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Everything posted by Charpig

  1. Despite Ike fighting for the Laguz Alliance, he faces Nailah and Kurthnaga as enemies at the end of Part 3. Micaiah's team never has to face any laguz royals while they are under the control of the player, even though they are the ones fighting against the Laguz Alliance.
  2. Lana: He's kind, but I do wish he wouldn't be so reckless in battle. I have to heal him a lot. Tormod, do you think you could handle the might of X-Zone? (That's why I asked you about it earlier.)
  3. Now, all your base are belong to the vending machine. You have no chance to survive, so make your time. *Inserts the coin that Naesala had in PoR*
  4. You get Happy Feet. *Sets the vending machine up the bomb*
  5. Sety: NO! Holsety isn't meant to be trifled with! The dark version will consume your very soul if you cast it! Tormod, which name do you think sounds cooler: Merton or X-Zone?
  6. Sedgar: I just gained a level.....Holy moley! Hey, Wolf, I got a perfect level up! Wolf: So did I! Vyland: Damn it, I got a blank level up! Roshea: I only gained HP..... Hardin: Wolf and Sedgar.....Are those.....steroids? Wolf: Absolutely not, Lord Hardin! Hardin: Hand them here, Wolf. I command you. (Hardin takes the Steroids) Hardin: I feel.....INVINCIBLE! But that Marth.....He's really pissing me off! I can't believe Nyna chose HIM for the Emblem! Grrrrrr! Now, we know that Roid Rage is behind Hardin's change of heart from FE 11 to FE 12. Leonardo, have you ever shot anyone in the butt, like Gordin did in the anime?
  7. My dreams about Fire Emblem are usually nightmares, like Great Knights and Fire Dragons chasing me down. I also once dreamt of a Fire Emblem that was very similar to Final Fantasy II, in which units increase their stats based on their battle tactics. For example, if a unit is exposed to a lot of magic attacks, he has a better chance of getting Res next level up, or if he is consistently facing enemies with higher AS, he has a better chance of getting Spd next level up. Conversely, if the unit just fights a bunch of weak enemies his stats have a lower chance of increasing next level up..... About the "remaining enemies get stronger as their buddies die" mechanic, there could be another mechanic to help the player. In Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume, there is an option to make one of your characters 10x stronger for one battle, but they die at the end of the map. Fire Emblem could implement something like this if the player were having trouble with the overpowered enemies. It would be like Shadow Dragon (where you sacrifice people to get sidequests) but this time around, sacrifices could do something useful and there would be a point to it, storyline wise.
  8. Sety: My good sir, I don't cast spells with these books, these books cast their spells on me! Hey, this page has Tinny on it! Holy Holsety! Binks, do you wish you got as much attention as Gheb?
  9. You get a Reaper Card. *Inserts Vika's legs*
  10. Yeah, I noticed that too. My only guess is oversight on the part of the developers. Also, the Black Knight became a lot less villainous in between PoR and RD. I found it weird that his armor lost his blessing, but it is never explained why. Also, the BK shows up to help Micaiah in 3-6 and 3-7 but afterwards, he is nowhere to be seen in her army. Micaiah and Sothe have zero reaction to this. Wouldn't you be worried if some super powerful guy left your army for no reason?
  11. Marth: I don't know, I've never had to buy a house. Palla, Catria, and Est, why do all three of you have different hair colors? You're sisters, right?
  12. Prf - 6 Lance- 12 Axe- 15 Bow- 12 Ballista- 2 Claw- 10 Fang- 10 Beak- 10 Talon- 10 Breath- 10 Fire- 10 Wind- 8 Dark- 15 Staves- 14
  13. You get Lekain. *Inserts the Assassin Blade*
  14. Sety: You can't buy Ninja Sutra! You can only find them! Edge: Hey, you there! Gimme back my Ninja Sutra! Sety: Oh......Gotta go! Tinny: Zak, why you.....! Well, if this is what you want..... (There is now a Ninja Sutra with a picture of naked Tinny on it.) Marth, aren't you glad that the people of Archanea have family values? There's no incest, no Ninja Sutras.....and no Girl Stealers.
  15. Since we're on the topic of skills, I found it weird that very few bosses actually had any. PoR had quite a few bosses with skills, but in RD we have Laverton with Cancel and Ludveck with Vantage and.....outside of the third tier bosses, that's it. And of course I'm not counting innate skills like Shove and Canto. Although your enemies do have the Shove skill they never make use of it.
  16. Prf - 6 Lance- 12 Axe- 15 Bow- 12 Ballista- 6 Claw- 10 Fang- 10 Beak- 10 Talon- 10 Breath- 10 Fire- 10 Wind- 10 Dark- 15 Staves- 12
  17. Sety: Since I have lost to you before, I am improving my magic skills. (Sety is reading a book, Levin comes along.) Levin: Sety, what is that book you're reading? Sety: It's an Elfire tome. I figure I should study magics other than wind magic. Levin: But,that doesn't look like a.....Hold on a minute. This is a Lustful Lali-Ho! Sety: H-How did you know?! Levin: I had a stash of these myself, back in the day! Now,give it here! Sety: No! It's mine! Kieran, how is running into that brick wall doing for you? Did you reach 9999 HP yet?
  18. Maybe it's because with the 110% Def General you have a chance, even if it is a slight one, of getting +2 Def on a level up. Anyway, when I used Wolf and Sedgar I actually did make Wolf the General and Sedgar the Hero. I honestly don't think it matters which one you make which class, their growths are so superb they will turn out fine anyway.
  19. You got an Assassin Blade! It lets out a howl! Mortal Danger! Vendakete's spirit has been drained! Now, the Vendakete is a normal vending machine again. *inserts the Nyan Cat*
  20. Sety: Didn't I quit becoming a Grl Stealer a while ago? Of course I'll quit trying to steal her! Rhys, how do you pronounce your name?
  21. Levin: As long as the Grl Stealerz do not trouble her, she'll be due next week. By the way, did you already decide a name for your child? Marth, if you could reclass what would you reclass into?
  22. I would say no, Dark Mages are not worth it. You're better off with people who are already mages, like Merric. In general, it's a bad idea to switch a physical fighter to a magic user. This is because they usually won't have enough Mag to deal good damage with magic. Of course, most enemies have 0 Res, but still..... The only purpose to reclassing to a magic unit is if you want to try and gain some Res for your units, since the vast majority of units have 0% Res growth in their default classes.
  23. The first one, it's pretty easy to entertain people with nut shots and fart jokes. For the rest of your life, would you rather never play a Fire Emblem game again or play only Fire Emblem games?
  24. Hugh: I didn't realize how overpowered Jugdral characters were.....And I was at a weapon triangle disadvantage. I'm used to the Elibe magic triangle. Please, please don't tell my grandma that I got beaten by a girl..... Niime: What was that? Did the young whippersnapper lose to a girl? Hugh: Agggghhhh! It wasn't like that! I was way more skilled than her! She just got a lucky critical on me...... Kieran, I think you would make a great Final Fantasy II character since in that game, you have to beat yourself up to gain HP. Your thoughts?
  25. You get Bartre saying "Whoaaaaa! My head hurts!" *Inserts the Gamecube controller*
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