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Everything posted by PrincessAlyson

  1. This honestly seems very likely. I do wish they's gone back and made some changes to SS, but oh well. I can't wait to play it in full!
  2. This wouldn't be too bad. As long as its not "okay, so this is the canon ending" I would be fine with that. What I like about 3H is that all routes are equally canon and you can select which you like best.
  3. Agreed. She definitely grows. I like Bernadetta as a character but I still feel like some of her supports play it up a little too much: that is where the "Comedy/cute" thing comes in. I think her traumas are relatable to many. Overall I think she's great. I personally don't like how some of it is handled, though.
  4. Yeah, I haven't even gotten to Silver Snow and I think Seteth is awesome. He's got his head on straight. It's a shame Rhea doesn't get more focus in the Church Route, but I'm still planning on doing it second. I will be doing GD last instead now so I won't have to do two similar paths in a row. Man, BE is going to be brutal on me (love Dimitri and Rhea). I just wish they had put different content in Silver Snow. As a whole, Black Eagles feels underdeveloped. Crimson Flower is the shortest route when they could have easily had you fight TWSITD like the other routes. Silver Snow doesn't have enough to differentiate it from GD. It looks like BL is probably going to be my favorite route with the way everything is going.
  5. Well, I'm still on my first playthrough (BL) and plan on doing the Church Route second. So I don't really care. I have heard that Silver Snow and Verdant Wind are mostly the same with a few differences, but I want to do all routes (no matter how long it takes me, I have college lol). And I want to marry each main character (Dimitri, Rhea, Claude, Edelgard). My only complaint so far about what I've heard with the Church Route is that Rhea is not playable. Give me a playable Rhea! The route is mostly about her; she's the leader of the freaking church so why isn't she the Lord character in game play and not just story? Ball has been dropped there IMO.
  6. Playing on BL with a ton of recruited characters. But here's my fav crit quotes: My Byleth: "Here's something to believe in!" "Allow me to demonstrate!" Dimitri: "OUT OF MY WAY!" + anything else. I love his quotes. His after-battle quotes are great, too. Marianne: "My blood compels me!" Hilda: "You're making me WORK!" Petra: "You will be slapped down!" Meme material right there. Felix: Can't remember his off the top of my head (bad of me, he crits a TON) but his after-battle quotes are amazing. "Next time bring your friends." I saw that someone on YouTube had hacked the game to make Rhea playable (apparently data for her, Sothis, your father and some others were in, so it's speculated that they were meant to be playable at some point or will be in DLC). I love her quotes! "You have been judged!" "In the name of the Goddess!" "Eternity awaits!" "Know your place!" I love it when he says that. This game is great!
  7. When did I ever imply I would kill if there was an alternative? Don't put words in my mouth, please. My post said: I never said anything about not trying to negotiate. I said it was "Sometimes necessary to kill in self-defense". And implying that I grew up in a bad place is completely rude and unnecessary. I live in a comfortable, middle class neighborhood in America, thanks.
  8. Killing in self-defense is sometimes necessary, though. Are you just going to let let someone kill you? No.
  9. Note: Due to spoilers I did not put Flame Emperor, Death Knight, or Tomas. Their true identities are on, though. But I won't say who for those that haven't read spoilers/finishes a route/figured it out. LOVE: Self explanatory. These characters all have something to them that I love, even if I don't fully agree with their actions (Edelgard and Rhea, both are very similar. Both are tragic as hell and I just want to hug them along with poor Dimitri). Really Like: Characters that are amazing. As for F!Avatar, I'm still not too fond of her outfit, but I always prefer playing as my own gender. And she's more expressive. Like: Good characters who have solid traits and personalities. Okay: Good characters, but they missed a mark or two. Dislike: Not completely terrible, but I'm not too fond. I don't hate them at least. Despise: Cyril is rude and too one-note. Jeritza is flat. Solon, Thales, and Kronya are complete villains with no redeeming traits, unlike Edelgard and Rhea (both of whom are more like anti-villains anyway).
