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Posts posted by kirauza343

  1. Whoops, I missed yesterday...oh well.

    Elincia: It may be a small category, but she's easily one of if not the best red flier in the game (and is almost definitely the best of those in the general pool). Her prf is fantastic, gaining 3 attack and speed over a regular brave sword, and she has the stats to really make good use of it especially when you add in flier mobility. Depending on her ivs she can run an effective deathblow build or even a quad attack one (or even a mix of both with buffs). She really shines on flier teams between her limited competition for the spot of red flier and the strength of flier buffs, but even on non-emblem teams she's definitely worth considering. She's a bit fragile, but that doesn't matter as much when she hits desperation range or is two shotting her enemies. Rating: 9/10

  2. I'd be perfectly cool with Tellius seasonals (though I'm really hoping for some regular banners for them soon...so many of the characters on my wish list are from those two games), especially with Titania or Elincia. 

    I'd also be a huge fan of a Valentian seasonal banner, preferably with Celica or Mathilda (Heroes did her dirty...).

  3. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, Ike lost. No way is Lyon putting up less than the 1.5 or so billion he needs with that final hour multiplier.

    My only hope now is Sigurd winning, otherwise I'm probably skipping yet another final round.

    Yeah no, Hardin's got the last multiplier over here :/

  4. @Alexmender Oh wow, that was so close at the end! The rest of the map seemed like no problem (that 3 damage glimmer from Matthew though xD), nice job!

    @mampfoid It's so weird seeing Cherche actually double someone! Great job getting around that bonfire too. It was nice to see shove finally worked in here; are there any oddball skills you haven't found a use for yet (I mean, you've managed to use pass of all things)?

    @Ginko Dang, you cut it real close with that beginning! I have to admit, I was hoping to see Shiro take a stab at Hector, but Siegbert handled him well. Poor Roy...great clear here!

    @Some Jerk F!Grima is wonderful. I love how the red tome user and the lance flier just got stuck towards the end, nice job!

    @Radiant Dragon Very nice use of Lyon wow! And with so few skills on Lyon and Morgan too...great clear!

    @LoneStar Nice work with Julius and New Year Corrin! Great use of Guard and nice job getting the lance users and the red tome user temporarily stuck.

    Took just a wee bit of skill and seal changing on Micaiah (had to swap Iceberg for Moonbow, the Atk +3 seal for Quick Riposte, and Draw Back for, funnily enough, Swap) but otherwise not too bad. I'm still trying to figure out why they gave Matthew Glimmer of all things.


  5. 1 hour ago, Ginko said:

     Your +Atk/-HP will be better after she gain more merge for sure especially with QR to catch more kill. 

    I understand somehow why you prefer +Def. Because she can tank BowLyn better, am I right? 

    Also it depend on how you use her too, enemy phase or player phase focus. +Def benefit enemy phase for sure but I think +Atk can do both (mixed phase).

    I probably should've specified that I use her as an enemy phase unit (bonfire, dragonskin, quick riposte, and distant defense), because the rest of her team is very player phase oriented (Elincia, Life and Death Blade tome Ninian, and Airzura). The +def has been nice especially with archers, and between a hone (bless Airzura) and a goad the -spd hasn't hurt near as bad as I thought it would.

    59 minutes ago, Usana said:

    @kirauza343 I'll also weigh in. I ran a few sessions with my set ups for Mass duel simulators. +ATK/-HP is by far the superior Player Phase one. SwiftSparrow/Desperation/Speed+3 Seal. On Enemy phase however, it appears you are correct. +DEF/-SPD outperforms. Actually the list of enemies used actually showed an increase in kills on her part thanks to -SPD making her slow enough to get doubled by some threats she couldn't quite kill without a special proc. I was surprised to see that. However, the difference in performance with Dragonskin/QR/CD or DD is less than the offensive variant's difference.

    So if you know you are only going to use her on Defense and that you can give her Fort and Wards then it seems +DEF is a safe enough bet. The -SPD completely neuters your player phase though. Mine is +Defense/-Resistance and I only really use her on EP. But she is quite nice on EP. I have the advantage though of being able to operate on both phases since I didn't take the speed hit. Basically you need to decide if you are fine with her only having an EP presence(and a rather solid one at that) or if you are willing to trade some EP performance for being able to project on both phases. Or at least that is the way I look at it.

