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Everything posted by Charpig

  1. Micaiah:So,you can use.....dark magic? Sophia:Yes...... Ilyana:I.....I've never met a dark magic user before.....Ooo.....So hungry...... Micaiah:You're welcome to come with us,Sophia. Sophia:Um......Thank you.....Wait.....What are you doing with my..... Micaiah:Ilyana! Why are you eating that dark magic tome? Ilyana:Oh,I'm so sorry...... Sophia:Roy.....Where are you.....? Don't leave me with these people..... Wolf, what would you think of meeting Wolf O'Donnell (from Starfox)?
  2. Zelgius:.....I concede to you, General Ike. Ike: Have you forgotten our terms, Zelgius? No draws. No one escapes. No surrender. Sanaki: Ike, that's enough! Zelgius, you shall certainly stand trial for high treason. Zelgius: I shall accept my punishment, milady. Sanaki: Your punishment shall be to fight with us against the Goddess. Ike: What!? Zelgius: ...... Sanaki: I trust you two boys can get along until we've resolved this situation? Zelgius: Of course, Empress Sanaki. What say you, Ike? Ike: .....I don't like it. I'd rather fight alone than fight alongside my father's murderer. Micaiah: General Ike, please listen. During the liberation of Daein, Zelgius saved my life. He is a good man. During the battle, I could tell that his soldiers did not mean to harm us. Ike: Micaiah, you're crazy. Micaiah: I used to be your enemy as well, General Ike. Yet you trust me now. Tibarn: Humph. Well, Zelgius, you still owe me a sparring match. Zelgius: Yes, of course, Hawk King. When Ashera is defeated, we shall finish our duel. Yune: Wonderful! Let us proceed, shall we? What if the Annoying Orange that Ilyana ate continued to live on inside of her (so when Ilyana talks, she talks like the Annoying Orange)?
  3. Priscilla: Jugdral? What is that? Raven: It's a place where we can.....be together. I've gotten a mercenary assignment over there. I'd like you to come with me. Priscilla: Of course, my lord brother. My deepest desire has been fulfilled at last..... Erk, has anyone told you that your name rhymes with jerk? (Serra thinks you are one, by the way.)
  4. ...figure out a way to stop King Barney's sudden invasion. Sothe wondered if Baby Bop would also show up. He thought that maybe,just maybe,the people at the Lycian Feast would help him. Sothe sped off towards Lycia. Meanwhile,Meg and Fiona were tanking against Barney's horde. Fiona's Imbue Skill helped to keep her alive, while Meg had been given the skill Vantage, so she could often attack enemies before they could harm her. King Barney realized that he needed more troops to break through Meg and Fiona. So he began to sing a hypnotic song that would entrance all those below a certain level of power, much like when Ashera turned people to stone in Fire Emblem:Radiant Dawn. The song started like this "I love you, you love me, we're one happy family....."
  5. I have never clock abused or played Wi Fi, but I have RNG abused to get good level ups (in all Fire Emblems, not just this one). I have used AR codes but never to play against other human players. I personally do not consider RNG abusing to be cheating. I only consider using a cheating device to be cheating.
  6. Rolf was kinda pissed at Sain for killing Micaiah, the only girl aside from Mist that he had ever loved. But Rolf and Sain fit in very well with Marth's group in the bodies of Abel and Frey. (Although Frey was really hitting on Norne, Lena, Athena, Minerva, Linde, and even Caeda.) Rolf soon forgot about his obsession with Micaiah, and he and Sain led Marth's army to many victories in battle. Meanwhile, with the death of Micaiah, Sothe had been crowned the new king. Sothe had no prior ruling experience, and he was very uncomfortable. But the rest of the Dawn Brigade was assisting him. Leonardo was head of the archer division, Edward was head of the swordfighters, Nolan was head of the axefighters, Aran was head of the lancefighters, and Laura was in charge of the healers/magic users. Sothe was not seeking a bride, he couldn't possibly move on after Micaiah. But what he was seeking.....was world domination. He wanted to make sure that never again would there be oppressive rulers.....