  10. I didn't reset too often. I varied my classes: some students have their canon ones and others I made into other things. I'm struggling with Advanced tier right now just before the timeskip (I don't have a ton of time with school, so I'm still on chapter 12 of my first playthrough with BL). Ingrid can't qualify for any Advanced tier classes but she's a great Pegasus knight. I'm currently wondering if I can skip Advanced and go to Falcon Knight when she reaches Level 30...
  11. Thanks. I was aware I could recruit her normally, but wasn't sure if I could get her through battle. I've recruited her in BL, so getting her again in Silver Snow shouldn't be too hard. Wow, only two students as enemies. That's a relief. I'll be sure to snatch as many students as I can on Silver Snow. Thanks for the reply!
  12. Can you recruit Lysithea on the Church Route/Silver Snow? I'm assuming it's Crimson Flower only for battlefield recruitment but... Has anyone tested that?
  13. Agreed. I also suffer from anxiety (not from abuse, thankfully. But I am on the autism spectrum with Aspergers) and do not find it funny at all. Abuse and anxiety should not be portrayed as humor. I like Bernadetta as a character, but it honestly annoys me to see her abuse handled that way. It's jarring and just...ugh. Marianne was done much better.
  14. Agreed. I like her as a character, but I'm playing her route last. I can't really get behind her actions. Her goal is noble; the way she goes about it is not. It's actually funny: she's very similar to Rhea, whom she hates. They both are ruthless, only see their own POV, are stubborn, and refuse to surrender or admit they may not have the moral high-ground like they claim. Make no mistake, I love that she's morally gray like Dimitri and Rhea. I am just not a fan of her "conquer everything to get rid of the Church and corruption!" shtick. All in all, she is a well written character and I love her for it even when I'm disliking her actions. I'm glad this game has so many morally gray characters and actions, since it feels more realistic. Most people are not pure good or pure evil. I personally view her as a good villain with good intentions in BL, GD, and the Church Route as well as a villain protagonist in BE. She's tragic and understandable given the context of her past, but that still doesn't justify everything she does.
  15. Playing BL and have recruited Lysithea, Linhardt, Dorothea, Leonie, Ignatz, and Marianne so far (on Chapter 11 now). I still am working on Bernadetta and Petra. I want Ferdinand too, but I probably won't be able to. Supports makes it so easy! Lysithea and Marianne both requested to join my House after B support. Everyone else I asked (I did reclass to Monk and then Mage for Magic stat while using a spear for Leonie and because I like spears).
  16. Dislike to Like: Lorenz - After reading some of his dialog in BL... he really surprised me. Can't wait for my GD playthrough, but that's after I beat BL and the Church Route. Ferdinand - Similar to Lorenz. He's snobby but after reading some supports on YouTube, he's really caring. Gonna pair him with Dorothea! Like to Love: Rhea - After reading all the spoilers on her backstory, I find her so incredibly tragic and broken that I just want to hug her. Repeatedly. I plan on marrying her in the Church Route (my second playthrough). She's very well written IMO and makes a good anti-villain or villain depending on how you view her. Even with some of her more morally questionable acts, I still feel like she's pretty sympathetic, at least to me. Horrible trauma can make people do terrible things. Look at Dimitri when he snaps. Dimitri - OMG. He's precious and needs all the love. He's been through almost as much as Rhea. Give him hugs. Marrying him in BL (first and current playthrough). Edelgard - I already liked her. But I love/hate her goals. On one hand, she is a morally gray character who is ruthless, which is awesome. She makes a great villain protagonist who mellows into an anti-villain later in BE Route and a pure villain with good intentions in every other route. I like how she and Rhea are actually quite similar: They're both ruthless, only willing to see their own POV, stubborn, and tragic AF. Gonna marry her in BE (which I'm doing last). Claude - He's funny, he's interesting and... He doesn't have the mental issues the other three protagonists have because he: Has both parents still alive, seems to take issues better, and is used to the backstabbing politics of the Alliance. He's well-rounded and not blinded by his goals/revenge/etc (but that does not mean I dislike that about Rhea, Dimitri and Edelgard. It makes me like them more because of how human it makes them!!). Marrying him in GD (panned third playthrough). Like to Dislike: None so far. None of the main cast annoys me enough to dislike or hate. Only hate TWSITD and you're not meant to find them likable or sympathetic anyway.
