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Posts posted by joshcja

  1. 6 hours ago, samthedigital said:

    Even if it wasn't possible to clear chapter 9 consistently efficiency would still exist. It would just be a little different from other games.

    The joke here is that CQ is split into maps that are effectively casual in terms of "consistant clears" with little variance due to units used and maps that are simply "free" in terms of turncount and consistency.

    Ch9 is the former (unless you're using DK Odin strats with double lunge, but literally nobody does that*) while CH17 is the latter, it's a fixed 2 turn clear wham bam thank you mam.


    In terms of this Mozu and Xander are functionally identical. They're both net neutral units. (Level 1 bowzu orko's pegs in 10. Nobody trains in her join, kinda like how Xander does one significant thing by running right in his join map and punching an archer.

    *Enfeeble on a toniced/mealed up DK Odin let's him live 3 archers, kill 1, and lure 2, lunge into room, peace.

  2. 2 hours ago, samthedigital said:

    They're not spectacular I guess, but if you're not worried about playing as efficiently as possible you can make them work. I am pretty sure that the developers intended for the player to advance as I described earlier; fighting packs of enemies piecemeal. In that context all of those units can be used rather effectively. Arthur is also ok early on as a pair up bot, so he has that going for him too.

    CQ efficiency exists?

    I thought Ch9 killed that years ago.


  3. On 10/13/2019 at 2:49 PM, Seafarer said:

    ...now you're being intellectually dishonest by putting words in my mouth. I'm not arguing that Silas and Sophie are bad, or that Xander is necessary to beat the game, or that you're playing the game wrong, or even that Xander is good.

    I said that saying Silas is better than Xander while handicapping Xander by denying him a resource that nobody else competes for is unfair to Xander.

    @Flere210 The point is more that it's a comparison between units with similar roles (so Lewyn vs. other infantry mages : Xander vs. other cavalry). I guess I wasn't clear on that one.

    Jumping in late but...

    Yeah MN+Wyvern Silias is certainly a thing and he very much outclasses xandyman at-join.

    Ryoma runs into similar issues with Silias being excessively broken in BR, but more so because BR is easy enough for Kaze/Saizo to do Silias things.

  4. 17 hours ago, starburst said:

    Hey, mate! Bases matter, a trained Odin fathers a better Ophelia than a L5 Odin would. My point is that when one recruits early children (around Ch 12 and at Level 10), the bases that the available mamas could pass to them are less important than their growths and caps, precisely because none passes real, significant bases! None of those mothers can actually bear L10 Aryan children, capable of relying on their bases. Furthermore, with the given bases, if the early kids also had low growths, they would not meet the thresholds required for certain roles chapters later.

    Ophelia is probably a bad example since she is self-sufficient, but +Mag Cornbread, Elise, Felicia and Nyx all bear basically equal Ophelias. I prefer Cornflakes because of Dragon Fang, slightly better Skill and Defence and DV, or Elise because of Lunge and DV, but all four should produce an Ophelia capable of, say, soloing most of Kana's Paralogue by Chapter 12 or of wiping the Generals in Chapter 18 or the Stoneborn in Chapter 21 with Lightning.

    In the same vein, skill inheritance matters, but the skill pool is rather limited for early children, and the available skills are hardly game-changing. The servants have the edge here, but they hardly reach L15 before Chapter 12 (when I usually recruit the kids.) Cavaliers, Archers, Pegasus and Samurais have useful early skills, and Dragon Fang and Lunge are great too. The thing is that when one analyses each particular case, most of the skills available to be passed early are not determining.

    With planning, Sophie and Nina can get +4 Attack from their Archer dads before Chapter 12, and Silas could also pass Strong Riposte, but from the early relevant mamas only +4 Attack from Mozu, +5 Speed from Selena and Dragon Fang shine. Effie and Azura give them nothing; Camilla and Beruka would pass a skill that is now part of the class tree of their children; Elise could pass Lunge to Nina...
    Ophelia has a bit more Luck for she can get the Samurai skills from her dad, Lunge from Elise or Camilla, Mov +1 from Nyx, Dragon Fang...

    Once again, I focused on Ophelia, Sophie and Nina because they are the children that I usually recruit. I am sorry that I did not mention Ninja Warrior Soleil or Fire and Blood Percy, but I think that the points stand for all early kids.


