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Everything posted by Charpig

  1. MU: Gimme a break! I didn't want people saying I was a dumb blonde! Ike, if you were forced to become a magic user what school of magic would you study?
  2. Be happy with life but be poor. Would you rather have an anime series be based on the Tellius series or the Elibe series?
  3. Overrated: Seisen no Keifu Underrated: Shadow Dragon
  4. Pelleas starts as a second tier unit but doesn't take part in the fighting in Part 1. Izuka is a third tier unit, also doesn't take part in the fighting. Many of the characters have growth rates that do not suit their classes. Ike has the potential to be killed in one shot by a Thunder Sage in 3-1, this is true of many other units as well. This is strange considering that Thunder Magic is both the weakest magic and the least accurate. In PoR, Thunder Magic still had bad accuracy but at least it had the highest attack power to make up for it. Additionally, only one character can use Rexbolt in this game, whereas the other SS level tomes can be used by at least two units. Zelgius beat the crap out of Skrimir with an Iron Sword. This same Zelgius was willing to be executed by Valtome even though he could have easily soloed Valtome's whole army. Meg is one of the weaker units initially in terms of Strength, yet she is still able to lift a cow. Makes me wonder what the other units could lift?
  5. Tinny: You idiot, I was referring to YOU! Because you're holding the controller, that makes you the commander of the army! To any pirate character, are you gonna go see that new Pirates of the Caribbean movie?
  6. That would mean fire tomes are instant death for every unit since they would all be made of paper. And swords and axes would give.....paper cuts! Can you imagine Marth moving like Paper Mario? On a more serious note, I have no doubt that they will eventually release a Fire Emblem for 3DS. Whether it's New Mystery or something else is impossible to say at this point, though.
  7. It's not possible and it shouldn't happen. DS and 3DS have much greater capabilities than iPhone/iPad for Fire Emblem. What if a phone call interrupted your beatdown on a boss? I for one would hate that.....
  8. Utter Chaos, but both of them are equally bad news. Never be able to use magic units or only able to use magic units? (Back to Fire Emblem, of course)
  9. Prf - 6 Sword- 2 Lance- 12 Axe- 15 Bow- 12 Dagger- 0 Ballista- 10 Claw- 10 Fang- 10 Beak- 10 Talon- 10 Breath- 10 Fire- 10 Wind- 10 Dark- 15 Staves- 10 A Dagger broke!
  10. Yes, those classes seem to be the best for them. In fact, almost anyone can do very well as a General if you don't care about turncounts.
  11. Hugh: I bet you're not paid as much as me. Roy paid me 10000 gold to join his army! Tinny: I'm married to the commander of my army, so I get a lot more. Hugh: Humph. I guess you CAN move up in the world by sleeping with the right people. Tinny: Hey! Do I need to show you the power of my Elthunder? Hugh: Stupid girl! I'll show you the power of my Elfire! To any mage, have you ever thought of learning some spells from Final Fantasy? They might be a lot more useful than the stuff you have now.
  12. Marisa:..... Gatrie: Whoa, she has purple hair, like Mia! But if I get too close, she might start swinging that sword..... Sain: Hello, fair maiden! Marisa: Do you want to fight me? Sain: No, no! I merely wish to exchange words with this vision of loveliness! Marisa: I.....I don't do words. If you have no wish to fight me, then begone. Sain: Very well, beautiful Marisa. But, your knight Sain shall return! (Sain leaves.) Marisa: What a weirdo. Hey, BK, can you breathe really heavy like Darth Vader? Because I always imagine you doing that.
  13. Manfloy: Why should she be? Children take after their parents, not their grandparents. Remember that I didn't want her parents being together, so I killed them. Mwa ha ha ha ha ha! Jake, do you approve of Anna being a Falcoknight?
  14. Sety: I'm not a Grl Stealer anymore, so I've lost my edge.....Thanks a lot! Anna, if you were a playable character what class would you be?
  15. Despite being a remake of an NES game, Shadow Dragon had some really good quotes. It makes me wonder what the script would have been like if Fire Emblem had been released on the NES and been as badly translated as Final Fantasy IV (SNES), Zero Wing, or the NES Metal Gear. Jiol: Pegasus knights!? How am I supposed to stop the Lea- those REBELS with a handful of...of winged ponies? Gomer: The gall of ye, defying me crew! I'll put an axe square between yer eyes! You won't be leavin' here alive. I swear it on the rickety peg leg o' Shanty Pete! Darros: Make me yer matey, and I swear t'pull me load. Now for a serious quote..... Marth: I am a prince before I am a son or a brother.
  16. Tinny: Maybe we could dress her up in cute outfits, like a bunny or a maid...... Medeus, how do YOU feel about Nintendo not releasing New Mystery for North America?
  17. Tinny: I think we should.....Oh no! The ten minutes are up! Celice is back! Celice: Hey! You gave me a C. Tinny, you son of a-- (Sigurd's ghost appears) Sigurd: Celice, I have heard that you have joined the Girl Stealers. I am not pleased with you. Celice: Fa-Father? Sigurd: Celice, there are better paths in life for you to walk. Now, return the C. Tinny. Celice: All right, Father. Well, I guess that's what it took to get Celice out of the Grl Stealerz. Marth, how do you feel about the news that New Mystery may not be released in North America?
  18. Kieran: It is not my axe, but my shiny red armor that makes me badass! Look upon me and TRE-- Titania: Geez, Kieran, do you ever shut up? We're in the middle of a battle here! To any of the Green Cavaliers, is it easy being green? (Also, would any of you care to shut Kieran up?)
  19. My top five, in no particular order Seth x Eirika Hector x Lyn (especially the scene where they hug) Ewan x Amelia Julian x Lena Marth x Caeda If I were on crack, I might make these pairings: Ike x Micaiah Marth x Minerva Soren x Mia
  20. Lester: Uh.....I think it sucks. I miss my bow and my horse. Tinny, now that your hubby is thinking about sawing you in half and giving the bottom half to Aless, are you going to leave him now?
  21. Tinny:..... (I think someone used a Silence staff on her.) To any fire mage, can you toast toast?
  22. I would want to be stuck with Meg. Maybe she's not the best unit, but as a person she seems pleasant enough. Being strong enough to lift a cow might come in handy. Plus, if worse came to worse and we had to run from a bear, I know I could outrun her. I would not want to be stuck with any of the laguz characters. If we ran out of food, I might become their next meal. And even if laguz don't eat humans, I wouldn't want to be around when they get pissed off. They just might transform and claw the crap out of me.
  23. Linda: Okay, whatever..... (takes off shoes) Sety: *gets as hard as a cinderblock* Hawk: Damn, what is with that guy? Sety: H-Holy Holsety, look at those feet! I gotta do something.....in private..... Marth, could this be considered your most embarassing moment?
  24. Tinny: It's fine.....At least you won't be off trying to steal the girls, like Sety. Ike, did you enjoy Caramelldansen with Marth? And don't try to deny it happened, I have the video address directly below:
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