  17. On that standpoint, yes. I agree. However, I'm still glad its one game and I enjoy the story much better than the story in Fates. I also like that the game portrays all the routes as equal: No matter which side you choose, you usher the continent of Fodlan into a golden age with your chosen Lord character (Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, or Rhea). Fates essentially said "Choose a side" and then said "But Revelation is the Golden Ending and canon path lol" which really took away the point of choosing. That's just how I see it. I'm okay with Fates and still play it, but do I think it was a great game? Not really.
  18. Does anyone know how to invite Rhea to a tea party? Supposedly you can but...
  19. I like Sothis's snark. She kinda reminds me of Midna in Twilight Princess. She's a fun character but I can see why others may not like her.
  20. I'm taking the game really slow (as per usual when I play games. I love savoring them, so to speak) but I have one for each route: BL: Dimitri. He's cute pre-timeskip and ruggedly handsome after. Poor boy needs a hug. Lots of them. Actually, a lot of characters in this game needs hugs. Church: Rhea, as F!Byleth (even though I'm heterosexual in real life. I don't like playing as the opposite gender in games like these, so F!Avatar). I don't see her as a villain; she's just misguided and tragic IMO. Woman needs hugs and a chance to relive her life. Plus I love her design and need it in my life. Right now. Oh, I'm doing BL first. Must wait... GD: Claude. He's pretty handsome and his personality is good. Plus I want to marry all the main characters on their respective routes. BE: Edelgard, as F!Byleth (same reasons for Rhea). She might be a bit of a villain protagonist, but she really needs some hugs after all the crap she's been through. For other playthroughs (in no particular order and factoring in possible recruitment): Linhardt, Ferdinand, Sylvain, Ashe, Raphael
  21. Playing Blue Lions. When do you unlock blacksmith, battalion guild, and some other stuff? I'm on the Garland Moon month, about to take on rebellion from Ashe's adopted dad.
  22. The cast is super likable for me so far. Some characters (Felix, Dedue) I wasn't sure on, but they are great! Interacting with everyone, even those not from my House, is very fun. Wandering around the school is great (and I love the music). It's nice to just relax, walking around and chatting with whoever's around, maybe taking on a quest of theirs. The world building is fantastic; I feel like I'm really there. Only other school setting that did that for me is Harry Potter. The amount of everything that went into the game blows me away. I didn't play Echoes and only a bit of BOTW (I'm one of the few that doesn't like Breath of the Wild very much), so I was a little worried that I wouldn't like full voice acting. But there was no need. So far everything has been spot on. Rhea's voice is amazing and I want to talk to her all the time. The music is great, too. The theme that plays when Sothis is around is awesome. So is the theme when Rhea is around. Don't get me started on the cathedral theme, either. Can I just sit in there forever and not worry about teaching? No? Darn. I'm currently at the mission in Blue Lions where you go fight Loranto's rebellion. Managed to get everyone promoted to a basic class, so I must be doing something right. Still trying to up my own magic, reason and faith to recruit some people. Ugh, so hard so far with that. Yes, I'm having fun unlocking the supports for my Blue Lions team. Its not just portraits anymore! The characters finally do things! I love it. Some of them are just so funny.
  23. Playing Normal/Cas with F!Avatar and Blue Lions. Loving the game so far but taking my time. Got a little over two hours in (my wisdom teeth were all removed on Release Day, so it was a nice distraction after the surgery, but I had to take a break). Some characters are getting RNG screwed. Where is my Speed, guys!? But other than that the game is enjoyable. Trying to recruit Lysithea. Why is Byleth so bad with magic? Been taking Seminars to get my Reason level up, but that doesn't help with the stat itself. Will see if I can somehow get a support with her.
  24. I'm playing Normal and I also seem to be getting bad RNG. Not just Speed either. Basically, aside from a few units, everyone's not leveling a stat I want them to have.
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