    No one would dare to challenge those wise words. It is known.

    Mom bases matter if we pump them to 20/1 before kids ^_^

    It also improves our skill pulls.

  5. 1 hour ago, starburst said:

    Want to bet that any of Mozu's early children with Aptitude destroys any of Camilla's early children?

    Whenever I say "children" in Conquest, I actually mean "early children." And out of those children who can be recruited early, I am in fact talking about Sophie, Nina and Ophelia.
    (Velouria is a non-standard case for me, because whenever I recruit her I grind supports using the Before Awakening map so that she is available right after Chapter 14. For this reason I will ignore her in my argument, even though I have recruited her plenty of times.)

    Those three girls are always recruited by Chapter 11-12, and show up around Level 10.
    · Ophelia could not care less about the class or skills from her mama, since her innate build is broken.
    · Sophie might prefer Wyvern Rider, but her innate class tree suits her perfectly in any of her final four classes as a "second liner."
    · If Nina has a magical mother, she can use her Dark Mage class tree. And if her mama is physical, she might prefer Wyvern Rider (or Ninja or Archer, but those are not available), but Bow Knight does the job. In fact, unless her mother passes great stamina (hint: only Camilla does it), Nina might never be sturdy enough to use the Wyvern Rider class effectively, and may well prefer Bow Knight as a purely Player Phase unit.

    The eligible mothers are Cornflakes (or Felicia), Elise, Effie, Mozu, Azura, Nyx, Selena, Camilla and Beruka. (A wider pool might also include Peri and Charlotte, but their children would not actually be "early" recruitments.)
    Camilla's milk create monsters, no doubt. What is interesting is that all other mothers only give growths but not bases. None of those mamas is able to bear children with high enough bases so that their children at Level 10 can actually rely on them. And the only ones with an "interesting" class tree are Beruka and, well, Cornflakes (and Beruka's children must exchange their Speed for a Wyvern.)

    Thus, in the case of early-recruited Ophelia, Sophie and Nina, it is their growths and not their bases what matters. They do not even need to inherit a class to fulfil their roles in the party.

    *Screams in Percy*

    *Mutters in Dwyer*

    *Seduces in Soliel*

    In all seriousness bases are relevant (IE why wyvern!Elise makes a better Ophy than Troub) and skills are soooorta(?) relevant.

    That said this is a mostly correct assessment as growths give base for our purposes. Kids created outside the  2nd shop-prech14 gap are almost completely irrelevant and we want everything possible on em and more importantly, on their parents.

    #SiliasXKaze OTP.


    But seriously, on topic the only answer is Ophelia and Odin. In every way. Fight me.

  6. Skydrop a unit that can kill ninja's on Iggy turn 2 or 3. There's a safe path over the mountains and the rest of the map is a joke.

    Edit: Oh nvm it's seigbert. Yeah if you can beat this map you can already beat ch28 easily. The best way to clear it is just dropping a strong blender unit (VLaD/SolMN) holding cornbread and fly seigbert over the lake as you slowly walk in a circle and solo the map. It's really dumb.

    Good news is seigbert is garbage.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Life said:

    My Corrin feels weak due the shitty levels she has continuousltmy gotten. Like 23 HP weak at level 10.


    I had to run bird Conbread into bows to get under half in my PMU. It was annoying.

  8. 6 hours ago, Life said:

    No, it doesn't. There's no warning whatsoever that spikes appear aside from mousing over dragon veins and the first set of spikes are entirely hidden (no corresponding dragon vein).

    The issue is more Ninjas + Spear Fighters on top of not being able to keep Azura around to heal the team because SURPRISE, she has to hang back to recruit Takumi (who does actually have the luxury of just deleting an enemy off of the map whenever I want).

    I see no problem here. Silias exists and Corrin is on the map under half.


  9. On 9/11/2019 at 5:59 PM, starburst said:

    For real?! Then I do not know who this enemy is! 😱
    I usually play this map around Chapter 12, thus most (all) enemies are not promoted. Now I need to replay it and identify this guy.

    Wait, from what I read, the Unarmed Knight just stands there, unarmed and incapable of attacking you, right? For there might be a Knight with, say, a Javelin and an Axe, but then he would not be "unarmed" but only "wrongly equipped" (he would always be able to attack you with a pole arm.)

    Yeah there's a knight in the lower left with only an axe if you do the map before ch17.

