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Everything posted by Charpig

  1. Linde: Hi..... Linda: Oh, hey there. Say, is that an Aura tome? Linde: Yeah, it is. Linda: I've always wanted to be able to cast Aura..... Linde: Sorry, only I can use it. Linda: What? That's not true! It says on SF that any female with a B in tomes can use Aura! Linde: But, you don't have a B in tomes..... Linda: Oh, pish! I'm going to go train until I do! Mia, I forgot to tell you that Golden Sun Mia doesn't use swords, so you'll have to find someone else to be your rival. What about Isaac or Garet?
  2. If only this was for real..... Anyway, you get Ashera's ridiculously high resistance. *inserts the Falchion*
  3. You get a BTW, what game is that Saucer thing from? *inserts a copy of Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword*
  4. Back on topic, I would rather be the best at wielding the sword. Who needs a pen when you have the Internet? Would you rather have Golden Sun characters in Fire Emblem or Fire Emblem characters in Golden Sun?
  5. Midir: Well, I.....I started the long tradition of bow knights being full of suck, like Astrid. Of course, Lester is an exception to that rule.....But I started an archetype, so THERE! I'm not so suck now! Mist, why can't you fight with magic tomes, like all the other Valkyries?
  6. A negative reaction occurs.....The vending machine turns into Fomortiis! *Throws the Saucer at Fomortiis*
  7. Sety: *tries to fix the dimension fluxes, but then a Psynergy Vortex appears* Sety: Uh-oh! No! My Holsety tome was sucked into the Psynergy Vortex! *Another dimension flux occurs, Golden Sun characters come out of it* Mia, say hi to Golden Sun Mia.....How are you two getting along?
  8. L'Arachel: Why, L'Arachel, the divine princess of Rausten is better! I'm not a bad prepromote, and I'm not a green haired hussy! Cecilia: I'm better, because I don't refer to myself in the third person. I'm not nearly as annoying as L'Arachel, either. L'Arachel: He wasn't asking you! We need an outside observer to settle this.....And I pick you,Gatrie. Who do you think is better between L'Arachel and Cecilia?
  9. Anna: I play the role of Jake's tormentor. I try to get him to settle down with me. And, I'm not Mila. If I were a Goddess, I would not just sit idly by and let war mongering humans do as they please! To any fire mage, have you ever tried roasting a Moogle? I hear they taste like marshmallows.
  10. Tinny: I'd like to,but.....I don't have my healing staff. You didn't do anything with it,did you? Okay, Kieran, try using Heal on Zak..... *sees Kieran fainted* Oh, that didn't work too well. I guess Kieran should just stick to being an Axe Knight. Serra, maybe you can heal Zak?
  11. Be buried at the beach, at least I know what I'm getting in that case. Would you rather go on a date with Rukia Kuchiki or Orihime Inoue?
  12. I would be a General, specifically a good one like Oswin or Gatrie.
  13. Tinny: I don't quite know myself. He seemed a lot nicer when he wasn't trying to saw me in half.....If I could have the nice Zak back, I would fall in love with him all over again. Oh, and I didn't like Sety. Kieran, I tried to get some Final Fantasy spells but I couldn't. So, you're going to have to settle for learning Dragon Quest spells instead. Is that okay with you?
  14. Gheb: Dragon Quest VI. Doesn't Carver look a lot like me? Kieran, do you want to learn black magic first or white magic?
  15. You get Ganon yelling "No! Not Falaflame! IT BURRRRRRNS!!!!!" *Inserts Luna*
  16. You got Robust Lingerie. *Inserts Sety's Lightning tome*
  17. Tinny: Hell no! Get away from me, you creep! ELTHUNDER! Kieran, it's nice that you're reaching 9999 HP but you still have to train for the other stats as well.....Are you ready to learn some magic?
  18. I'd rather have the sun stop giving light, at least we would have other stars and candlelights to give light. If the sun quit giving heat we would all die because the earth would freeze over. Would you rather have a Fire Emblem that has Dragon Quest art style or the Tales series art style?
  19. Tinny: Whoa, that's a lot, don't you think? Maybe you shouldn't use that sword so much.....It goes against my better judgement,but I won an Assassin Blade with my Lucky Medal. Take it instead. Oswin, why aren't you in Fire Emblem 6? Lord Hector died in battle because YOU weren't there!
  20. That's what makes Ike so badass. And remember, Ike was given Lord status during the Mad King's War. Maybe authority could refer more to a commander's tactical skill, not just his rank in a nation.
  21. Sety: *busy drinking blood* Huh? Oh, that's not me! Black Knight, what do you think of the Dawn Brigade?
  22. Arthur: I don't think so, I'm trying to have some kids of my own for Generation 3.... To any Dawn Brigade character (other than Micaiah or Sothe) what do you think of the Black Knight?
  23. Tinny: Why don't YOU give birth and then we'll talk. Levin: You actually have twins! One's a boy, the other's a girl.....Hey,where's the girl? Tinny: Hey, didn't you bring Sety with you? Where is he? Levin: .....Uh-oh. Tinny: Sety! GIRL STEALER!!!!! Est, if you were forced to dress up as a maid or in a bunny suit, which one would you pick?
  24. Sety: How should I know? Wait, did you say that Tinny is in labor? Holy Holsety! Yeah, okay, I'll find him..... Levin: *reading an issue of Lustful Lali-Ho* Sety: Father! Tinny is in labor! Levin: Huh?! Well, we better go help her! Sety: Uh.....We? Levin: Yes! All the time you've spent Girl Stealing.....You better learn to do some good around here. Now, let us go..... Athos, what do you think of the saying "People die if they are killed"?
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