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Posts posted by kirauza343

  1. 16 minutes ago, Nanima said:

    I am currently not in the best of moods, which probably affected my playstyle a bit, so things didn't go too great. After doing 20+ attempts on just beating Lunatic, I was so done with the map that I simply whipped out a guide to beat Infernal with my BB!Takumi and his team of cheerleaders (2 Olivias and Lene). I had to improvise a bit, but still managed to follow through with the clear in a reasonable amount of tries. Checked the Abyssal stats and noped the fuck out. That's just too much for this day, as much as I would love to give my Sakura the golden Seashell.

    Has anyone seen any F2P guides with zero merges for the new difficulty? If it turns out Intsys is now making maps that are borderline impossible to beat unless you either pay cash or spend your time in this game entirely devoted to clearing this kind of content (i.e. always pull for and only use the absolute top tier units), then I'm not gonna be happy. Wasn't one of the things praised about this game that you could use any kind of unit to clear any kind of content that wasn't the top tier of the arena? Also it's soon going to be pointless showing off Infernal clears of the maps, because everyone is moving on to Abyssal. What are they gonna do next year? +20 merged enemy units all around?

    If Intsys really wants to keep things accessible, I think they also need to give us better tools in order to clear the content. Hand out more of the "desired" skills as seals, such as Vantage and Desperation. Or go back on the refine system and help the first gen units catch up more. I just hope we won't all be reduced to only using a few select units or be whales in order to get any clears. At least the rewards aren't vital resources or anything. sigh

    /end of rant   

    This one (not 100% ftp but still pretty ftp friendly) was very helpful for me (the comments have the actual builds): 


    Neutral Lyn works fine (though she needs the atk+3 seal...1 or 2 might suffice though) though I believe Reinhardt does need to be +atk. Merges are 100% unnecessary and the skill inheritance isn't that expensive.

  2. ...Yeah, Abyssal's not gonna happen without a guide. Infernal's still a comfortable challenge and I'm already cutting it close in places. That being said, this was a fun infernal map. Shout out to the bow cavalier for having windsweep because I really appreciated it and to the second infantry green tome user for being the biggest pain of the entire map.

    I was really looking forward to this infernal map the moment I saw Marth and his kit because I knew I wanted to watch him fight Marisa and get his ass kicked

  3. @Ginko I was a little concerned between all the mages (especially Micaiah) and trench tiles, but your team got it done! Great job with your Shiro tanking that mage; his speed always surprises me.

    @Hilda A+ music choice first of all. Second of all, great Askr trio clear! It's always nice to see them making even infernal content look easy.

    @mampfoid I wondered how you going to manage between the trench tiles and Micaiah's guard/miracle and I gotta say savage blowing her health below that threshold was a brilliant way to deal with that. I'm curious though how this would've been affected if Micaiah's miracle started just one charge lower.

    @riccochet Very nice theme clear (even if it does hurt my heart a little). Soren shrugged off so much, I can tell you've put a lot of work into him.

    @Nanima Great Takumi+Sakura team! Fallen Takumi's bulk is truly impressive, and awesome job getting Sakura to finish the job.

    I actually really disliked the lance fighter here, mainly because he threw off my initial plan from lunatic thanks to his skillset and positioning. Took a wee bit of skill inheritance (including New Years Corrin for Spur Def/Res 2 on Micaiah but I'm okay with that since I'll never use him, there's nothing else I would've really wanted from him, and it's a skill I'm sure I'll use again in the future), but ultimately I'm happy with how it turned out

    The first time I cleared it Marisa was the one to take out Micaiah, but I wanted to find a way for Micaiah to be the one to do it. It actually worked out a bit better this way since I ended up avoiding Micaiah's Miracle (thanks for doing the hard work for me haha).

  4. The lowest tier units that I use most often are my Marisa (who’s a a part of my main team and is invaluable to me, I mean just take a look at some of my Infernal clears), Mathilda (distant counter + Berkut’s Lance makes her a fantastic mage counter and a dragon duelist, even if she struggles with actuallly killing dragons), and this gal


    She can’t hurt a fly, but she’s fantastic for leveling up units. Her bulk makes her nigh unkillable making her a great wall and healer for units that need it, plus she can occasionally soften units up for them. I initially built her for the humor of it but she’s been incredibly useful. 