  10. 33 minutes ago, starburst said:

    And I honestly cannot think of a situation where the enemies suddenly "flock" my party.


      Reveal hidden contents

    One probably faces more than ten enemies if one advances through the south-east section of Chapter 17, but they are always visible and the passage is one-tile wide; thus, it is not that the enemies can advance and target any unit that one did not deliberately put in their range.

    In Chapter 18, the Sorcerers and Heroes in the top room are menacing, and there are reinforcements after certain movements, but the unit that baits the Sorcerers is in range of only one physical attack. The rest of the party is able to deal with the remaining enemies and can block the stairs so that less or no reinforcements appear. The enemy pairs inside Zola's room might require a Freeze charge, but nothing weird. In the meantime, at least one unit is in the top-right corner, opening the chest.

    In my experience, Chapter 19 demands more Enemy Phases than all other maps, but even then, crossing the bridge is easier on Player Phase than trying to tank enemies with Pass. And I do not "cheese" it by only fielding a Wary Fighter General or Wyvern Lord Camilla / Xander holding a Beast Killer; all ten units are deployed and march as a pack.

    Chapter 20 is either fast and straightforward or very tricky, depending on how many chests one wants. But most flying enemies will suicide against the Hunter's Knife or will move within your range before your units are inside theirs; every Spear Master can be one-rounded; Magicians are frail... If anything, the mixed groups of Great Masters plus Magicians, or Magicians plus Spear Master are the ones which cause me more troubles. Yet, the wind mechanics offers so many variables that it is not easy to tell if the toughest situations are a design or only a product of wrong moves.

    CH 24

  11. 6 hours ago, Nesugosu said:

    Hiya! Crazy builder person here, having a hard time to make something USEFUL out of Reina. I was thinking about giving her Quixotic (mine is blind) and also Rend Haven of course, but should I turn her into Basara from the start? Can a few Ninja Master levels fix her skill? What class is the best for her to end? If someone can lend me some good build for the creepy lady I will be very grateful...

    Kinshi and more kinshi.

    She's low key OP in BR.

    I don't think she misses any relevant kills with meal + tonic.

  12. 1 hour ago, deskita said:

    I'm surprised that the Venge weapons haven't been mentioned considering their high mt and accuracy with the only debuff being reduced evasion which is fine as it just leaves less up to chance. But I do admit they do come rather late and have high weapon rank requirements but they're definitely good for when they're available.

    1-1 EP weapon's in birthroute are not really noteworthy.

  13. 7 minutes ago, wissenschaft said:

    oops. I completely forgot Braves still double vs wary fighters. Thats a good point. Would have helped to remember that for ch 26.......

    Aura stacking/dual strike is also a thing so just... swapping weapons via makes braves EP pretty not-an-issue.

  14. 16 minutes ago, wissenschaft said:

    I think the brave weapons are pretty terrible in fates. For the most part, they are completely not needed since you should be able to ORKO without them any. There are enough ways to boost your str even for characters with shaky str growths like Kaze and Selena. Unlike other FE games, braves neuter your enemy phase. And that sucks a lot. They can be nice to have on a wary fighter tank and sometimes brave weapons can be useful if you double so you get 4 attacks. Sometimes they can make a difference. But the other big fault is how long it takes to raise weapon ranks. Most of my characters don't reach A rank to use braves.

    Hitting 4 times with a skillset that adds up to +34 damage per hit makes braves hilarious for killing the unholy shit out of certain things with 0 interaction or chance of failure.

    Like stage 28 tacomeat, wary fighters, or just anything you don't want to get a hit in at all.

    They're useful.

    The default example is brave axe, fullbuff,  +12, 3 statue, Be Camilia vs stage 28 taco holding Be Mu. Click, boom, dead.

  15. 54 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    What I mean is, how would we compare a weapon that has good 1-2 range to a weapon with a devastating player phase like a brave weapon or strong bows?

    We don't? Apples are apples, snozzberries are snozzberries, and of we have the rank for braves we have the rank for EP stuff of the same type.

  16. 39 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    ...Maybe we can bring things back on topic now that it's cooled down?

    First off, how would you guys compare the value of enemy-phase weapons versus player phase weapons?

    Excluding braves...  aren't they the same thing?

    I guess bows and the hand axe are sorta situational on EP with the caveat that the situation comes up constantly.

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