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Posts posted by kirauza343

  1. Some combination or Reyson, Ranulf, and Skirmir (especially since it’s explicitly a Radiant Dawn banner...I’m leaning towards not Ranulf to keep the Royals theme) with Naesala or Dehginsea as the GHB

    My heart wants Vika even though I know that’s not happening anytime soon (and honestly I’m just happy Nailah will be in this first group)

  2. @Nanima Savage Blow really paid off, especially with how physical your party is. Great job!

    No problems here, just had to get the positioning just right to draw the mage flier to the left instead of the right and get Micaiah the speed to double a certain someone with Null Followup (god that's gonna be an annoying skill on the Legendary battles)

    I feel like Micaiah taking out Ike is the right way to do it lmao (Black Knight would be good too) and I've gotta say I'm super grateful Soren kept his Watersweep (it would've still been doable by giving Cherche Green Tomebreaker but still)

  3. I’d like to have a word with whoever thought three new Abyssal maps at the same time was a good idea...and with myself for deciding “oh I can handle infernal with no problem, I don’t need to keep L!Ike around!” because man he’s usually used in the ftp guides and he’s not easily replaced at all :(:

    At least I finally got through Hrid’s infernal? Thank god it’s earth season.

  4. @mampfoid The enemies looked nicely set up for this one, especially since you could reach an enemy without using a positioning skill. Elincia is amazing here especially tanking that bonfire. Nice job!

    The sound cuts off for some reason but here you go anyway

    I would like to thank whoever came up with the idea to give Aversa Odd Res Wave because whoever did is a lifesaver. This one was one of the harder GHBs for sure but it was definitely satisfying to beat.

  5. Please banner...I just want Green Corrin...I appreciate the five stars but I just want her...

    I've been pulling exclusively green except when there is none and I've still managed to pull:

    • Silvia (free pull though so I can't be mad)
    • Adrift Camilla (-atk)
    • Leif
    • Quan
    • Owain
    • Blue Adrift Corrin (-spd)

    While even for green I've gotten Olwen (finally swift sparrow for Elincia!) and Helbindi 

    The first three plus Olwen came in just the paralogue orbs plus the monthly orb pack so my luck's been pretty insane and it's nice to get so many five stars I don't have (only Silvia and Olwen are repeats but Olwen was very appreciated and this Silvia has a better nature than my previous one)...but I'm just trying to get Green Adrift Corrin ?

  6. @Nanima Wow, that was really close! I wondered how you'd handle the distant defense knight and your solution worked beautifully.

    Didn't realize I hadn't done this one with my main girls but didn't have many issues with it. Just two more merges until Cherche becomes my first +10 unit!

    I knew Fierce Stance would be a good investment for Micaiah, and I'm really grateful that her ally support is with Marisa (could've made it work without it but it definitely made it easier).

  7. @Alexmender Piece of cake! Honestly I don't blame you for not reshooting the video with the legendary hero battles happening and your Eirika is still a force to be reckoned with.

    @Nanima Awesome theme team! It's always good to see healers used as colorless mages and not just Pain shenanigans in clears.

    I didn't realize I hadn't posted a clear for my regular team for this one so here they are (or as I like to call this clear, "What Weapon Triangle?")

    This one is almost laughably easy without breath refines but even then I believe all I would've needed to change would've been to give Micaiah Guard (and since that's already in her base kit...). I'm still laughing at how Nowi brought Marisa down to exactly half health without me needing to change anything.

  8. 1 hour ago, Landmaster said:

    I tried to beat this normally for hours but couldn't get it so I spent about 77 turns choking them with H!Nowi, Axephraim, Ethlyn, and Silvia. Went quicker that I guess it could have since my H!Nowi also has Savage Blow and has Attack Smoke to help keep Ephraim alive. It was more or less the Abyssal Strategy PM suggested

    Only problem was not killing the Lance user because my Ethlyn had the Refined Fear, but it actually came in handy~ Rather than just having Nowi hide in the corner, I'd have Ethlyn heal Ephraim, then Dazzle whoever was on the end for more SB damage followed by Nowi Repositioning her out of the way. Once they were low enough, Nowi would take them out.