    Man I wish Swift Sparrow was easier to get; it's such a nice skill for so many characters. I've only ever pulled one that I could spare and that went straight on Celica.

    Like I mentioned above though I've been using her as an enemy phase unit (which I should've mentioned in my original post my bad) on her team (and I don't see her team changing any time soon because they've been working incredibly well for me), where I need an enemy phase unit much more than another player phase one. I was also surprised at how good the -spd seemed to be on defense; speed just seems like it would be such a bad bane for someone with her speed.

    Thanks for the feedback y'all!

  6. Mathilda: Oh Mathilda, what did Heroes do to you? You were soooo good in Echoes. I want to like her here, I really do. She can be a decent mage killer and can handle fighting dragons decently well (well, she can't really damage them but she can survive?), but the cavalry bst hurts there, her attack isn't great, and her speed really needs to be higher. She's a good color for it at least thanks to Berkut's Lance, but she really needs support to get kills and blue cavaliers aren't exactly a rare breed. Rating: 4.5/10

    Delthea: Her offensive spread is very similar to Linde, getting an extra point of attack at the cost of two points of speed (though arguably a worse trade). The biggest problem with Delthea is that Linde can do everything she can and then some now that Linde can use Delthea's prf plus the refined version of her own while being not quite as fragile. Delthea is still a fantastic blue tome user with her default weapon or a bladetome, but her stats put her just slightly below Linde for me. Since I gave Linde an 8, that puts Delthea right at 7.5/10

  7. 8 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    So, I'm still indecisive about the female Grima Robin I pulled. I dislike Grima a lot, and this Grima Robin is +Atk, -Spd. So I don't know if she's even viable with this since -Spd makes her pretty slow. But someone told me female Grima Robin could be helpful in flier teams and in Robin infernal. I just don't know if the one I pulled would be helpful enough even with -Spd.

    I realize this is a bit late but! My Grima is also -spd (+def instead of atk though) and she has seriously been such a fantastic addition to my flier team (you can even see her in action in my infernal Ryoma clear). The build @Ice Dragon suggested is almost identical to what I run (though I use Bonfire instead) and really the -spd isn't the worst thing in the world when you add flier buffs. A hone plus a goad puts her at 42, a pretty safe speed for avoiding doubles and her decent to nice defensive stats make her fairly durable (plus she's not weak to archers). She'd definitely prefer an enemy phase build, but considering there aren't many other fliers that can run one well (and none of the others come with a distant counter weapon besides Ryoma) that's not a bad thing.

    Also: her blessing that she gives is speed, which synergizes really well with flier teams during earth season.

  8. @mampfoid Oh my god, that double WoM from Marth was amazing xD I'm always happy to see your Elincia in action, and it was nice seeing Marth play such a big part having just watched him serve as a repositioner in Hector's Legendary battle.

    @Ginko Roy definitely felt like the mvp here, but Shiro does his job as shield excellently. I'm always worried about him and magic, but I suppose it helps that he's really not that slow.

    @Alexmender Ooh, the lunge made me a little nervous but wow your Eirika is impressive! Your positioning was very well done, there was at least one turn where I was impressed that you managed to keep just Eirika in the enemy's range.

    @LordFrigid I feel like I don't see a lot of one turn clears with just fliers, nice job! The Caeda solo was equally impressive, especially with how rude the reinforcements on this map are.

    Last time around I did this with my flier team so it was time my main team had a shot at it...and I don't know how or why but I felt like I had a harder time with this one than Hector's. At least with Hector's once I figured out the initial encounters it was easy to notice any skill changes I needed to finish everything up, not to mention the map was better suited to my party. Maps like this though are why I very much prefer -spd Cherche to -res Cherche; she's gonna get doubled anyway, might as well attempt to salvage that resistance.


  9. @mampfoid Very nice! A shame about the guard, but a one turn clear is still a one turn clear. Really it looked like an easy one for you.