  7. Levin: Do you mean Sety? Bah, Grl Stealing is not befitting of a descendant of Holsety. Sety: Uh, Dad, I heard that you were quite the Grl Stealer in your day. Levin: Hm? I just realized I had to be somewhere..... (Levin runs off) Sety: You know, I've also heard that the Crusaders were Grl Stealerz.....But the citizens of Jugdral do not dare to speak of it. Raven, what do you think of having Erk as your brother in law?
  8. The training began without delay. Rolf found it even more difficult than marksmanship with Shinon. "If you truly love Maiden Micaiah, you must proclaim your love to her!" said Sain. "But I....."said Rolf. "What is it,Rolfie boy?" asked Sain. "She.....She's actually married to Sothe." said Rolf. "What?! You scoundrel! Hitting on a married woman!" bellowed Sain. "Yes, but I heard that Sothe tried to kill her with a knife bow." said Rolf. "Oh.....Then, we must expose Sothe for the rogue that he is! Let us ride to Maiden Micaiah's Palace!" exclaimed Sain. Sain pulled Rolf onto his horse, and the two went to Micaiah's Palace. As soon as Sain laid eyes on Micaiah, he acted as only he could.....
  9. AO:Hey, Ike! Ike:Yes? AO:You have blue hair. You look like you could be a blue berry! Ike:But I'm not a blue berry. AO:But you look like one to me! Ike:Are you coming with me or what? AO:Of course. Hey, Ike! Ike:What is it? AO:You fight for your friends,right? Ike:Yes. AO:I'm your friend,right? Ike:.....Oh,have you met Ilyana? AO:Ilyana? Ilyana:I.....I'm so hungry..... AO:Hey,what the......AAAAHHHH!!!! What if Lyn had refused to come with Eliwood and Hector, instead staying with her grandfather?
  10. But since Sain was a Paladin and riding on a horse, only the horse's legs were tired. Sain jumped down from the horse and caught Rolf. "Now I shall teach you how to act like a proper gentleman!" exclaimed Sain. "Oscar, Boyd, please help me!" screamed Rolf.
  11. Tanith: No, I have a sword instead. Sigrun (or any other Pegasus/Falco Knight), have you ever tried to DO A BARREL ROLL while on your Pegasus?
  12. If you can't get your hands on a GBA Fire Emblem, then it's best to start with Shadow Dragon, which shouldn't be terribly difficult to obtain. After all, it is a remake of the very first Fire Emblem, if you like old school you're in luck. I would not recommend making Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn your first Fire Emblem, those games are considerably more difficult than the handheld ones (unless you are playing H3-H5 on Shadow Dragon). I haven't played any of the Japanese Fire Emblems, so I can't give you an opinion on those. But Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are good, I would highly recommend you play them eventually.
  13. In Chapter 1-4 you could choose to deploy only Micaiah,Sothe,Edward,Leonardo,and Nolan and have everyone else sit out. And technically Laura and Aran do become members of the Dawn Brigade. Titania and Oscar should also get a movement penalty in 3-13 when they arrive as reinforcements (and Mist if she has been promoted to Valkyrie).
  14. Sirius: What?! Are you serious?! Ephraim, what's the lesser of two evils: Being married to L'Arachel or marrying Tana and having Innes as your brother in law?
  15. Best: Fort, you get good Def and Avoid bonuses, you get to regenerate HP, and you might even prevent enemy reinforcements from appearing by waiting on them. Worst: Water, particularly in FE7's Night of Farewells.