  5. @Alexmender Very nice! Corrin's Dragon Fang is rough but Eirika survived nicely (ditto for the Azura...I don't know about you but I was glad she didn't have swordbreaker). I swear you saved the easiest enemy for last.

    @Radiant Dragon Wow, you made that look like a cake walk! That's one way to deal with Corrin's annoying special: kill him before he even gets the chance to use it.

    @LordFrigid That definitely didn't go the way I expected to which was really interesting to see! Nice use of Olwen plus galeforce on Azura of all things and your Caeda is fantastic as always. I really enjoyed Azura vs. Azura

    Last time around I did this with fliers but this time my main team is more than capable of handling this. Well, two of them are.

    I don't know if I'll ever manage even just an assisted solo, but I was very pleased to realize that a true duet was doable when I noticed Celica's Drive Defense wasn't necessary (shout out to the Morgan I sacrificed for Spur Def/Res 2 because you're the real MVP here). 

  6. 1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

    Also your +SPD Elincia is awesome (like mine), she deserves Swift Sparrow though. 

    I was thinking the same thing going through it haha. If only Swift Sparrow was more widely available; I’ve only ever pulled two mage Eirikas (I use one and the extra went straight to Celica and I have no regrets about it), an Ayra (who really I should be okay with sacrificing because she’s +hp -atk but I just can’t bring myself to do it) plus my free Lyn (who I also use).

    Just demote Katarina already IS please

  7. 35 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    Despite my statement from yesterday, I got inspired by @kirauza343s clear to try again with a meager orb stash for a Grima ... only to pull another Brave Lyn from this banner ... 

    That's four 5* I didn't want (BH!Lyn x2, Camilla & Hinoka) and only one I wanted (Lucina ... -ATK though), the one I wanted the most didn't come. Legendary banners won't become my favorites ... 

    Ouch, the legendary banners are rough!

    Personally, I’m hoping I can use thre orbs from the arena to break my 10% pity rate (come on, I’d be happy with any of the blues!).

  8. @LordFrigid Wow, what a speedy Hector! Very nice exact kill with Caeda on the Takumis as well. Your Caeda solo was great as well; I was a bit concerned when Airzura was in range of the red tome cavalier, but she managed to hold on just fine. Great clears!

    @mampfoid Speedy Cherche is a great Cherche! Your clear makes it look easy, even though with all the ranged units I'm sure it took time to get the setup right to trigger WoM.

    @Alexmender That's one way to deal with Skadi: having Eirika kill the Takumis before they can use it. This seems like a difficult map for a true solo, but Eirika does the hard parts on her own. Nice job!

    No Micaiah and the redheads today (maybe later if I decide that I don't need the last bit of my sanity), instead we've got my flier team (and considering last time I had to use Lyn + 3 dancer cheese it's an improvement). Thank god for F!Grima.

    I cut it a little close in some places (like Camilla and F!Grima's ally support giving her 1 resistance is the difference between the last healer attacking and killing F!Grima and them staying behind to heal instead), but they made it through.

  9. Tellius without a doubt. Heather's my number one most wanted unit, and I'm also wanting Vika, Nailah, Lucia, the herons, Haar, Jill, and really just the Laguz in general. Ilyana would also be great because she could give us our first blue dragon effective weapon....

    SoV and Fates don't really need more rep at this point, but I wouldn't say no to Valbar, Conrad, Benny, Rinkah, and Charlotte.


    This one took a lot of skill shuffling (I haven't used distant defense on Celica in ages, and I've never needed quick riposte on her before, plus some seal and special adjusting), some weird inheriting (escape route and drive defense on Marisa, drive attack on Cherche that I ended up not even using, and I even 5 starred a Subaki for quick riposte only to realize that renewal was 100% necessary on Celica and that I'd need the seal instead), and a lot of experimenting with positioning and even then I cut it real close. I really despise that dagger user and to a lesser extent the infantry red tome, though Lucina gave me zero problems with this group (really I think Future Sight actually improved the positioning for me).

    Now if you'll excuse me I never want to see this map again.

  11. @Xenomata That is weird that Lucina didn't Future Sight the healer (I had a similar instance in my clear). I wonder what exactly convinces her to take pity not to? Because like in certain formations she would for me and then others she wouldn't. Great job all around, galeforce and heavy blade are a great combo on Elincia!