    @Zeo Daaaaaaaaaang, that was so impressive! Your Matthew is truly an amazing physical tank. Genny surviving that cavalier with 1 hp was also nailbiting, nice job working that out!

  10. @Ginko You know, I had a feeling Shiro would have no problems dealing with Hector but I gotta say it was still hilarious. I know Marisa and Shiro are different colors, but your clear was a huuuuge help in figuring out how to solve this with my regular team (or at least how to handle the first enemy phase). Your team made this look easy! (Also, if it's not too much trouble would you mind tagging me in the future? I really enjoy these)

    @Rafiel's Aria It's still so weird to me to see Lucius as such a powerful attacker. Nice use of Miracle there, and isn't Thani so much fun?

    @LordFrigid Cool way of using Escape Route there! Your Caeda is a force to be reckoned with.

    @tobuShogi Clears like this make me wish I had a Brave Roy to mess around with. Nice job!

    I felt like this was was a really nice difficulty: challenging but not infuriatingly so (or maybe I'm just more used to these battles now). It took some experimenting with different skills and positioning, but I eventually managed it with my regular ladies (the first Legendary Battle I've been able to complete with them).


  11. Celica: I will admit that I am very biased, but I do think she is one of the best infantry red mages (I'd argue she's the best of the strong and fast ones not counting seasonals). More have been released since her introduction, but Celica has a few traits that have kept her from being truly powercrept. The rebalancing of healers makes it easier to justify running a healer to keep Ragnarok's ability active (or Renewal or a support skill can keep her topped off), her balanced (if low) defenses means the dragon stone refines didn't hurt her like it it did others, and her tome buffing her on its own meant she isn't reliant on a bladetome for damage so the wider usage of panic doesn't really affect her. In theory her tome (which is still among the more offensive oriented red tome prfs) is only really active for the first battle, but in practice as a mage she can more easily hit those that can't counter her, which combined with renewal makes it easy to keep its effect active. Her tome could use a refinement, but it's still perfectly serviceable and can combine well with Atk/Spd push or Swift Sparrow for even more offense. Red might not be the best color for a mage, but if you want one Celica's a great option. Rating: 8/10

  12. Currently sitting at 3514 for offense (which I don't think is too bad for a party with two mages (one of whom is pre-bst creep) and limited merges (+1 for three of them and +4 for Cherche)). I'm hoping it'll be enough to make it to tier 19; I haven't managed to do it since the last arena change. I am enjoying the score increase from Cherche's recent merges because boy is it nice to deal with so many fewer dancers.

  13. I can live without Hector but boy does green look great this time: steady breath, merges for Myrrh, and a Hector that might let me sacrifice my old one for distant counter.

    I'll also pull colorless:  I'd love an F!Grima that isn't -spd (not that the one I have is bad at all) and I've been dying for Elise for ages (so naturally if I get a 5* colorless it'll be Roy).

    Red and blue are pretty hard passes even if I'd love F!Morgan: more mage fliers are great but Bridal Ninian covers blue already for me.

  14. Ike: Oh how the mighty have fallen. He's not a bad unit by any means (lord knows I got a lot of mileage out of him since he was one of my first 5*s), but at this point he's a bit outclassed. 35 atk is good, but that 31 speed isn't doing him any favors with all the strong and fast swords around. Inherent distant counter is nice, but his resistance means it doesn't really help much against mages. Add in the fact that his own alt completely outclasses him and you have a character who is good, just not great anymore. Rating: 6.5/10

    Titania: Titania's a weird one for me. On paper, she's a bit lackluster: low attack, decent speed, lowish defense and hp, and pretty good resistance wrapped up in horse bst. She could be a decent mage counter if you have a spare Hector for distant counter (and is the only axe cavalry capable of it...after her 30 resistance the next highest is 20, and that's from Groom!Marth). In practice though I've found her to be very useful when combined with horse buffs and/or a refinable weapon. She has the advantage of being one of only 3 axe cavaliers in the general pool and easily fits into a role of her own instead of trying to beat them at theirs. Rating: 6.5/10 (okay, I know it's weird giving her the same rating as Ike but I do feel like the lack of competition for her role helps her a lot (while infantry swords are a dime a dozen). I can go back and revise it though if it seems too off).

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