeing as the only ones I'm missing are Shigure and Vanilla Azura, no, I don't. Am I gonna pull for her anyway? Absolutely. I don't have an Olivia built and look at her, her art is gorgeous! 

    Ishtar: her skill set looks interesting, but I have plenty of infantry blue mages and she doesn't look that interesting. Her c skill looks fun, but I'd rather focus on Lene. Also it might be shallow but I'm really not a fan of her art. 

  9. I don't really have any experience with Merric so I'll just be doing Minerva.

    Minerva: On paper, she looks like a pretty great unit: great prf, decent speed/not terrible attack, and respectable bulk. Her resistance is pretty low, but that's pretty standard for an axe flier. From personal experience though it feels like what she can do another axe flier can do better. I mean...Airzura of all people has a comparable offensive spread to her despite her bst penalty, to say nothing of fliers who can beat her bulk. Still, she's a pretty flexible unit with a great prf which makes her a pretty good unit overall. Rating: 7/10

  10. Apparently changing my Micaiah's build from enemy phase to player phase was a good decision, because I can't remember the last time I managed to get four defense wins in a week! 

    It's also looking like I'll make it to tier 19 which'll be nice, even if I'll be right back down to tier 18 next week.

  11. I've been refraining from rating characters I haven't used much/at all (hopefully that's okay), but Linde was part of my original team so I feel like I have enough experience with her to adequately rate her. 

    Linde: her spread is fantastic, arguably the best of the infantry blue mages. She does prefer Blárblade which means she is reliant on her team for buffs, but with tactics skills that's less of a problem (even if attack and speed tactic, the two she wants the most, are harder to acquire). Other than her spread though she doesn't have much to set her apart from other blue mages, but she does fill the role of cookie cutter bladetome well. Rating: 8/10

  12. 54 minutes ago, Usana said:

    @kirauza343 Grats! Are you think of doing a basic build or taking advantage of innate DC and abusing a Breath skill?

    I'll probably just keep his base kit for now; it's pretty effective already and Brave Ikes don't grow on trees (and even if they did I have other characters that want it more). Side note, there's so many fun a-skills that are 5* exclusive which is somewhat unfortunate.

  13. Got a +atk/-hp Dorcas on my free pull which is great both because I've never had him before and because I could always use more good green units (my level 40 5*s sit at 18 red, 17 blue, and 13 green, and green has some of my weaker units anyway).

  14. That wasn't too bad! I used my flier crew of Airzura, H!Nowi, Tana, and Elincia. Tana needed Iote's shield to take a hit from one of the archers, Elincia needed an attack + seal (any level since she left him with 1 hp otherwise) to one round the swordbreaker bow, and I had to inherit Wings of Mercy on to H!Nowi to get her out of the way.

    Basically Nowi plus a singing killed the red dragon and then Tana repositioned her away and tanked the archer (my new F!Grima would've been perfect instead, but I have no reposition fodder at the moment). From there it's just a retreat to get everyone off the defensive tiles and taking them down a few at a time (and making sure to let Kana hit you, because that Dragon Fang hurts).

  15. I'm glad we got news of a refinement for Clair before I started building mine/sacrificing units for her. Luckily I've got other projects I can focus on until then, and hopefully her new weapon turns out to be a good one!

    in other news the Legendary banner's been very kind to me, giving me both an extra Micaiah for merging and F!Grima, who I've been dying for ever since her reveal. She's -spd which is kind of unfortunate, but if I run her on my flying team (which would appreciate her speed boost more than my dragons anyway) that shouldn't be too much of a problem between goads and hone.

  16. I always hate having to resort to it, but I ended up turning to the tried and true Lynhardt and two dancers. Still took a few tries getting positioning and skills right, (and remembering that Bowbreaker now only work on colorless bows and so I useless against Lyn), but I eventually figured it out. These Legendary Infernals have been brutal so far!

  17. So I got pity broken by a Mist (which is fine since it's my first one and she didn't block me from getting someone I really wanted, plus I like her art) and I'm not super sure what to do with her. She's +hp/-res which of course isn't great but she doesn't really have anything one of my other healers really wants (Genny might like recover but I've enjoyed the utility of Physic, Priscilla's happy with everything she has, and I'd rather give Fear to the Lissa I'm slowly building). Any recommendations?

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