  16. I think if you restart a chapter, the game moves to a different place in the RNG string. I've had Lyn get different level ups in the prologue. But if you have your file suspended in the middle of a battle and resume it, the same result will occur every time (i.e. if one of your units dies). The developers did this on purpose to prevent people from simply turning off the game if a unit died and resuming in the hopes of making an enemy miss. They also wanted you to regret any foolish decision that would have led to a unit's demise. I have never played with savestates or emulators, but it seems from what you say that savestates don't affect the RNG strings. With the method of wasting RNs you can only tell if an RN is above 50 or lower than 50, there is no way to determine the exact value of it if you are not hacking. But the game only moves to the next RN in the string if you confirm a command (like Wait, Attack, and so on). If you simply waste RNs without confirming a command, then when you shut off your game and resume, the game will go back to its original position in the RN string. However, in Radiant Dawn, when you reset your game from a battle save, different RNs are generated. This is why it is possible to RNG abuse in that game. Some people have suspected that the Wii's internal clock plays a role in what RNs are generated, and for Shadow Dragon, it was proven that the DS's internal clock plays a role in what RNs are generated. This has led to "clock abuse." There are some excellent FAQs that explain how the RNG for FE7 and FE8 (particularly FE8) work. I would look up GameFAQs, they explain how to waste RNs. Or you can find AR/Codebreaker codes to manipulate the RNG, this can be done even if you're playing on a traditional cartridge.
  17. Eirika: I am not going to do anything about it. But Ephraim and Seth,on the other hand.....I think it's Forde being naughty in his paintings, and inspiring other people to be naughty. Forde, how do you respond to Eirika's accusation?
  18. Don't know if this has already been mentioned, but if Lucia manages to promote to Trueblade in 2-2, her hair will be shortened despite the fact that it hasn't happened in the story yet.
  19. Norne: Well, I ain't no fancy girl, that's for sure. If I am the Corn Queen, then that means my children will be the Children of the Corn. Mia, how would you react if someone cut your hair like what happened to Lucia?
  20. Most of my FE dreams are actually nightmares of my units getting beaten up by overpowered enemies, and of very weird situations happening, usually NOT in my favor. Another dream I had involved Fire Dragons (from FE7) coming out of Fog of War. I was envisioning the actual gameplay footage, not real life or anything like that. A Mage cast Fimbulvetr on Matthew, and it froze him solid so that he couldn't move (think of being frozen in Pokemon). Then,some weird flying machine comes out of nowhere and attacks Lyn. But instead of it going to Fire Emblem animation, it goes to a battle scene from Final Fantasy VI, but Lyn is the only character in my party. Also, the normal battle music from Final Fantasy VI is playing. The flying machine is actually the Guardian,and it starts beating the crap out of Lyn. I hold down the L and R buttons to make Lyn run away, and I'm yelling "Run, Lyn! Run!!!!!" Fortunately, Lyn manages to get away before she is killed, and that is where the dream ends.
  21. Ilyana: I.....I don't know what you're talking about.....So hungry..... Gatrie: My dearest Ilyana, I won't let you waste away! Let me treat you tonight! Ilyana: Oh! Gatrie! Of course! Let's go! Gatrie, you do realize that Ilyana only shows interest in you because you're feeding her, right? As soon as the food runs out, so will her love for you.
  22. Shinon had failed to take into account Micaiah's love of green haired boys. Rolf came after Shinon, and the two of them were dueling from 2 spaces away with their bows. Shinon:Rolf! Haven't I taught you everything you know? Rolf:Uncle Shinon,I'm sorry. But Micaiah is innocent. I am not going to kill her. I am going to protect her! Shinon:You're a blasted fool,Rolf! You're under her silver-haired spell! Rolf:Shut up! Rolf landed a critical on Shinon,killing him. Shinon:Co-Commander Greil.....Ikey boy.....I'll join you at last..... Just then,Rolf was horrified at what he had just done.....Little did he know that a certain other green haired boy was coming after him out of jealousy....
  23. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Now for a REAL fact: Laura has the lowest starting Spd of all the playable characters, but she has an incredibly high Spd growth (70%).
  24. Although Fire Emblem had its first five games on consoles, the first Fire Emblem officially released in North America was for a handheld system. Since this is a well known fact, I'll give another one here: Roy sounds really angry in Super Smash Bros. Melee but in his actual Fire Emblem he is very kind like his father, Eliwood.
  25. I've also heard that Haar is Hebrew for mountain. If you have the battle animations on and land a critical with your first blow (and it doesn't kill the enemy), the screen remains darkened until the battle is finished. Had it happen to me with Meg. EDIT: The castle defense chapter with Lombroso is 3-5, not 3-8. Sorry to be picky.
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