    @Ginko Close call with Azura, but nice! I need to see if I can give my Marisa a little more muscle so that that team can figure this out on infernal; my initial plan was essentially how you started but that guard on both of them is brutal (and I love Marisa, but girl needs her special).

    @mampfoid I'm still amazed by your Cherche's doubles. I was wondering what the Draw Back was going to be used for, and I gotta say I didn't see that coming. Awesome clear as always!

    @LordFrigid If brute-forcing works it works haha. For your Caeda solo I was a little worried about Caeda vs. Lucina even with Iotes shield but your Caeda continues to amaze.

    @Radiant Dragon Close call for both Tiki and Morgan but great job! Klein showed Lucina a thing or two about archery.

    @Alexmender Eirika made it look so easy, even when dealing with Lucina. Great job!

    Went with my flier team for now (Micaiah and her redheads are gonna take a lot more planning if I want to get it done with them...). Lucina was the most annoying part of this map with her Future Sight (because even F!Grima with her dragonskin couldn't survive an encounter from her without help), especially when she wasn't super consistent about when she would use it. Had to finish getting Camilla and Grima's S rank because she really needed that extra attack turn one, but really the most annoying part of the map is getting the positioning right so Lucina doesn't future sight the lance flier towards the end.


  12. @Alexmender Close call with that blue mage at the beginning! Nice use of pass as well; your positioning was spot on. Your Eirika is so fantastic and I love her so much. Congrats on L'Arachel's hero merit at the end!

    @Xenomata Nice use of gravity! Wrazzle Dazzle shenanigans are super useful, and your Nanna certainly packed a punch. Lilina's raw power was also very impressive.

    @LordFrigid Wow, you weren't kidding that you got lucky stat-wise because a couple of those were really close! Great job though, I'm looking forward to seeing the Takumi one and the Caeda only clear here.

    @Ginko That exact bonfire kill on the manakete was nice, and wow, Shiro really took a chill defense like it was nothing. Great clear!

    @mampfoid It's always nice to see a dancer holding their own in a fight, and the all-red team was a really nice twist! I'm looking forward to your Takumi clear coming up...

    @mcsilas Nice use of Miracle on Maribelle, I was very concerned at the start of the enemy phase but she made it out alright. Cherche is always an amazing choice. Awesome theme clears!

    @Radiant Dragon Ooh, that was a real close call with Siegbert but he hung in there. Nice clear!

    This one wasn't too bad, just had to swap Micaiah to her enemy phase kit (I am really looking forward to being able to preset it) and give Celica axebreaker to deal with the the knight. Marisa could've one rounded Walhart if Celica had been a little closer (the extra Ignis damage from drive defense is enough to do it), but I think it turned out alright.


  13. When we come up with teams, most of us either are focused on synergy or are striving to make a certain theme team (be it a character or family emblem). For your teams created solely because you've found they work well together, do any of them have any unintended themes?

    For example, of my main team 3/4 (Celica, Cherche, and Marisa) have red or pink hair and red or pink eyes (poor Micaiah sticks out like a sore thumb). Also, my flier and dragon teams have zero overlap but have matching hair colors (white for Grima and Corrin, blue for Azura and Ninian, purple for Summer Camilla and Myrrh, and green for Elincia and A!Tiki).

    What about the rest of y'all? Any accidental team themes you've made?

  14. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, this bugs me a lot. Ike is just as popular as Lyn, if not MORE popular, so why does she get so much more treatment? His legendary version isn't even that much more interesting than his regular self while legendary Lyn gets not only a totally different weapon from her normal self, but in a previously unobtainable color. Sure, we already got an Ike that has Urvan, but RD Ike could've at least gotten a better version of Ragnell.

    Is it because Lyn is a fucking woman? That shouldn't matter, Ike is still super popular. Why should having boobs and a vagina mean anything? Ike even totally crushed the biggest boobed female in this series in a VG. I'm talking about more in terms of team size here, not the fact that he won said gauntlet. His team was way bigger than Camilla's. More Ikes would sell just as well as, if not better than alt Lyns.

    IS needs to wake the fuck up and realize that Ike proved boobs and vaginas aren't everything. He's a candidate for most popular FE character.