    Guess I'll actually try for Abyssal now, though it feels kinda cheap >_>

    I'd like to second the effectiveness of this one. Even on Abyssal it's pretty flexible: I didn't feel like leveling up Dorcas so Hector sufficed, as would likely any durable green, I'm still working on leveling Aversa so I used Summer Tana instead with no problems (with the added bonus of freeing up a seal slot thanks to her tome), any horse cavalier should be able to replicate Ethlyn, and most dancers should work as well.

    I would avoid flying dancers though, as they can mess up the bow cavalier's movement.

  9. @mampfoid Nice use of Legendary Lucina and it's always nice to see Azura used offensively! She has a surprisingly good offensive spread for a dancer and you definitely put it to good use here.

    @Nanima Way to take advantage of the terrain and Wings of Mercy. It's amazing what good positioning can accomplish.

    @Alexmender Honestly your Eirika's so powerful it looked like the hardest part was just keeping the other three out of the enemy's range. Awesome job!

    I've been a bit distracted otherwise I would've gotten this one finished earlier. Aversa's tome is pure evil, but once I decided to see if Celica could survive the left side everything fell into place.

    It's my first clear with my newest merge on Marisa, which she actually wouldn't've managed to one shot the last enemy without. I also had to finally break down and give Cherche Iote's Shield. I might've been able to boost her speed high enough to avoid the double and thus have her survive, but Iote's Shield seemed like the simpler option.

  10. 3 hours ago, RexBolt said:

    So if i got this right, any mage's best book is still a bladetome, unless you are using a build to debuff the enemy like with Aversa/Saias/Arvis?


    I think Celica (Ragnarok is pretty self explanatory), Ophelia (sure it's mainly a turn one thing but add the special reduction plus special spiral and it's pretty amazing), and both Micaiahs (that armor and cavalry effectiveness is much more useful for her given her low speed) at the very least beg to differ

  11. Not super interested in any of these units (though Kliff's got a fun looking build and I'd never say no to the fodder the other two have) but I gotta say I was so excited to see Aversa in the background. I didn't think they'd give us a fan servicey (I mean have you seen her outfit?) flying mage as a GHB but I'm definitely not gonna complain. It'll be interesting to see everyone's spreads, though I wouldn't be surprised if Kliff's is fairly similar to Odin's (his weapon does thrive off of him having a lower attack plus its description sounds exactly like the kind of weapon people theory crafted for Odin...).

  12. 4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    I know this will drown in walls of text, but I found my perfect recipient for Darting Stance seal:


    Mine is +SPD and has natural 38 SPD, with Dating Stance and Hone Armors she can arrive to 50 SPD on EP. Player Phase speed doesn't matter because of Bold Fighter. Thanks to Fierce Breath she can charge her special (Bonfire currently) on both phases. 

    Daaaaang, that sounds awesome!

    Also thank you so much for reminding me that seal exists because now I was able to do this: is it practical? Not at all. Is fun to watch her double enemies like the 38 speed red mage in Ephraim and Myrrh’s Infernal Battle? Absolutely. 


  13. @Nanima Awesome use of the terrain and of vanilla Takumi's refine! I love the theme clear as usual.

    Personally the most annoying part of this map were those flier movement skills

    Just needed to give Micaiah enough of a boost to keep quick riposte active (one of these days I'll try to build her for speed but today is not that day) and to realize that I needed to initiate at the bottom to avoid Myrrh getting flier guidanced into Micaiah.

  14. I managed to pull green Olwen on the Halloween banner only for her to be +res -spd and I'm not sure if I want to build or fodder her. On the one hand my good green cavalry units are basically just Titania and my good green mages pretty much just vanilla Nino and kinda Soren. But on the other hand that -spd really hurts, I already have a few bladetome cavalry mages just in different colors (Eirika and L'Rachel, both of which have better atk/spd spreads since neither have detrimental natures), and Elincia's been dying for Swift Sparrow for a while now.


  15. This was probably the hardest of the Abyssal maps, but once again flier emblem prevails. Interestingly enough I actually had to weaken Camilla by swapping out Elinica's fortify fliers with just a fortify resistance to make sure she took enough damage from Xander to get into WoM range (and that's with life and death 3 on her). This map might be the first time I was regretting F!Grima's -spd, but fortunately the drive speed seal exists. Once I got Xander dead and F!Grima positioned to tank the ensuing enemy phase it wasn't bad though.

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