    While I do agree that Ike really should have just as many alts if not more alts than Lyn because of his popularity (seriously though, Tellius seasonals when?), could we maybe not reduce women to their genitals? IS's pandering is a problem yes, but that sort of attitude is also a problem.

  15. 16 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I don't have Daggerbreaker fodder, sorry. I haven't seen a Kagero in forever. I don't have any QR fodder either. Man, I'm realizing now just how unlucky I've been lately in pulling good fodder units.

    The Quick Riposte seal might be enough for Nowi, but you would 100% need Myrrh to have Hone Fliers or Goad fliers if you still want to one round him (and even that may not be quite enough, though if you have a +atk or speed Nowi by chance you might be able to make it work...really you just need some way for her to not be doubled while still having the power to kill him). Quick Riposte on Myrrh should be able to be replaced by swordbreaker (really dealing with that guy who have a lot of flexibility on since he's one of the last two units).

    Edit: You may need to do life and death 3 plus quick riposte on Nowi plus a goad fliers from Myrrh. With the fortify from Elincia she can survive exactly one hit from the dagger unit and should be able to one round him. That might mess up some of the other positioning though. If none of this works though I recommend waiting until you get some better fodder, that or build up F!Grima because she's a great choice for dealing with these dagger units.

  16. @Anacybele

    We have quite a few fliers in common, so I took a look at it with mine and managed it with Tana, Nowi, Myrrh, and Elincia (and with minimum assist skills!)

    Tana needs to hit at least 51 speed between buffs/goads/spurs, but that's not too hard to hit between Fury, Hone Fliers from Nowi (who comes with it), a speed+ seal, and a goad from Elincia (alternatively you can swap at least one of those out for a speed refined weapon if you don't use her prf). Wings of Mercy 2 should be sufficient. Mine does have reposition, but really it just saves you a turn at the end so it's not necessary.

    Nowi just needs dagger breaker (and dagger breaker 1 will suffice), moonbow, and a little extra attack to be able to one round the dagger user. She uses reposition, but she comes with it so that shouldn't be a problem.

    Myrrh needs close defense to help deal with the sword cavalier (and luckily there's a seal for that) plus any level of quick riposte (though you can probably work around that if you don't have any sources of it since Tana will already have WoM and can help out). Her A and C slots are open for whatever you want, and her c slot in particular can help your Nowi if she's having issues securing the kill.

    Elincia really just needs lunge so that Tana can do her teleporting properly. Mine currently has Galeforce but it wasn't necessary. Flier formation is also nice for positioning at the end, but there's a seal for that.

    Your units' natures might mess with things a bit, but hopefully this'll be helpful!


  17. 14 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    Don't you think Micaiah would have been able to also tank Leo in the beginning? Perhaps her special wouldn't have been ready for Elise though. 

    I initially tried that, but because of the hone cavalry and the fact that a lot of Micaiah's magical bulk was coming from distant defense which doesn't activate until she's in combat Leo's special takes off a decent chunk of her health (and she needs all of it to survive the archer), plus she isn't able to double him. Even though his weapon and quick riposte would cancel out her speed just isn't high enough. She doesn't take damage after his special though unsurprisingly. 

  18. @Alexmender You certainly made it look easy, nice job! I bet you're enjoying the flashing blade seal.

    @LordFrigid The one turn clear seemed like it gave you no problem! Your Caeda only clear was especially impressive, it's always nice to see cancel affinity prove its use on a non-colorless unit.

    @Ginko Wow, that was really close! I'm impressed Azura survived that, and your Shiro is an incredible fortress as always. Escape Route is so fun to weaponize.

    @mampfoid I had a feeling this one wouldn't be a problem for you when I saw how close together everyone was. Poor Elise though, getting caught on the wrong end of Cherche's Brave Axe...

    @Nanima Awesome theme team, I didn't realize Summer Takumi's bow splashed water on the screen. I too am very proud of your Sakura!

    @Hilda Very nice! It's amazing how much can be done even with minimum inheritance.

    This one was actually a lot of fun to work out. What were they thinking though not giving Elise Wrathful or Dazzling staff? Micaiah needed her enemy phase build and Celica's drive defense to survive, and Celica needed some extra oomph to deal with Leo and his annoying tome. Also guidance shenanigans.


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